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1862  -  CLASS  MEPORT  ^  1912 



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i862'-Class  Report— igi2 
Class  of  ^Sixty-Two 
Harvard  University 
Fiftieth  Anniversary 


Henrt  Munroe  Rogers,  Chairman 
89  State  Street,  Boston 

John  Read,  Treasurer 
107  Washington  Street,  Boston 

Charles  Edward  Grinnell,  Secretary 
30  Court  Street,  Boston 

Charles  Pickard  Ware,  Editor 
125  Milk  Street,  Boston 


1862  —  Class  Report — igi2 
Class  of  'Sixty-  Two 
Harvard  University 
Fiftieth  Anniversary 

"June  twentieth  Nineteen  Twelve 


[  W  •  D -O] 


The  Class  of  1862 vii 

i  Graduates S 

Biographies  X 

(Temporary  Members 85 

Birthdays 93 

Marriages 95 

Children 97 

Deaths 101 

The  Class  in  the  War 103 

Addresses 109 

Portraits  of  the  Class Ill 

T^he  Class  of  i8 62 


*  Arthur  Amory 

*  Charles  Carroll  Balch 
Murray  Roberts  Ballou 
Luther  Gustavus  Barrett 

*  W1LLLA.M  Francis  Bartlett 
Ithamar  Warren  Beard»  1870 
James  Vila  Blake 

*  Edward  Carson  Bowman 

*  Charles  Boyden 
Solomon  Hoyt  Brackett 
William  Tufts  Brigham 

*  Joseph  Perrin  Burrage 
Clark  Carter 

William  Hobbs  Chadbourn 

*  Thomas  Lincoln  Chadbournb 

*  George  Edwin  Chapman 

*  James  Gilman  Cole 

*  Charles  Jerome  Coleman 

*  Thomas  Buckminster  Curtis 

*  Ben  Major  Davenport 

*  Albert  Edwin  Davis 

*  John  Richard  Dennett 

*  John  Hoag  Dillingham 

*  Charles  Trowbridge  Dwight 
Albert  William  Edmands 

*  John  Howard  Ellis 

*  Edward  Eli  Ensign 

*  Hercules  Warren  Fay 

*  George  Alfred  Fiske 

*  Samuel  Eaton  Fitz 

viii     CLASS    OF    *  SIXTY-TWO  — H.  U. 

*  George  Albert  Fletcher 

*  Charles  Follen  Folsom 
Shepard  Devereux  Gilbert 
Francis  Webster  Goss 

*  James  Ingersoll  Grafton 
James  Green 

*  Charles  Ezra  Greene 
Charles  Edward  Grinnell 

*  Samuel  Cushman  Haven 

*  Mayo  Williamson  Hazeltine 
William  Hedge 

*  Charles  Edward  Hicklinq 

*  John  Hodges 
Frederick  Lucian  Hosmer 

*  John  Elbridge  Hudson 

*  Frederic  Wolters  Huidekoper 
Henry  Shippen  Huidekoper 
Henry  Upham  Jeffries 
Dermot  Warburton  Keegan 

*  Charles  Parker  Kemp 

*  William  Henry  Ker,  1897 

*  Jerome  Henry  Kidder 

*  Edwin  Augustus  Lecompte 
Edward  Delano  Lindsey 

*  James  Milton  Loring 

*  Henry  Horton  McBurney 

*  Edward  William  McCabe 

*  Edward  Dorr  McCarthy 

*  Herbert  Cowpland  Mason 

*  Henry  Mathes 

*  Benjamin  Crowninshield  Mifflin 
Arthur  Howard  Nichols 

*  Charles  Hume  Noyes 

*  Francis  Gushing  Nye 

*  Arthur  Cortlandt  Pareler 

*  Gilbert  Russell  Payson 

*  Robert  Singleton  Peabody 

*  Charles  Burnham  Porter 
Nathaniel  Appleton  Prentiss 

*  George  Eaton  Priest 


*  Edward  Dorr  Pritchard 

*  Henry  Parker  Quincy 
John  Read 

Arthur  Reed 

*  Joseph  Sampson  Reed 

*  Frederic  William  Rogers 
Henry  Munroe  Rogers 

*  Henry  Ropes 

Charles  Sprague  Sargent 
WiNTHROP  Sargent,  1892 
Edward  Babcock  Sawtell 
Arthur  Sibley 

*  Francis  Skinner 
Charles  Carroll  Soule 
James  Henry  Stearns 
Charles  Brigham  Stoddard 

*  Goodwin  Atkins  Stone 

*  George  Grosvenor  Tarbell 
Benjamin  Holt  Ticknor 
Frederic  William  Tilton 

*  Jabez  Nelson  Trask 

*  John  Harvey  Treat 
Edward  Morton  Tucke 

*  John  Henry  Tucker 
John  Langdon  Ward 
Charles  Pickard  Ware 
William  Tucker  Washburn 
John  Eaton  Whiting 
William  Griggs  Wilson 

♦60+39  =  99 


*  Francis  Barnes 

*  Marcus  Elmer  Bennett 

*  William  Andrews  Browne 

*  Lewis  Tillman  Carter 


*  Augustus  Crocker 

CLASS    OF    *SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Thaddeus  Marshall  Brooks  Cross,  186S 

*  Jeremiah  Curtin,  1863 
Oswald  Herbert  Ernst 

*  Nathaniel  Faxon 

*  Francis  Lowell  Gardner 

*  Henry  Barrett  Going,  1863 

*  Samuel  Shelton  Gould,  1863 
Edgar  Adelbert  Hutchins,  1863 

*  John  Checkley  Keighler 
?  *  McPherson  Kennedy 

*  John  Witherspoon  Labouisse 
Edward  John  Marks 
William  Edward  Marsh 

*  William  Francis  Munroe 

*  Isaac  Howard  Page,  1864 

*  George  Perkins 

*  Charles  Hamilton  Porter 
?  *  Henry  Mason  Taylor 

*  William  James  Temple 

*  Eugene  Henry  Titus 

*  Benjamin  Rodman  Weld 

*  Charles  Bartlett  Wells 

*  John  Winthrop,  1863 



*  ARTHUR  AMORYy  the  second  son  of  James  Sullivan 
and  Mary  Copley  (Greene)  Amory,  was  born  in  Boston, 
February  6,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Epes  S.  Dix well's 
school  in  Boston.  In  the  summer  of  1860  he  visited  Green- 
land with  a  scientific  expedition  from  Williams  College,  a 
trip  full  of  interesting  and  valuable  experience. 

In  September,  1863,  Amory  went  to  New  York  to  engage 
in  the  dry-goods  commission  business,  as  salesman  with 
Messrs.  Slade  and  Colby.  On  the  dissolution  of  this  firm, 
in  1866,  he  became  a  partner  in  the  house  of  Upham,  Tucker 
and  Co.,  a  branch  of  the  old  Boston  house  of  the  same  name, 
established  in  March,  1833,  under  the  name  of  Searle  and 
Upham.  In  June,  1877,  he  returned  to  Boston;  his  firm 
later  became  Dana,  Tucker  and  Co.,  and,  in  January,  1896, 
Amory,  Browne  and  Co.  He  was  at  one  time  president 
of  the  Nashua  Manufacturing  Co.,  the  Jackson  Co.,  and 
the  Indian  Head  Mills,  at  Cordova,  Ala. 

"While  in  New  York,  in  1865,  Amory  was  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  Harvard  Club  of  that  city;  he  also  belonged 
to  the  Thursday  Evening  Whist  Club,  the  Union  Club,  and 
the  New  York  Club.  In  Boston  he  was  a  member  of  the 
Somerset  Club,  the  Wednesday  Evening  Club,  the  Club 
of  Odd  Volumes,  and  the  Eastern  Yacht  Club.  He  was 
Chief  Marshal  of  his  class  at  the  25th  anniversary  in  1887. 

Amory  died  at  his  home,  133  Marlborough  St.,  Boston, 
August  9,  1911. 

He  married,  June  6,  1866,  Elizabeth  Wilcox  IngersoU, 
daughter  of  Charles  IngersoU,  of  Philadelphia.  Mrs. 
Amory  died  March  3,  1905. 


*  Arthub  Amort  (H.  C,  1892),  Dec.  11,  1867;  died  Dec.  20,  1898. 
Ingebsoll  Amort  (H.  C,  1892),  Nov.  28,  1869. 

*  Susan  Amort,  Aug.  2,  1871;  died  July  2,  1910. 

CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Ethel  Amobt,  March  21,  1873. 

*  ScuuvAN  Amobt,  Feb.  22,  1878;  died  May  5,  1881. 

Abthur  Amobt,  Jr.,  married,  June  8,  1898,  Mabel   W.  Sard,  daughter  of 

Grange  Sard,  of  Albany,  N.  Y. 
Susan  Amobt  was  married,  Nov.  21, 1904,  to  Edwin  B.  Bartlett,  eldest  son  of 

William  Francis  Bartlett,  of  the  class  of  1862. 

Child:  Bettt  Amort  Bartlett,  Dec.  5,  1906. 
Ingebsoll  Amobt  is  in  business  in  Boston,  at  10  Post  OflBce  Square. 

*  CHARLES  CARROLL  BALCH,  son  of  William  and 
(Stone)  Balch,  was  born  in  Newburyport,  Mass.,  May 

9,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Brown  High  school. 
His  intention  of  coming  to  college  was  formed  only  a  year 
before  it  was  realized.  Balch  was  drowned  while  bathing 
at  Salisbury  Beach,  Maine,  August  27,  1863. 

MURRAY  ROBERTS  BALLOU,  son  of  Maturin  M. 
and  Mary  A.  A.  (Roberts)  Ballou,  was  bom  in  Boston, 
July  21,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  E.  S.  Dixwell's 
school,  and  with  Rev.  Luther  Farnham  and  Sidney  Willard. 
After  graduation,  he  went  into  business  as  a  broker,  in 
partnership  with  Mifflin.  In  1870  he  became  president  of 
the  Boston  Stock  Exchange,  a  position  he  held  until  his 
retirement  from  business  in  1900. 

Residence,   10  Charles  Street,  Boston. 

Ballou  married,  December  1,  1863,  Lucretia  B.  Howland, 
of  New  Bedford.     Mrs.  Ballou  died  July  27,  1899. 


*  Matxjbin  Howland,  March  12,  1865;  died  May  16,  1898. 
EUSE  MUBBAT,  Oct.  1, 1866. 
Franklin  Buboess,  Jan.  23,  1870. 
Mabel,  Jan.  23,  1870. 

Matubin  H.  Ballot:  (son  of  Murray  R.)  the  "  Class  Baby,"  was  an  electrical 
engineer:  he  installed  the  electric-lighting  plant  in  the  Castle  Square 
Theatre:  he  was  at  one  time  superintendent  of  the  pumping  station  at  the 
Chestnut  Hill  Reservoir:  and  he  built  several  electric  roads,  including  one 
at  Sydney,  N.  S.  W.  "He  died  in  May,  1898,  in  North  Carolina,  leav- 
ing one  son,  Maturin  Murray  Ballou,who  is  now  twenty-three  years  old 
and  six  feet  one  in  hei^t." 

LUTHER  GUSTAVUS  BARRETT,  son  of  Luther 
Gustavus  and  Margaret  (Ridley)  Barrett,  was  born  in 
Watertown,  Mass.,  December  5,  1838.    Part  of  his  early 


years  were  spent  on  his  uncle's  farm  in  Sturbridge,  greatly 
influencing  his  subsequent  life.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
Watertown  High  School.  In  September,  1862,  he  entered 
Newton  Theological  Institution  at  Newton  Centre,  Mass., 
graduating  in  1865.  During  the  last  year  he  spent  some 
three  months  in  the  army  of  the  James,  in  the  service  of  the 
U.  S.  Christian  Commission.  September  17,  1865,  he  was 
ordained  at  Watertown,  Brother  Lecompte  assisting  in  the 
services.  But,  though  a  good  pastorate  and  a  college 
professorship  in  New  Testament  Interpretation  invited, 
broken  health  compelled  rest.  Most  of  that  autumn  was 
passed  in  the  South,  and  a  large  part  of  the  next  year,  1866, 
in  travel  in  Europe.  Health  restored,  in  December,  1867, 
he  accepted  a  pastorate  in  Weston,  Mass.,  and  subsequently 
in  Winchester,  Mass.;  at  Berean  Church,  New  York  City; 
South  Abington  (Whitman),  Mass.,  and  Concord,  N.  H. 
During  the  year  1885-1886  he  was  professor  of  Biblical  Inter- 
pretation and  Classics  in  Shaw  University,  Raleigh,  N.  C. 
Then  followed  pastorates  in  Bristol,  R.  I.;  Lowell  and 
Milford,  Mass.  In  September,  1894,  he  became  president 
of  Jackson  College,  Jackson,  Miss.,  which  office,  after  seven- 
teen years'  strenuous  w^ork  and  successful  administration, 
he  resigned  September  30,  1911.  He  has  returned  to 
Massachusetts,  and  resides  at  6  Sacramento  St.,  Cambridge, 
while  his  son,  Herbert,  finishes  his  last  year  at  the  Harvard 
Law  School;  intending  thereafter,  without  further  public 
responsibility,  to  enjoy  a  quiet  home  in  Melrose,  at  100 
Vinton  St.     His  summer  address  is  Oak  Bluffs,  Mass. 

Barrett  married,  June  9,  1869,  Mary  Annette  Hawkes, 
of  Chelsea;  she  died  March  16,  1877,  in  New  York  City. 


Florence  Hawkes,  March  26,  1870. 

*  George  Ridley,  Feb.  1,  1876;  died  July  21,  1876. 

*  Helen  Jeannette,  Jan.  20,  1877;  died  May  19,  1877. 

Florence  Hawkes  Barrett  was  married.  May  17, 1896,  to  Herbert  Daniel 

Child:  *  Nathan  Barrett  Caset,  May  15,  1903;  died  April  25,  1908. 

Barrett  married  Ella  Maria  Short,  of  Danielsonville, 
Conn.,  Sept.  15,  1885. 

CHILD:  Herbert  Luther,  Dec.  5,  1886;  about  to  graduate  from  the  Harvard 
Law  School. 

6         CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

*  WILLIAM  FRANCIS  BARTLETT,  son  of  Charles 
Leonard  and  Harriett  (Plummer)  Bartlett,  was  born  at 
Haverhill,  Mass.,  June  6,  1840.  His  family  moved  to 
Boston  soon  after  his  birth;  and  he  fitted  for  college  there 
at  the  private  school  of  W.  H.  Brooks.  April  17,  1861,  he 
enlisted  as  private  in  the  Fourth  Battalion  Massachusetts 
Volunteer  Militia,  stationed  at  Fort  Independence,  Boston 
Harbor.  On  the  formation  of  the  Twentieth  Regiment, 
Bartlett  was  commissioned  as  captain,  July  10.  He  was 
at  the  battle  of  Ball's  Bluff,  October  21.  April  24,  1862, 
while  before  Yorktown,  he  received  a  wound  in  the  left 
knee  which  necessitated  the  amputation  of  the  leg.  In 
September,  1862,  he  took  command  of  Fort  Briggs,  Pitts- 
field,  Mass.,  where  the  Forty-ninth  Regiment  was  assembling. 
November  10  he  was  chosen  colonel  of  the  regiment;  on 
the  departure  of  the  regiment  for  New  Orleans  in  January, 
Bartlett  rode  down  Broadway  with  his  crutch  strapped  to 
his  back.  In  the  assault  on  Port  Hudson,  May  27,  1863, 
he  was  again  wounded,  this  time  in  the  left  wrist.  After 
the  mustering-out  of  the  Forty -ninth  (a  nine-months' 
regiment),  Bartlett  raised  the  Fifty-seventh,  which  he  took 
to  Virginia  in  April,  1864.  In  the  battle  of  the  Wilderness, 
May  6,  he  was  again  slightly  wounded.  June  22,  1864,  he 
was  made  a  brigadier-general,  and  in  July  took  command 
of  a  brigade  in  the  Ninth  Corps,  then  before  Petersburg. 
At  the  assault  of  July  30,  after  the  explosion  of  the  mine, 
Bartlett  was  taken  prisoner.  He  was  in  captivity  two 
months;  from  disease  caused  by  the  hardships  of  this  period 
he  never  fully  recovered.  In  June,  1865,  he  returned  to 
active  duty,  taking  command  of  the  First  Division  of  the 
Ninth  Corps;  but  on  July  14  the  division  was  broken  up 
and  his  active  service  was  over.  On  being  mustered  out 
July  16,  1866,  he  received  the  commission  of  major-general 
by  brevet,  to  date  from  March  13,  1865. 

On  returning  to  civil  life,  Bartlett  engaged  at  first  in 
the  manufacture  of  paper  at  Dal  ton,  and  in  the  manufacture 
of  iron  at  the  Pomeroy  Iron  Works  at  West  Stockbridge. 
Later  he  became  president  and  general  manager  of  the 
Powhatan  Iron  Works  at  Richmond,  Va.;  and  for  some 
years  he  spent  his  winters  in  Richmond  and  his  summers 


at  his  home  in  Pittsfield,  until  his  faiHng  health  forbade 
the  change.  He  gave  up  business  and  led  a  very  quiet 
life,  dechning,  in  1875,  both  the  Republican  nomination 
for  governor  and  the  Democratic  nomination  for  lieutenant- 
governor.  His  health  was  constantly  failing;  and  he  died 
at  his  home  in  Pittsfield,  December  17,  1876. 

In  the  years  following  the  war,  as  during  the  four  years 
of  conflict,  Bartlett  strove  for  the  restoration  of  the  Union. 
He  preached  peace,  good- will,  the  rebuilding  of  the  shattered 
fabric  on  the  firm  foundations  of  mutual  respect  and  con- 
fidence and  loyalty  to  the  Republic.  His  was  the  high 
statesmanship  that  looked  forward,  that  recognized  the 
best  qualities  of  men,  even  of  men  who  had  erred,  and 
sought  to  use  them  for  the  restoration  of  order,  the  revival 
of  prosperity,  and  the  solution  of  the  numerous  and  diffi- 
cult problems,  —  political,  social,  and  financial,  —  involved 
in  the  restoration  of  the  Southern  States  to  their  place  in 
the  Union.  At  the  dedication  of  Memorial  Hall,  June  24, 
1874,  he  uttered  these  solemn  words  of  warning:  "Take 
care  lest  you  repel  by  injustice  or  suspicion,  or  even  by 
indifference,  the  returning  love  of  men  who  now  speak  with 
pride  of  that  flag  as  *our  flag.'"  The  next  Spring,  at  the 
centennial  celebration  at  Lexington,  after  renewing  his 
appeal,  and  paying  a  tribute  to  the  good  faith  and  loyalty 
to  the  reunited  country  of  the  leaders  of  the  Southern 
cause,  he  added :  "  These  are  the  men  by  whom  and  through 
whom  you  must  restore  the  South." 

Bartlett  married,  October  14,  1865,  Agnes  Pomeroy, 
daughter  of  Robert  Pomeroy,  of  Pittsfield.  Mrs.  Bartlett 
died  February  16,  1909. 


Agnes,  Sept.  16,  1866. 
Caboltn,  Feb.  17,  1869. 
Edwin  Babtlett,  Nov.  26, 1871. 

*  Robert  Pomeboy,  March  20,  1874;  died  in  March,  1903, 

*  WiLUAM  Francis,  March  20,  1874;  died  in  May,  1906. 
Edith,  Sept.  24,  1876. 

Agnes  Babtuett  married  Henry  A.  Francb,  of  Pittsfield.    They  have  one 

son,  J.  D wight  Francis. 
Carolyn  Bartlett  married  James  H.  Kidd,  of  Tivoli,  N.Y.     They  have  four 

children;  Carolyn  Pomeroy  Kidd,  James  H.  Kidd,  Jr.,  Robert  P.  B.  Kidd, 

Agnes  F.  Kidd. 

8         CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Edwin  B.  Bartuett  married,  Nov.  21,  1904.  Susan  Amoiy,  daughter  of  our 
classmate.  They  had  one  daughter,  Bbttt  Amobt  BABTiiETT,  bom  Dec.  5, 
1906.  Mrs.  Bartlett  died  in  July,  1910.  Mr.  Bartlett  is  in  business  in 

RoBEBT  P.  Babtlett  married,  in  January,  1900,  Ruth  Hart  Robinson.  They 
had  one  daughter,  Agnes  Pouerot  Barti.ett. 

William  F.  Babtlett  married,  in  December.  1903,  Ella  de  Long. 

Edith  Babtlett  lives  in  Fittsfield. 

There  is  a  bust  of  Bartlett  in  Alumni  Hall.  The  bronze 
statue  in  the  Memorial  Hall  in  the  State  House  in  Boston 
was  dedicated  May  27,  1904.  A  memoir,  by  General  F. 
W.  Palfrey,  was  published  in  1878. 

ITHAMAR  WARREN  BEARD,  son  of  Ithamar  War- 
ren and  Mary  Atkins  (Todd)  Beard,  was  born  in  Pittsfield, 
N.  H.,  February  23,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
Cambridge  High  School.  At  the  end  of  the  Junior  year 
he  left  college,  intending  to  enter  the  army,  but  gave  that 
up  on  account  of  his  father's  health.  He  received  his 
degree  in  1870.  He  began  the  study  of  law  in  the  office  of 
J.  S.  and  G.  F.  Richardson,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  October 

17,  1864,  and  in  1866,  after  serving  for  a  year  as  secretary 
of  the  State  Mutual  Fire  Insurance  Company,  he  began  the 
practise  of  law  in  Lowell.  In  November,  1867,  he  was 
elected  Register  of  Deeds  for  the  Middlesex  North  District, 
and  was  re-elected  in  1870. 

In  1866,  Beard  joined  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church, 
and  studied  as  a  candidate  for  the  ministry.  In  September, 
1872,  he  entered  the  senior  class  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal 
Theological  School  in  Cambridge,  graduating  as  B.D.,  June 

18,  1873.  Ordained  deacon,  June  15,  1873.  Called  to  be 
rector  of  St.  James'  Church,  South  Groveland,  July  28, 
1873;  entered  upon  his  duties  in  September,  1873.  Or- 
dained to  the  priesthood  June  21,  1874.  November  1,  1876, 
he  became  rector  of  St.  Thomas'  Church,  Dover,  N.  H. 

In  1899  Beard  gave  up  his  parish  at  Dover,  after  twenty- 
three  years'  service,  and  became  chaplain  of  the  Chapel  of 
the  Good  Shepherd,  on  Blackwell's  Island,  New  York  City. 
He  regards  his  work  at  Dover  as  eminently  successful  in 
every  respect.  In  1882  he  wrote:  "My  life  is  the  quiet 
and  satisfactory  life  of  a  parish  minister.     I  have  done 


nothing  particularly  to  distinguish  myself;  and,  on  the 
other  hand,  I  have  never  been  caught  in  any  especially 
disagreeable  act."  In  December,  1911,  he  writes:  "I  am 
finding  my  last  days  my  best  days.  I  am  very  well  physi- 
cally, and  constantly  busy  about  my  work,  which  I  enjoy 
very  much,  and  am  consequently  very  happy  and  con- 
tented." Four  of  his  children  are  actively  engaged  in 
educational  and  charitable  work.  He  lives  at  244  E.  105th 
St.,  N.  Y. 

Beard  married,  December  18,  1869,  Mary  Foster  of 


Theodora,  March  7,  1871. 
Ithamur  Mansur  (H.  C,  1895),  Nov.  28,  1872. 
Eliza  Warren,  Oct.  28,  1874. 
Mart,  Nov.  14,  1876. 
Alison.  Aug.  29,  1879. 
♦Margaret,  Dec.  31,  1881;  died  July  23,  1889. 

Alison  Beard  was  married,  in  1909,  to  Prof.  Carl  Oscar  Louis  Collin,  of 
Wellesley  College. 

JAMES  VILA  BLAKE,  son  of  Hamlin  and  Elizabeth 
(Dexter)  Blake,  was  bom  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  January  21, 
1842.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Brooklyn  Collegiate 
and  Polytechnic  Institute,  and  entered  the  Sophomore  class 
in  1859.  He  received  a  Boylston  prize  for  elocution,  and  a 
Bowdoin  essay  prize.  On  graduating,  he  served  one  year 
as  a  secretary  in  the  office  of  Governor  Andrew,  and  entered 
the  Harvard  Divinity  School  in  September,  1863;  on  com- 
pleting the  course  there,  he  was  ordained  and  settled  at 
Haverhill,  Mass.,  January  3,  1867.  He  resigned  his  charge 
at  Haverhill,  and  accepted  a  call  from  the  Twenty-eighth 
Congregational  Society  in  Boston,  being  installed  there  in 
December,  1868.  He  resigned  in  November,  1871,  and 
removed  to  New  York,  April,  1872,  to  enter  into  business 
in  his  brother's  firm,  C.  H.  and  F.  D.  Blake;  he  resided  at 
Englewood,  N.  J.  January  1,  1877,  he  left  business  and 
returned  to  the  ministry.  In  September,  1877,  he  was 
settled  in  Quincy,  111.,  with  the  Second  Congregational 
(Unitarian)  Society.  In  1883  he  left  Quincy  and  became 
minister  of  the  Third  Unitarian  Church  of  Chicago.     In 

10       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

1892  he  became  minister  also  of  the  Church  of  All  Souls  in 
Evanston,  111.,  serving  both  churches  until  1897,  when  he 
resigned  from  the  Chicago  church,  retaining  that  at  Evans- 
ton,  which  he  has  now  served  continuously  for  nearly  twenty 
years.  "The  Society  is  small,  thriving,  happy;  and  my 
long  ministry  with  them  has  been  one  of  very  great  happiness 
to  me.  About  seven  years  ago  my  people  built  a  stone 
chapel  notable  in  this  neighborhood  for  its  solid  construc- 
tion and  its  very  beautiful  architecture."  While  minister- 
ing to  the  two  churches,  Blake  was  employed  for  a  time  by 
Morgan  and  Wright,  manufacturers  of  rubber  tires,  as  super- 
intendent of  their  factory.  In  Chicago  he  took  an  active 
part  in  the  work  of  the  Associated  Charities. 
Blake  has  published  books,  as  follows: 

(1880)  Unity  Hymns  and  Chorals,  in  collaboration  with  W.  C.  Gannett  and 
F.  L.  Hosmer;  (1884)  Unity  Festivals,  being  services  for  Easter,  Christmas,  Summer, 
Harvest;  (1886)  Manual  Training  in  Education;  (1887)  Essays;  (1887)  Poems; 
(1888)  Legends  from  Story-Land;  (1890)  A  Grateful  Spirit  and  other  sermons; 
(1891)  Happiness  from  Thoughts  and  other  sermons;  (1891)  St.  Solifer,  with  Other 
Worthies  and  Unworthies;  (1892)  Natural  Religion  in  sermons;  (1892)  Book  of 
Worship,  in  Readings,  Songs,  and  Prayers;  (1893)  More  than  Kin;  (1894)  An  Anchor 
of  the  Soul,  a  Study  of  Faith;  (1894)  Unity  Services  and  Songs,  for  Simday  Schools; 
(1898)  Sonnets;  (1902)  Songs;  (1904)  Discoveries  (a  poetical  work);  (1907)  The 
Months  (a  poetical  work,  partly  in  prose);  (1909)  So  Like  Her  Father,  a  drama; 
(1910)  A  Merry-Go-Round,  a  comedy;  (1911)  The  Lady  Bertha's  Honey-Broth,  a 

He  has  also  written,  but  has  not  yet  printed,  several 
volumes,  both  in  prose  and  verse.  Some  of  his  songs  have 
been  set  to  music. 

Residence,  122  North  Ashland  Boulevard,  Chicago. 

Blake  married,  June  22,  1869,  Abbie  Frances  Hovey, 
of  Haverhill,  Mass. 


Clinton  Fbederick,  May  4,  1871. 

*  Ames  Carleton,  April  29,  1873;  died  Oct.  12, 1874. 
Rachel  Frazieb,  June  8,  1876. 

Ruth  Deertno,  June  8,  1876. 

*  Alice,  July  26,  1880;  died  Sept.  19,  1882. 

Clinton  F.  Blake  married  Vida  Clements,  of  Chicago. 
Children:  Dorothy  Agnes,  July  28,  1900. 
Frances  Anna,  Sept.  6, 1903. 
James  Vila,  Sept.  13,  1907. 
Rachel  F.  Blake  married  Jerome  Hamilton  Mahony. 
Ruth  D.  Blake  married  Frederick  A.  Thomson. 


*  EDWARD  CARSON  BOWMAN  was  born  in  Dade- 
ville,  Ala.,  March  20,  1841.  His  mother,  a  widow,  came  to 
Massachusetts  before  he  was  five  years  old.  In  1851  he 
made  a  voyage  to  San  Francisco  in  the  Flying  Cloud, 
returning  in  1855  by  way  of  Panama.  He  fitted  for  college 
at  the  Chauncy  Hall  school  in  Boston.  Soon  after  gradua- 
tion, he  entered  the  United  States  navy  as  acting  assistant 
paymaster.  In  the  autumn  of  1863  he  saw  service  on  the 
Rio  Grande,  at  the  capture  of  Aransas  Pass  and  Port 
Cavallo;  and  he  was  present  at  the  capture  of  the  forts  at 
Mobile.  In  1864  he  was  on  the  steamer  Virginia.  He 
died  at  New  Orleans,  of  yellow  fever,  October  17,  1864. 

*  CHARLES  BOYDEN,  son  of  Dwight  and  Maria  A. 
(Whiting)  Boyden,  was  born  in  Waltham,  Mass.,  October 
7,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Chauncy  Hall  School 
and  with  Mr.  Joseph  Willard.  After  graduation  he  re- 
mained in  Cambridge  a  few  months  as  a  resident  graduate; 
in  December  he  sailed  for  Europe,  where  he  remained  till 
the  Spring  of  1865.  After  his  return  he  for  a  time  superin- 
tended silver  mines  in  Nevada,  then  travelled  again  in 
Europe.  On  his  return  he  settled  in  Boston,  spending  his 
summers  in  Stockbridge. 

Boyden  died  suddenly  in  the  train,  on  the  way  to  Bev- 
erly with  his  family.  May  24,  1881. 

Boyden  married,  February  25, 1879,  Cora  Crowninshield, 
daughter  of  George  C.  Crowninshield. 


Charles  (H.  C,  1901),  Feb.  19,  1880.    He  married,  April  14,  1903,  Harriet 
Howard  Ely. 

Children:  Harriet  Howard,  Oct.  19,  1904. 

Anstice  Crowninshield,  May  10, 1910. 
He  is  a  stockbroker  in  Boston. 

SOLOMON  HOYT  BRACKETT,  son  of  Josiah  P.  and 
Susan  (Edmands)  Brackett,  was  born  in  Framingham,  Mass., 
September  25,  1838.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Phillips  Exeter 
Academy,  and  entered  college  the  Sophomore  year.  After 
graduating,  he  taught  school  at  Provincetown  and  at  Stone- 
ham,  and  in  April,  1868,  was  elected  principal  of  the  high 

12       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

school  in  Keene,  N.  H.  In  1875  he  was  appointed  professor 
of  natural  sciences  in  St.  Johnsbury  Academy,  Vt.;  he 
afterwards  became  superintendent.  Here  he  remained 
till  June,  1900,  when  he  moved  to  Claremont,  Cal.,  where 
he  found  occupation  in  an  organ  factory.  In  1902  he  was 
teaching  physics  and  chemistry  in  the  high  school  at  San 
Bernardino;  he  then  taught  for  two  years  in  the  high 
school  at  Redlands.  In  1903  he  gave  up  teaching,  settled 
at  Claremont,  and  has  occupied  himself  in  surveying,  the 
manufacture  of  scientific  apparatus,  etc.  For  many  years 
he  has  suffered  from  a  spinal  trouble,  which  has  unfitted 
him  for  anything  but  light  work. 

Brackett  married,  July  20,  1864,  Mary  A.  Thomas. 


Frank  Parkhurst,  June  16,  1865. 
Mabel  Susan,  Jan.  20,  1868. 
*  Mart  Celeste,  Aug.  8,  1874;  died  Sept.  20,  1902. 
John  Henry,  Aug.  17,  1876. 

Frank  P.  Brackett  is  professor  of  Mathematics  at  Pomona  College,  Clare- 
John  Henbt  Brackett  is  an  electrical  engineer  in  San  Francisco. 

WILLIAM  TUFTS  BRIGHAM,  son  of  William  Brig- 
ham  (H.  C.  1829)  and  Margaret  Austin  (Brooks)  Brigham, 
was  bom  in  Boston,  May  24,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college 
at  the  Boston  Latin  School.  He  was  class  secretary  till 
1887,  when  Grinnell  took  his  place.  After  graduation  he 
studied  law  in  his  father's  oflSce  for  eighteen  months,  and 
then  started  for  San  Francisco,  where  he  was  joined  by  Mr. 
Horace  Mann.  After  exploring  the  mines  of  Washoe  and 
some  of  the  hot  springs  of  California  and  Nevada,  they 
sailed  for  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  where  they  arrived  in  May, 
1864,  and  began  a  scientific  exploration  of  the  Islands. 
After  six  months,  Brigham  was  appointed  professor  of 
natural  sciences  in  Oahu  College;  but  he  resigned  in  Octo- 
ber, 1865,  and  returned  home  by  way  of  China,  India, 
Egypt,  and  Europe.  He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1867. 
In  1868-1869,  on  the  death  of  Mr.  Mann,  he  taught  botany 
for  a  time  at  Harvard  College.  In  1869  he  went  to  California 
over  the  Pacific  Railroad,  then  just  opened,  visiting  Salt 
Lake  City  and  the  Yosemite  Valley.    He  was  for  six  years 


a  member  of  the  Boston  school  board,  giving  especial 
attention  to  drawing  in  the  public  schools,  then  a  new  branch 
of  instruction;  he  organized  evening  drawing  schools,  and 
established  a  Normal  Art  School.  In  1872  he  visited  Great 
Britain  with  the  Japanese  Embassy;  and  in  1878  journeyed 
with  a  friend  through  southern  France  and  northern  Italy. 
During  these  years  he  delivered  several  courses  of  lectures 
on  scientific  subjects.  In  1876  he  was  appointed  by  the 
Hawaiian  government  honorary  commissioner  to  the  Cen- 
tennial Exhibition  at  Philadelphia,  to  report  on  the  geology 
and  mineralogy  of  the  kingdom.  In  June,  1880,  he  made 
a  second  visit  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  and  made  an  ex- 
ploration of  the  volcanoes  Kilauea  and  Mauna  Loa.  For 
several  years  after  his  return  he  practised  law  in  Boston, 
at  the  same  time  pursuing  his  scientific  studies,  and  pub- 
lishing articles  on  scientific  subjects.  He  made  a  special 
study  of  the  laws  of  growth  in  the  human  body,  as  influ- 
enced by  physical  exercise  and  affected  by  race.  He  was 
also  much  interested  in  photography,  in  which  he  became 
highly  skilful.  In  July,  1886,  he  was  appointed  consul  in 
Boston  for  the  Republic  of  Guatemala. 

In  1888  Brigham  went  to  Honolulu,  to  collect  material 
for  a  history  of  the  Islands.  In  1890  he  became  director 
of  the  Bernice  Pauahi  Bishop  Museum  of  Polynesian 
Ethnology  and  Natural  History.  To  this  work  he  has  de- 
voted himself  ever  since;  and  under  his  care  the  museum, 
"from  a  building  of  two  small  rooms  and  a  picture-gallery, 
has  more  than  quadrupled  in  size,  and  by  its  collections, 
scientific  works,  and  publications,  has  attained  an  honorable 
place  among  the  museums  of  the  world."  In  1896  Brigham 
went  round  the  world  a  second  time,  making  a  study  of 
ethnological  museums,  and  marine  zoological  stations. 
This  spring  he  has  made  a  third  visit  to  Europe  for  the  same 

He  writes,  March  9,  1912:  "As  to  the  biography,  there 
is  nothing,  except  that  I  have  been  writing  up  the  con- 
tents of  this  museum  until  my  eyes  have  given  out,  and  I 
am  coming  to  Boston  to  find  an  oculist.  I  hope  to  sail 
for    Europe  before  May  1." 

Brigham's   publications   have   been   numerous,   varied. 

14       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

and  valuable.  He  early  became  a  Fellow  of  the  American 
Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences;  and  he  is  Corresponding 
and  Honorary  Member  of  many  scientific  societies,  both 
in  the  United  States  and  in  Europe.  In  1905  he  received 
from  Columbia  University  the  honorary  degree  of  Doctor 
in  Science. 

Address:  Bemice  Pauahi  Bishop  Museum,  Honolulu, 
Hawaiian  Islands. 

Brigham  never  married.  Some  years  ago  he  adopted 
as  his  son  Frank  E.  Blaisdell,  who  died  in  1887. 

*  JOSEPH  PERRIN  BURRAGE,  son  of  Joseph  and 
Frances  Sophia  (Perrin)  Burrage,  was  bom  in  Boston, 
May  4,  1842.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Phillips  Andover 
Academy.  During  his  college  life  he  lived  in  West  Cam- 
bridge, and  walked  daily  to  and  from  college.     May  18, 

1863,  he  was  commissioned  second  lieutenant  in  the  Thirty- 
third  Massachusetts  Regiment.  He  was  killed  at  the  battle 
of  Lookout  Mountain,  October  29,  1863. 

CLARK  CARTER,  son  of  Elisha  and  Harriet  (Wilson) 
Carter,  was  bom  in  Boston,  October  16,  1841.  He  fitted 
for  college  with  Mr.  T.  D.  Edmands,  at  Framingham,  Mass. 
In  the  Spring  of  1858,  Carter  joined  the  Orthodox  Church 
in  that  town.  During  the  Junior  winter  vacation,  he 
taught  school  at  Charlton,  Mass. 

From  September,  1862,  to  April,  1864,  Carter  was  at 
Port  Royal,  S.  C,  as  government  superintendent  of  aban- 
doned  plantations,  under  General  Saxton.     In  September, 

1864,  he  entered  the  Theological  Seminary  at  Princeton. 
The  long  summer  vacation  of  1865  was  spent  at  Charleston 
and  Port  Royal,  investigating  the  condition  of  the  freedmen, 
under  the  auspices  of  the  Pennsylvania  Freedmen 's  Relief 
Association.  May  15,  1866,  he  was  licensed  to  preach  the 
Gospel  by  the  Plymouth  Association  of  Ministers  at  Ply- 
mouth; and  on  October  1  he  entered  the  Theological  Insti- 
tute of  Hartford,  Conn.,  where  he  completed  his  preparatory 
studies  in  June,  1867.  February  13,  1868,  he  was  ordained 
and  installed  as  pastor  over  the  Trinity  Congregational 


Church  in  Neponset,  Mass.;  was  dismissed  by  council 
July  1,  1869;  preached  during  the  four  closing  months  of 
that  year  at  Rockville,  Conn;  and  was  settled  at  Great 
Falls,  N.  H.,  April  27,  1870.  In  June,  1872,  he  moved  to 
Lawrence,  Mass.,  where  he  supplied  the  pulpit  of  the  Central 
Church  through  that  year.  In  January,  1873,  he  was 
settled  over  the  South  Congregational  Church,  Lawrence, 
where  he  remained  till  July,  1888,  when  he  accepted  the 
post  of  city  missionary  and  secretary  of  the  Lawrence  City 
Mission,  a  society  established  in  1859,  but  reorganized  in 
1885  on  the  principles  of  the  Charity  Organization  Societies 
of  other  cities. 

"This  change  of  work  introduced  me  to  an  entirely  new 
outlook  upon  the  world's  needs,  and  brought  me  into  inti- 
mate relations  with  social  workers  throughout  the  country. 
I  have  served  two  years  as  an  overseer  of  the  poor;  was 
chairman  of  the  committee  of  personal  relief  in  1890  when 
a  disastrous  cyclone  swept  a  portion  of  the  city;  was  for 
two  years  chairman  of  the  Industrial  Committee  of  the 
State  Association  of  Congregational  Churches  of  Massa- 
chusetts; was  active  in  starting  the  Massachusetts  State 
Conference  of  Charities;  have  served  on  its  committees 
and  been  vice-president;  have  been  president  of  the  Boston 
Monday  Evening  Club  and  of  the  Essex  North  Congrega- 
tional Club;  am  chaplain  at  the  Lawrence  jail;  am  an 
agent  of  the  Massachusetts  Society  for  the  Prevention  of 
Cruelty  to  Children;  as  chairman  of  the  Lawrence  Sani- 
tary Milk  Committee  I  have  had  a  study  made  of  the 
infant  mortality  of  the  city,  and  have  seen  a  reduction  of 
the  death  rate  procured  in  part  by  the  work  of  the  com- 
mittee in  educating  the  public  as  to  the  importance  of 
keeping  milk  clean,  and  in  teaching  mothers  how  to  care  for 
their  babies.  In  these  various  positions  I  have  felt  with 
increasing  force  the  value  of  genuine  Christianity,  and  have 
seen,  as  I  did  not  when  I  was  a  pastor,  the  opportunity  of 
the  true  minister  of  Christ. 

"In  addition  to  the  regular  routine  of  an  oflfice  which  under- 
takes to  relieve  distress,  advise  in  difficulty,  and  plan  for 
the  conquering  of  poverty,  I  have  taken  an  interest  in  and 
lent    my    influence  to  the    advancing    of    various    social 

16       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

reforms.  The  restriction  of  child  labor,  the  shortening  of 
the  hours  of  employment  of  women  in  manufacturing  and 
mercantile  establishments,  the  securing  of  one  day  of  rest 
in  seven  for  working  men,  the  suppression  of  intemperance, 
and  similar  topics  of  legislation,  I  have  advocated  before 
committees  of  the  Greneral  Court." 

Address:   206  Essex  Street,  Lawrence,  Mass. 

Residence:    31  Bartlett  Street,  Andover,  Mass. 

Carter  married.  May  19,  1870,  Emma  Henrietta  Pease, 
daughter  of  Rev.  Giles  Pease,  of  Boston. 


Mabel  Moselet,  Oct.  14,  1871. 
Hareibt  Wilson,  April  3,  1873. 
AucE  Cleveland,  March  22,  1875. 

Edward  Clark  (H.  C,  1900),  June  9, 1878.   He  is  a  secretary  of  the  Y.M.C.A., 
alternately  in  America  and  in  India.     He  married,  Aug.  3, 1908,  Alice  Olin 
Draper,  daughter  of  Dr.  William  H.  Draper,  of  New  York. 
Children:  Willum  Draper,  May  22,  1909. 
Edward  Clark,  May  22,  1909. 

WILLIAM  HOBBS  CHADBOURN,  son  of  George  and 
Asenath  (Hobbs)  Chadbourn,  was  bom  in  Sanford,  Maine, 
February  18,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston 
Latin  School.  He  was  one  of  the  class-day  marshals. 
After  graduation  he  was  for  a  few  years  with  Jordan  and 
Marsh;  afterwards  he  was  in  business  in  Nashville.  In 
1872  he  moved  to  Wilmington,  N.  C,  and  soon  became  one 
of  the  leaders  in  enterprises  for  the  development  of  that 
section.  He  was  the  promoter  and  builder  of  the  Wilming- 
ton, Chadbourn  and  Conway  Railroad,  and  was  its  president 
until  it  was  absorbed  by  the  Atlantic  Coast  Line.  He  was 
also  prominently  interested  in  the  establishment  of  the 
Wilmington  Seacoast  Railway.  He  has  been  president 
of  the  Citizens'  Building  and  Loan  Association  of  Wilming- 
ton since  1886,  and  was  general  manager  of  the  Chadbourn 
Lumber  Co.,  one  of  the  largest  and  most  successful  enter- 
prises of  its  kind  in  the  State. 

Chadbourn  has  also  taken  a  part  in  public  service.  In 
1885  he  was  in  the  State  Senate,  and  has  served  as  a  director 
of  the  State  Penitentiary,  and  as  a  trustee  of  the  State 
University.  He  has  been  active  in  all  the  enterprises  of 
the  city  of  Wilmington,  was  an  alderman  for  four  years, 


and  has  been  chairman  of  the  board  of  audit  and  finance, 
and  chairman  of  the  poHce  board.  On  January  7,  1898, 
he  was  appointed  postmaster  at  Wilmington,  a  position 
which  he  held  for  several  years. 

In  1907  Chadbourn  wrote:  "Retired  from  active  busi- 
ness." Since  then  he  has  been  somewhat  of  an  invalid, 
being  of  late  confined  to  his  bed. 

Address:    307  Market  Street,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Chadbourn  married,  May  31,  1863,  Adelaide  S.  Peters, 
of  Boston.     Mrs.  Chadbourn  died  Jan.  29,  1912. 


William  H.  Chadbourn,  chief  engineer  (in  1907)  of  the  Chicago,   Great 

Western  R.R.,  with  headquarters  at  St.  Paul. 
Emma  M.,  who  married  Dr.  George  C.  Worth. 
*  LxJCT  A.;  she  died  May  10,  1910. 
There  are  four  grandchildren:  Philip  H.  Chadboubn  (who  is  married,  and 
has  a  daughter,  Louise);  William  C.  Worth,  Charles  W.  Worth,  and  Ruth 

*  THOMAS  LINCOLN  CHADBOURNE,  son  of  Icha- 
bod  and  Hannah  (Lincoln)  Chadboume,  was  born  at  East- 
port,  Maine,  April  13, 1841.  He  fitted  for  college  in  Eastport 
and  at  the  Boston  Latin  School.  After  graduation  he  went 
to  Northern  Michigan;  he  studied  law,  was  admitted  to 
the  bar  in  1864,  practised  law  for  three  years  in  Keweenaw 
County,  and  then  settled  in  Houghton.  Here  he  lived  and 
practised  his  profession  (as  member  of  the  firms  of  Hubbell 
and  Chadboume,  and  Chadboume  and  Rees)  until  1900, 
when  he  retired  from  active  practice,  though  continuing 
his  interest  in  various  business  enterprises,  especially  in 
copper  mining,  until  1907.  He  was  for  some  time  counsel 
for  the  Calumet  and  Hecla  Mining  Co.  Of  late  years  he 
began  to  go  to  Palm  Beach,  Florida,  in  winter,  gradually 
spending  each  year  more  and  more  of  his  time  there. 

He  died  at  West  Palm  Beach,  Fla.,  April  18,  1911. 

Chadboume  married,  July  23,  1868,  Georgina  Kay. 


Hannah  Lincoln,  Oct.  5, 1869. 

Thomaa  Lincoln,  March  21, 1871. 

EuzA  Gray,  Oct.  4,  1874. 

Alice  Lincoln,  March  16,  1879. 

Waldemar  Arens  (H.  C,  1903.  LL.B.,  1906),  Sept.  80,  1882. 

Alexander  Scammel,  March  21,  1884. 

Hx^phret  Wallingfohd,  Nov.  4,  1885. 

18       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Hannah  L.  Chadbournz:  married  Fred.  W.  Denton,  of  Michigan,  a  iwining 

engineer.    They  have  seven  children. 
Thomas  L.  Chadbourne  married  Grace  Wassail.    He  has  an  adopted  son, 

Le  Roy  Chadboume. 
Alice  L.  Chadbotjrne  married  Dr.  Robert  Bruce  Harkness,  of  Houghton  Co., 

Michigan.    They  have  a  son. 
Waldemae  a.  Chadbourne  married  Dolores  Quinones,  of  Havana. 
Humphrey  W.  Chadboxtrnb  married.  May  11,  1912,  Elizabeth  Sturgis,  of 


T.  L.  Chadbotxkne  and  W.  A.  Chadbourne  are  practising  law  at  30  Pine 
Street,  New  York. 

*  GEORGE  EDWIN  CHAPMAN,  son  of  Edmund  A. 
and  Harriet  (Brown)  Chapman,  was  bom  in  Cambridge, 
October  29,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Cambridge 
High  School.  He  was  one  of  the  class  committee.  In 
the  Summer  of  1862  he  sailed  for  Europe,  and  began  study- 
ing at  the  University  of  Gottingen;  but  failing  health 
induced  him  to  travel  in  Switzerland.  Obtaining  there  no 
relief,  he  returned  home  in  June,  1863,  and,  after  a  year  at 
Cambridge,  went  to  Minnesota,  hoping  to  find  the  climate 
beneficial;  but  he  was  again  disappointed.  He  returned  to 
Cambridge,  and  died  there  February  3, 1865. 

*  JAMES  GILMAN  COLE,  son  of  John  Greenleaf  and 
Lavinia  (Brooks)  Cole,  was  born  in  Woburn,  Mass.,  March 
9, 1841.  After  graduation  he  went  to  Port  Royal,  S.  C,  as 
superintendent  of  plantations;  he  settled  on  Ladies'  Island. 

He  died  February  12,  1904. 

*  CHARLES  JEROME  COLEMAN  was  born  in  Cm- 
cinnati,  Sept.  15,  1841.  After  studying  law  at  the  Cincin- 
nati Law  School,  he  went  into  business,  tried  farming,  and 
became  connected  with  a  large  oil  business  in  the  West. 
In  January,  1879,  he  returned  East,  and  took  up  the  profes- 
sion of  music  as  a  composer,  organist,  and  teacher,  at  first 
in  Cincinnati,  afterwards  in  New  York. 

He  died  at  Passaic,  N.  J.,  Dec.  5,  1910. 

Coleman  married,  April  8,  1863,  Julia  H.  Raynor, 
daughter  of  Henry  Raynor,  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  Mrs. 
Coleman  died  June  21,  1909. 


Henry  Woodward,  April  29,  1865. 
Gilbert  Patbon,  Aug.  16,  1866. 


*  THOMAS  BUCKMINSTER  CURTIS,  son  of  Thomas 
Buckminster  and  Laura  (Greenough)  Curtis,  was  born  in 
Boston,  July  19,  1842.  Before  entering  college,  he  was 
at  Mr.  Sillig's  boarding  school,  "Bellerive,"  at  Vevey,  Swit- 
zerland; two  brothers  and  our  classmates,  Gardner  and 
Mason,  were  there  at  the  same  time.  He  returned  to  Bos- 
ton when  about  fourteen,  and  finished  his  preparation  for 
college.  On  graduation  he  joined  his  parents  in  Paris, 
and  the  next  year  began  the  study  of  medicine  there.  De- 
voting himself  with  zeal  to  his  studies,  he  attained  great 
success  in  his  profession,  serving  for  three  years  as  "Ex- 
terne"  and  for  five  years  (until  1872)  as  "Interne  des  Hopi- 
taux,"  in  the  principal  hospitals  of  Paris.  He  was  in  Paris 
during  the  siege  by  the  German  army,  and  with  the  French 
army  during  the  Commune,  always  busy  with  the  ambu- 
lance corps.  In  August,  1873,  he  received  his  doctor's  de- 
gree, returned  to  Boston  the  next  month,  and  took  up  the 
practice  of  his  profession.  In  1875  he  was  appointed  sur- 
geon to  out-patients  at  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospi- 
tal. A  little  later  he  was  secretary  of  a  committee  of  five 
physicians  appointed  by  the  Mayor  of  Boston  to  report 
upon  the  causes  and  prevention  of  the  high  rate  of  mortal- 
ity prevailing  in  the  city;  the  valuable  report  of  the  com- 
mittee was  written  by  Curtis.  He  was  an  active  member 
of  all  the  principal  medical  societies;  and  was  for  a  time 
on  the  editorial  stafif  of  the  Medical  and  Surgical  Journal 
and  published  many  treatises,  reports,  and  reviews,  both  in 
English  and  in  French.  (A  full  report  of  Curtis'  profes- 
sional activities  appeared  in  the  Fifth  Class  Report.) 

He  died  in  Boston,  Dec.  11,  1881. 

Curtis  married,  Oct.  19,  1875,  Anna  Lovering,  daughter 
of  J.  S.  Lovering,  of  Boston. 

*BEN  MAJOR  DAVENPORT,  son  of  William  and 
Eliza  Ann  (Major)  Davenport,  was  born  in  Woodford 
County,  111.,  July  12,  1837.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
Walnut  Grove  Academy,  111.,  and  with  Mr.  Joseph 
Willard,  in  Boston.  He  joined  the  class  in  March, 
1859.  After  graduation  he  studied  law  at  Eureka,  111., 
and   in   the   office   of  E.   Van   Buren,   in   Chicago,  being 

«0       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

admitted  to  the  bar  in  March,  1865.  In  April,  1866,  he 
went  to  Nebraska  City,  Neb.,  where  he  practised  law  for 
several  years,  in  partnership  with  a  Mr.  Seymour.  As 
commissioner  of  immigration  for  Nebraska,  he  was  largely 
instrumental  in  advertising  the  resources  of  the  State. 
Returning  to  Chicago  in  1871,  he  became  interested  in  real 
estate,  and  was  the  manager  and  proprietor  of  two  hotels, 
being  at  the  same  time  an  active  member  of  the  Prohibition 
Party,  and  a  leader  in  the  Christian  Church.  In  1888, 
owing  to  failing  health,  he  went  to  Georgia,  and  engaged 
in  the  real  estate  business,  first  at  Tallapoosa,  afterwards 
at  Cedartown.    Here  he  died,  September  16,  1894. 

Davenport  married,  September  29,  1868,  Ellen  Camp- 
bell, daughter  of  Prof.  James  C.  Campbell,  of  Hopkins- 
ville,  Ky.    Mrs.  Davenport  died  in  September,  1893. 


Beneli^,  June  28, 1870. 
Campbellina,  Nov.  10, 1876. 
WiUiiAH  Campbell,  Oct.  25,  1878. 

*  ALBERT  EDWIN  DAVIS,  son  of  Ansel  and  Caroline 
M.  (Scott)  Davis,  was  bom  in  Westford,  Mass.,  December 
23,  1839.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Westford  Academy. 
After  graduating  he  taught  school,  mostly  at  Westford, 
where  he  was  principal  of  the  high  school.  He  died  of 
consumption,  January  19,  1869. 

*JOHN  RICHARD  DENNETT,  son  of  John  Richard 
and  Mary  Dalton  Dennett,  was  born  at  Chatham,  New 
Brunswick,  November  5,  1838.  When  he  was  four  or  five 
years  old,  his  family  came  to  Massachusetts  to  live.  He 
fitted  for  college  at  the  Woburn  High  School.  He  was  the 
Class  Poet;  also  one  of  the  editors  of  the  Harvard  Magazine. 
After  graduating,  he  went  to  Port  Royal,  S.  C,  as  superin- 
tendent of  plantations,  remaining  till  March,  1864,  when 
he  returned  north  and  entered  the  Harvard  Law  School. 
In  July,  1865,  he  became  connected  with  the  New  York 
Nation,  at  first  as  Southern  correspondent,  afterwards  as 
assistant  editor.  In  December,  1870,  he  was  appointed 
Assistant  Professor  of  Rhetoric  in  Harvard  College;    but 


the  drudgery  was  distasteful  to  him,  and  in  1872  he  returned 
to  the  office  of  the  Nation. 

His  health  was  broken  even  before  he  left  Cambridge; 
but  he  continued  to  write  up  to  the  last  month  of  his  life. 
He  died  at  Fay's  house  in  Westborough,  November  26, 1874. 

*JOHN  HO  AG  DILLINGHAM,  son  of  Abram  and 
Lydia  B.  (Hoag)  Dillingham,  was  born  in  West  Falmouth, 
Mass.,  June  1,  1839.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Falmouth 
Academy.  For  about  two  and  a  half  years  after  graduating, 
he  taught  in  the  school  of  C.  A.  Miles,  at  Brattleborough, 
Vt.  He  then  began  the  study  of  law  at  Cambridge,  serving 
also  as  proctor  and  private  tutor;  but  in  September,  1865, 
was  appointed  Assistant  Professor  of  Latin  and  Greek,  and 
Librarian,  at  Haverford  College,  Penn.  In  August,  1867, 
he  was  appointed  Professor  of  Moral  and  Political  Science. 
In  1878  he  resigned  his  professorship  at  Haverford,  to  take 
up  the  duties  of  Principal  of  the  Friends'  Select  School  for 
Boys,  at  Philadelphia.  He  was  for  a  time  editor  of  The 

He  died  March  15,  1910. 

Dillingham  married,  July  20,  1871,  Mary  Pirn,  of  West 
Chester,  Pa. 


Anna  Pim,  Nov.  11,  1873. 
Lydia  B.,  April  22,  1875. 
Mary  Edge,  Oct.  21, 1878. 
Edith,  April  16,  1880. 

Anna  P.  Dillingham  was  married,  in  1895,  to  Dr.  Goodwin  M.  Brown,  of 

Falmouth,  Mass. 
Lydia  B.  Dilungham  was  married,  in  June,  1902,  to  Frederick  T.  Lawrence. 
Maky  E.  Dillingham  was  married,  Jime  26,  1907,  to  Walter  S.  Edge. 
Edith  Dillingham  was  married,  in  April,  1902,  to  Edward  H.  Jacob. 

*  CHARLES  TROWBRIDGE  DWIGHT,  son  of  William 
Dwight  (H.  C,  1825)  and  Elizabeth  Amelia  (White)  Dwight, 
was  born  in  Boston,  May  6,  1842.  He  fitted  for  college 
with  Mr.  S.  F.  Smith.  In  1861  he  left  college,  and  was 
commissioned,  October  1,  as  second  lieutenant  in  the  Sev- 
entieth New  York  Regiment  (Sickles'  Brigade).  At  the 
second  Battle  of  Bull  Run,  Aug.  30,  1862,  he  was  taken 

22       CLASS    OF    '  S  IXT  Y-T  WO  — H.U. 

prisoner,  and  was  confined  for  over  three  months  in  Libby 
Prison.  He  was  commissioned  first  lieutenant,  Dec.  6, 
1862.  He  went  to  Louisiana  that  winter  on  the  staff  of 
his  brother.  Gen.  William  Dwight,  and  remained  there 
till  June  1,  1864,  when  he  was  obliged  by  ill  health  to  resign. 
He  returned  to  Brookline,  where  he  lived  until  his  death, 
holding  for  some  years  an  appointment  in  the  Boston  Cus- 
tom House. 

He  died  March  10,  1884. 

Dwight  married,  Oct.  18,  1865,  Marianne  H.  Welch, 
daughter  of  Francis  W.  Welch,  of  Roxbury. 


Wilder,  April  20,  1868. 

ALBERT  WILLIAM  EDMANDS,  son  of  William 
Murray  and  Martha  Adams  (Tapley)  Edmands,  was  bom 
in  Charlestown,  Mass.,  September  9,  1840.  He  fitted  for 
college  at  the  Charlestown  High  School.  In  1862  he  was 
orderly  sergeant  of  Company  A,  Forty-fourth  Massachu- 
setts Regiment.  In  July,  1864,  he  was  in  business  in  New 
York.  Since  January,  1865,  he  has  been  connected  with 
the  Bunker  Hill  National  Bank  (now  a  branch  of  the  Ameri- 
can Trust  Co.),  as  receiving  and  paying  teller.  In  1888 
and  1889  he  was  in  the  Somerville  City  Council,  the  second 
year  as  president;  and  served  as  alderman  in  1890  and  1891. 
For  the  last  seventeen  years  he  has  been  overseer  of  the 
poor;  and  for  twelve  years  has  served  as  treasurer 
of  the  Somerville  Hospital. 

Edmands  writes:  "As  graduates  of  Harvard  we  are 
supposed,  and  justly,  to  contribute,  more  than  those  less 
favored  in  their  training,  to  all  that  concerns  the  welfare 
of  our  city,  our  country,  and  our  fellow-man.  Perhaps 
without  too  much  egotism  I  may  say  I  have  at  least  tried 
to  do  my  share." 

Address:    American  Trust  Co.,   Charlestown,  Mass. 

Residence:    155  Summer  Street,  Somerville,  Mass. 

Edmands  married,  June  6,  1872,  Mary  B.  Bartlett, 
daughter  of  George  E.  Bartlett,  of  Lynn. 


•  Mabtib,  May  4,  187S;    died  July  28,  187S. 
AucE  Babtlbtt,  July  4,  1875. 


Adelaide  Rebecca,  Sept.  23,  1879. 
Maby  Gibdler,  Sept.  1,  1885. 

AucE  B.  Edmands  was  married,  in  1901,  to  Rollin  Taylor  Lincoln.  They 
have  two  children:  Katharine  Lincoln,  bom  June  15,  1905,  and 
Adelaide  Lincoln,  bom  April  25,  1909. 

Adelaide  R.  Edmands  was  married,  in  1901,  to  John  Percival  Sylvester 
(H.  C,  1895,  Ph.D.,  1899),  of  Somerville. 

*JOHN  HARVARD  ELLIS,  son  of  Rev.  George  E. 
Ellis  (H.  C.  1833),  and  Elizabeth  B.  (Eager)  Ellis,  was  born 
in  Charlestown,  Mass.,  January  9,  1841.  He  fitted  for 
college  with  his  father  and  at  a  private  school  in  Cambridge. 
September  17,  1862,  he  became  a  law  student  in  the  office 
of  Francis  E.  Parker;  he  entered  the  law  school  the  next 
March,  and  received  his  degree  in  1864.  October  4,  1865, 
he  was  admitted  to  the  bar,  and  in  April,  1867,  opened  an 
office.  He  contributed  articles  to  the  Law  Review,  and 
edited  the  works  of  Mrs.  Anne  Bradstreet.  After  his  mar- 
riage he  travelled  in  Europe,  returning  in  a  state  of  health 
which  forbade  the  pursuit  of  his  profession.  He  died  May 
3,  1870. 

Ellis  married,  March  25,  1869,  Grace  A.  Little,  daughter 
of  James  L.  Little,  of  Boston. 

*  EDWARD  ELI  ENSIGN,  son  of  Edward  F.  and  Jane 
(Dewey)  Ensign,  was  bom  in  Sheffield,  Mass.,  September 
29,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Sheffield  schools,  and  at 
Stockbridge.  September  12,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  the  Forty- 
ninth  Massachusetts  (Bartlett's  regiment) ;  served  in  Loui- 
siana under  Gen.  Banks;  returned  and  was  mustered  out 
in  September,  1863.  In  November  he  entered  the  Harvard 
Law  School,  taking  his  degree  in  1865.  He  was  admitted 
to  the  Suffolk  bar  in  February,  1865;  went  to  New  York 
and  read  law  in  the  office  of  Martin  and  Smith  for  a  year, 
when  he  was  admitted  to  the  New  York  bar.  In  April, 
1866,  he  joined  the  firm  of  G.  F.  Devereux  and  Co.,  of 
Davenport,  Iowa,  commission  merchants  in  railroad  sup- 
plies; he  had  charge  of  their  branch  office  at  Richland, 
Wis.     He  returned  for  a  while  to  the  practice  of  law  at 

24       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  XT  Y-TWO  — H.U. 

SheflSeld;  but  his  health  induced  him  to  travel,  and  he 
went  to  the  East  Indies.  He  died  at  Samarang,  Java, 
March  24,  1872. 

*  HERCULES  WARREN  FAY,  son  of  Josiah  and  Mary 
W.  (Warren)  Fay,  was  bom  in  Westborough,  Mass.,  March 
17, 1841.  He  fitted  for  college  with  Mr.  W.  F.  Allen,  at  West 
Newton.  During  his  college  course  he  founded  the  St. 
Paul's  Society.  He  remained  in  Cambridge  for  a  time  as 
resident  graduate,  and  then  entered  the  Episcopal  Theologi- 
cal School  in  New  York.  He  was  ordained  deacon  July  2, 
1865;  priest,  November  21,  1865,  and  became  rector  of 
Flatbush,  L.  I.  Resigned  on  account  of  ill  health,  in  Jan- 
uary, 1867.  In  1869  he  was  studying  at  Oxford,  England. 
From  November,  1873,  to  December,  1874,  he  was  rector 
of  the  parish  of  the  Messiah,  West  Newton;  and  of  St. 
Paul's  Church,  Nantucket,  from  December,  1883,  to  April, 
1885,  when  he  was  obliged  to  resign  on  account  of  rheu- 
matic gout.  He  returned  to  his  home  in  Westborough, 
and  died  there  January  28,  1899. 

Fay  married,  June  17,  1869,  Elizabeth  Johnston,  of  New 
York.     Mrs.  Fay  died  November  23,  1879. 


EusABETH  Mart  Warren,  July  17,  1872. 
Johnston  Richard  John,  Jan.  27,  1874. 
Harold  John  Warren,  Jan.  5, 1876. 
Thornton  Oliver  Maurice,  Feb.  21,  1877. 

Harold  J.  W.  Fat  is  an  engineer  in  Boston,     Thornton  0.  M.  Fat  is  with 
the  New  England  Trust  Co. 

*  GEORGE  ALFRED  FISKE,  son  of  George  A.  and 
Sarah  W.  (Clapp)  Fiske,  was  bom  in  Boston,  Aug.  14,  1841. 
In  1849  his  family  moved  to  Roxbury.  He  fitted  for  col- 
lege at  the  Chauncy  Hall  School,  where  he  received  several 
gold  and  silver  medals.  Sept.  29,  1862,  he  enlisted  as  pri- 
vate in  the  Forty-first  Massachusetts  Regiment,  was  com- 
missioned as  second  lieutenant  December  13,  and  went  to 
New  Orleans  on  the  staff  of  Gen.  George  L.  Andrews.  He 
was  present  at  the  siege  of  Port  Hudson,  and  on  Oct.  27, 
1863,  was  commissioned  first  lieutenant  in  the  Third 
Massachusetts   Cavalry.    In   July,   1864,  after  a  visit  to 


the  North  on  sick  leave,  he  returned  to  New  Orleans 
as  paymaster  in  the  United  States  Army,  with  the 
rank  of  major;  but  resigned,  October  1,  on  account  of  ill 

In  February,  1867,  after  a  year  spent  in  a  visit  to  the 
Azores,  and  in  business  with  his  father,  Fiske  entered  the 
employ  of  the  Merchants  Union  Express  Company.  In 
January,  1884,  he  was  appointed  purchasing  agent  for  the 
northeastern  department  of  the  American  Express  Company; 
and  he  remained  in  the  service  of  this  company  until  1900, 
when  he  retired  from  business.  He  died  on  his  farm  at 
Hanover,  Mass.,  Feb.  27,  1903. 

Fiske  married,  Dec.  14,  1870,  Kate  Washburn,  daughter 
of  Benjamin  Dyer  Washburn,  of  Roxbury. 

Mrs.  Fiske  is  living  in  Hanover,  Mass. 


George  Converse  (H.  C,  1894,  Ph.D.,  1900),  Feb.  28,  1872. 
Henry  Metcalf  (H.  C,  1897),  Oct.  15,  1874. 
Mary  Elliot  (Radcliffe,  1902),  Aug.  31,  1879. 

George  C.  Fiske  married,  Dec.  26,  1908,  Augustine  EUeau,  of  Newark, 
N.  J.  Mr.  Fiske  is  Associate  Professor  of  Latin  at  the  University  of 

Henry  M.  Fiske  married,  in  June,  1910,  Lydia  Brown  of  New  York  City. 
Mr.  Fiske  is  at  the  head  of  the  French  department  of  St.  Paul's 
School,  Concord,  N.  H. 

Mart  Elliot  Fiske  graduated  from  Radcliffe  College  in  1902;  she  was  the 
president  of  her  class.  Since  graduation  she  has  taught  in  St.  Mar- 
garet's School,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

*  SAMUEL  EATON  FITZ  was  born  in  Boston,  Jan. 
26,  1836.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Chelsea  High  School. 
After  graduation  he  entered  the  Newton  Theological  School; 
and,  after  serving  with  the  Christian  Commission  in  Vir- 
ginia until  August,  1865,  he  completed  the  course  at  New- 
ton, but  was  never  ordained.  He  was  principal  of  public 
schools  at  Winchester  and  Worcester  from  September, 
1867,  to  May,  1874.  From  October,  1874,  to  June,  1878, 
he  studied  at  the  Harvard  Medical  School;  and  in  August, 
1878,  began  the  practice  of  medicine  in  Roxbury. 

Fitz  died  Oct.  20,  1883. 

*  GEORGE  ALBERT  FLETCHER,  son  of  Timothy  and 
Sarah  P.  (Adams)  Fletcher,  was  born  in  Boston,  March  7, 
1842.    He    fitted    for    college    at    Milton    Academy.    In 

26       CLASS    OF    '  SI  XT  Y-T  WO  —  H.  U. 

August,  1862,  he  enlisted  as  private  in  the  Thirty-eighth 
Massachusetts  Regiment,  and  served  under  Gen.  Banks  in 
Louisiana.  In  July,  1863,  he  was  commissioned  second 
lieutenant  in  the  Fifty-sixth  Massachusetts  (veterans),  be- 
came first  lieutenant  in  June,  1864,  and  in  January,  1865, 
was  discharged  for  disability  contracted  in  the  service, 
receiving,  in  April  of  that  year,  his  commission  as  captain. 
For  many  years  he  was  engaged  in  the  manufacture  of 
"Bent  and  Go's"  crackers,  in  Milton.  During  the  latter 
part  of  his  life  he  was  in  the  Gustom  House,  Boston.  He 
died  in  Milton,  March  6,  1907. 

Fletcher  married,  November  19,  1873,  Jennie  F.  Glapp, 
of  Pawtucket,  R.  I. 


Grace  Webster,  July  19,  1875. 
*  Lucy  Mari,  Dec.  7,  1877;  died  Dec.  27,  1881. 
Sarah  Preston,  Oct.  27,  1879. 
Samuel  Adams,  July  30,  1881. 
Jennie  Clapp,  March  27,  1884. 

*  CHARLES  POLLEN  FOLSOM,  son  of  Rev.  Nathaniel 
Smith  and  Ann  Wendell  (Penhallow)  Folsom,  was  born  in 
Haverhill,  Mass.,  April  3,  1842.  Before  entering  college 
he  lived  in  Gharlestown,  and  in  Meadville,  Penn.,  afterwards 
in  Jamaica  Plain  and  Goncord,  Mass.  He  fitted  for 
college  at  Phillips  Exeter  Academy.  In  June,  1862,  he  went 
to  Port  Royal,  S.  G.,  and  served  three  years  as  superintend- 
ent of  plantations,  the  first  season  in  the  employ  of  the 
United  States;  in  the  Spring  of  1865,  he  acted  as  general 
superintendent  for  the  Government  on  Edisto  Island  and 
at  Georgetown. 

In  July,  1865,  Folsom  returned  to  Boston  and  began 
the  study  of  medicine.  After  a  voyage  to  San  Francisco 
and  back  for  his  health  (he  returned  before  the  mast),  he 
began  practice  in  Boston.  He  served  as  assistant  in  the 
private  oflBce  of  Dr.  Henry  I.  Bowditch,  and  in  1869  was 
at  the  Gity  Hospital.  He  was  assistant  at  the  McLean  In- 
sane Asylum  in  1872-1873;  spent  a  year  in  study  in  Europe; 
and  was  appointed  in  September,  1874,  Secretary  of  the 
State  Board  of  Health,  of  which  Dr.  Bowditch  was  Ghair- 
man.  After  another  visit  to  Europe,  to  study  the  subject 
of  sewage-disposal,  he  was  appointed  on  a  commission,  with 


two  engineers,  to  report  a  plan  for  the  disposal  of  sewage  of 
Boston;  their  recommendations  were  adopted.  He  was 
also  one  of  three  experts  appointed  by  the  National  Board 
of  Health  to  report  upon  the  sanitary  conditions  of  Memphis 
and  the  means  to  suppress  yellow  fever.  From  1877  to 
1882,  and  from  1885  to  1888,  he  was  Lecturer  at  the  Harvard 
Medical  School,  on  Hygiene  and  on  Mental  Diseases;  from 
1882  to  1885,  Assistant  Professor  of  Mental  Diseases.  In 
May,  1880,  he  became  a  member  of  the  State  Board  of 
Health,  Lunacy  and  Charity;  and  he  was,  for  a  short 
time,  a  member  of  the  National  Board  of  Health.  He 
was  one  of  the  visiting  physicians  of  the  Boston  City 
Hospital,  and  consulting  physician  to  the  Adams  Nervine 
Asylum.  In  1896  he  was  one  of  the  commissioners  ap- 
pointed to  investigate  the  charitable  and  reformatory 
institutions  of  Massachusetts.  For  more  than  thirty 
years  he  pursued  his  profession  in  Boston  as  a  general 
practitioner,  devoting  himself  especially  to  the  treatment 
of  mental  disease. 

Folsom  served  as  overseer  of  Harvard  University  from 
1891  to  1903.  He  was  a  Fellow  of  the  American  Academy 
of  Arts  and  Sciences.  From  1903  to  1905  he  was  president 
of  the  Harvard  Medical  Alumni  Association. 

During  the  last  few  years  of  his  life,  Folsom  gradually 
became  more  and  more  of  an  invalid.  He  died  at  a  hospital 
in  New  York,  August  20,  1907,  soon  after  his  return  from  a 
visit  to  England.  An  account  of  his  activities  as  a  physician, 
written  by  Dr.  J.  J.  Putnam,  may  be  found  in  the  Proceed- 
ings of  the  American  Academy,  Vol.  XLIV. 

Folsom  married.  May  12,  1886,  Martha  Tucker  Wash- 
burn, daughter  of  William  R.  P.  Washburn,  of  Boston, 
and  sister  of  our  classmate. 

Shepard  and  Sarah  Crowninshield  (Devereux)  Gilbert,  was 
born  in  Boston,  July  28,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
Boston  Latin  School.  He  was  a  resident  graduate  in  1863 
and  1864.  He  then  went  to  Port  Royal,  S.  C,  purchased 
plantations  near  Beaufort,  and  resided  there  for  several 
years;    served  as  magistrate,  selectman,  and  county  com- 

28       CLASS    OF    *  SIXTY-TWO  — H.  U. 

missioner;  was  admitted  to  the  South  Carolina  bar  in  1877, 
and  was  appointed  a  trial  justice  for  Beaufort  in  1878.  A 
few  years  later  he  was  engaged  in  mining  in  North  Carolina. 
Returning  North,  he  lived  for  some  years  in  Salem  and 
Boston,  passing  several  summers  in  Western  North  Carolina 
and  one  season  on  Snake  River,  Idaho.  In  1889  he  went 
to  New  York,  and  was  for  three  years  editorially  connected 
with  the  Lockwood  Press  of  that  city.  After  December, 
1891,  he  was  for  a  time  editor  of  the  Engraver  and  Printer, 
Boston.  Since  1892  he  has  lived  at  Salem,  spending  his 
summers  in  his  cottage  at  Jaffrey,  N.  H.  "In  the  early 
part  of  1899  I  passed  several  months  in  the  South,  revisiting 
my  former  home  on  the  Sea  Islands  of  South  Carolina, 
renewing  my  friendship  with  'Jimmy'  Cole,  of  our  class, 
who  alone  remained  in  that  locality  of  the  score  of  Harvard 
men  who  were  there  in  war  times." 

In  1894  Gilbert  became  a  member  of  the  Massachusetts 
Society  of  the  Sons  of  the  American  Revolution;  he  has 
served  on  its  board  of  managers,  and  has  been  a  delegate 
of  the  State  Society  at  several  congresses  of  the  National 
Society.  When  the  Harvard  Union  was  organized  in  1902, 
he  became  a  life-member;  he  is  also  a  life-member  of  the 
Bostonian  Society,  and  of  the  Bunker  Hill  Monument 
Association,  "my  great-grandfather  having  served  with  dis- 
tinction on  that  field."  He  is  a  member  of  the  Essex 
Institute,  and  is  at  present  secretary  of  the  Old  Salem 
Chapter,  S.  A.  R. 

Address:    16  Forrester  Street,  Salem,  Mass. 

Gilbert  married,  June  22,  1882,  at  Salem,  Clara  Luisa 
Emilio,  daughter  of  Manuel  and  Isabel  (Fenellosa)  Emilio. 

FRANCIS  WEBSTER  GOSS,  son  of  Ezekiel  and 
Almira  D.  (Hatch)  Goss,  was  born  in  Salem,  Mass.,  July  3, 
1842.  He  fitted  for  college  in  the  Salem  High  School.  In 
1862  he  was  a  teacher  in  Pennsylvania;  from  1863  to  1865 
a  teacher  at  Newport,  R.  I.  He  then  entered  the  Harvard 
Medical  School.  He  was  house  physician  at  the  Boston 
City  Hospital,  1868  to  1869;  has  since  been  engaged  in  the 
practice  of  medicine  in  Boston.  From  1875  to  1909,  Goss 
served  as  secretary  of  the  Massachusetts  Medical  Society, 


"34  years,  —  a  far  longer  period  than  any  of  my  predecessors 
since  the  incorporation  of  the  society  in  1781." 

Address:    The  Warren,  Roxbury,  Mass. 

Goss  married,  April  25,  1872,  Maria  L.  Draper,  of  Salem. 

Mrs.  Goss  died  May  24,  1875. 


*  Francis  Draper,  July  23,  1873;  died  Jan.  16,  1879. 

Goss  married,  Jan.  10,  1878,  Mrs.  Helen  Louise  Young, 
daughter  of  James  W.  Hobbs,  of  Boston. 


Miriam  Helen,  Dec.  12,  1879. 

Miriam  H.  Goss  was  married,  Dec.  12,  1905,  to  Bruce  Thurber  Shute;  they 
reside  in  California. 

*  JAMES  INGERSOLL  GRAFTON,  son  of  Joseph  and 
Maria  (Gurley)  Grafton,  was  born  in  Boston,  June  16,  1841. 
His  father  was  a  major  in  the  United  States  Army.  He 
fitted  for  college  at  Nazareth,  Pa.  He  left  college  in  No- 
vember, 1861,  was  commissioned,  November  1,  second 
lieutenant  in  the  Second  Massachusetts  Regiment,  and 
first  lieutenant  July  21,  1862.  At  the  battle  of  Cedar 
Mountain,  August  9,  1862,  he  was  badly  wounded  in  the 
head;  and  was  severely  wounded  again  at  Chancellorsville, 
May,  1863.  He  was  then  a  captain,  having  received  his 
commission  November  9,  1862.  The  Second  was  with 
Sherman  in  the  march  from  Atlanta  to  North  Carolina. 
At  Averysborough,  N.  C,  the  first  serious  opposition  to  the 
movement  was  encountered;  and  here,  on  the  morning  of 
March  16, 1865,  Grafton  was  killed  while  holding  in  check, 
with  a  handful  of  skirmishers,  the  advancing  line  of  the 
enemy.  Lieutenant  Samuel  Storrow  (H.  C.  1864),  also 
of  the  Second,  was  killed  in  the  same  engagement.  With 
but  one  exception  (E.  L.  Stevens,  H.  C.  1863,  killed  at 
Boykins'  Mills,  S.  C,  April  18,  1865),  these  were  the  last 
Harvard  men  to  fall  in  battle  during  the  War  of  the  Rebellion. 

JAMES  GREEN,  son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  (Swett) 
Green,  was  bom  in  Worcester,  Mass.,  March  2,  1841.  He 
attended  the  public  schools  in  Worcester,  and  fitted  for 
college  at  the  Worcester  High  School.  He  writes  of  himself 
as  follows: 

30       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

"Entering  college  without  condition,  I  set  an  example 
to  myself  in  scholarship  which  I  have  quite  failed  to  live  up 
to.  In  school  and  college  I  was  handicapped  by  weak  eyes 
and  insuflBcient  strength  to  endure  the  sedentary  life.  As 
we  left  college,  the  War  of  Secession  had  been  going  on  for 
over  a  year,  and  I  tried  hard  to  get  into  the  army  upon  the 
terms  laid  down  by  our  family  physician  —  that  I  must 
not  go  into  the  ranks  and  have  to  carry  a  knapsack.  By 
help  of  the  drill  we  had  had  at  the  Cambridge  Arsenal,  I 
helped,  to  drill  the  recruits  in  some  towns  out  of  Worcester, 
but  I  failed  to  get  any  place  for  myself  in  the  army.  I  was 
entered  meanwhile  as  a  law  student  in  Dwight  Foster's 
oflfice  in  Worcester,  and  I  entered  the  Harvard  Law  School, 
after  being  away  from  Cambridge  only  a  term.  The  law 
school  was  full  of  many  of  the  ablest  men  from  Yale  and 
other  colleges  as  well  as  Harvard;  and  while  there  was  a 
good  deal  of  hard  study  in  the  school,  there  was  little  dis- 
cipline and  no  examination,  and  life  was  even  more  agree- 
able there  than  in  college.  After  getting  my  law  degree  in 
1864, 1  spent  a  year  in  law  offices  in  New  York  City  and  was 
admitted  to  practice  there.  Then  I  travelled  in  the  West 
a  good  part  of  a  year,  going  as  far  as  to  Omaha,  which 
seemed  very  far  in  those  days,  for  only  thirty  miles  of  the 
Union  Pacific  Railroad  had  been  built.  Coming  back  to 
Worcester  I  started  to  practise  law,  and  have  been  labelled 
as  a  lawyer  ever  since.  In  1872  I  was  sent  abroad  for  my 
health,  and  stayed  in  Europe  two  years  and  a  half  till  my 
father  died  in  the  summer  of  1874.  I  lived  in  Rome  three 
winters,  nine  months  in  all,  and  as  much  more  time  in  the 
rest  of  Italy;  I  went  to  Greece  and  as  far  as  to  Constanti- 
nople, had  a  month  on  foot  in  Switzerland,  a  few  months 
more  in  Germany  and  Austria,  and  travelled  a  little  in 
France  and  England.  All  this  time  I  was  very  much  in- 
terested in  architecture  and  the  fine  arts  and  modern 
languages.  These  studies  were  mostly  new  to  me,  and  they 
had  a  perceptible  influence  upon  my  character  and  after- 
life. Three  years  later  I  went  back  to  Europe  again,  and 
spent  a  year  in  Spain  and  England.  This  year  intensified 
my  former  interest  in  modern  languages  and  the  fine  arts. 
Coming  home  again  in  1878,  I  have  lived  ever  since  in 

GREEN  31 

Worcester,  occupied  enough  in  law  and  the  care  of  real 
estate  to  spoil  the  possibility  of  cultivating  my  new  tastes 
in  any  satisfactory  way.  As  a  sign,  however,  that  those 
new  influences  were  enduring,  I  would  mention  that  I 
joined  a  little  German  club,  the  object  of  which  was  reading 
and  talking  in  German,  about  seventeen  years  ago,  and  we 
have  kept  the  club  going  ever  since.  I  have  also  risen  to 
the  shining  height  of  president  of  our  Alliance  Frangaise 
and  to  the  pinnacle  of  president  of  our  Worcester  Society 
of  Antiquity,  which  is  our  local  historical  society. 

"Not  many  years  after  settling  down  in  Worcester,  I 
belonged  to  the  Commonwealth  Club  of  Boston  with  Sen- 
ator Lodge  and  other  young  radicals  of  that  time.  I  was 
for  many  years  a  member  of  the  St.  Botolph  Club,  and  have 
belonged  to  the  Massachusetts  Reform  Club  almost  ever 
since  the  first  Cleveland  campaign. 

"At  the  time  of  the  British  war  in  South  Africa,  I  wrote 
a  pamphlet  on  that  subject  which  was  circulated  freely  in 
America  and  England,  and  was  even  reprinted  by  the 
British  South  African  Association  for  further  distribution. 
I  have  also  written  more  or  less  of  a  biographical  nature, 
including  my  recollections  of  the  late  Daniel  H.  Chamber- 
lain, governor  of  South  Carolina  after  the  War,  and  sketches 
of  our  departed  classmates,  Tom  Chadbourne,  Coleman, 
C.  E.  Greene  and  Ker. 

"In  writing  our  obituaries,  it  is  usual  to  show  from 
whom  we  are  descended,  and  how  far;  so  I  will  add  that  I 
am  derived  from  John  Tilley  and  his  wife  through  their 
daughter  Elizabeth,  who  all  came  over  on  the  Mayflower^ 
and  from  John  Rowland  who  came  with  them  on  this  ship 
and  married  the  daughter.  John's  manner  of  coming  over  is 
thus  described  in  Governor  Bradford's  "History  of  Ply- 
mouth . "  'In  sundrie of  these  stormes  the  winds  were  so  f eirce, 
&  ye  seas  so  high,  as  they  could  not  beare  a  knote  of  saile, 
but  were  forced  to  hull,  for  diverce  days  togither.  And 
in  one  of  them,  as  they  thus  lay  at  hull,  in  a  mighty  storme, 
a  lustie  yonge  man  (called  John  Howland)  coming  upon 
some  occasion  above  ye  grattings,  was,  with  a  seele  of  ye 
shipe  throwne  into  [ye]  sea ;  but  it  pleased  God  yt  he  caught 
hould  of  ye  tope-saile  halliards,  which  hunge  over  board, 

32       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  X  T  Y-T  W  O  — H.  U. 

&  rane  out  at  length;  yet  he  held  his  hould  (though  he  was 
sundrie  fadomes  under  water)  till  he  was  hald  up  by  ye 
same  rope  to  ye  brime  of  ye  water,  and  then  with  a  boat 
hooke  &  other  means  got  into  ye  shipe  againe,  &  his  life 
saved;  and  though  he  was  something  ill  with  it,  yet  he  lived 
many  years  after,  and  became  a  profitable  member  both 
in  church  &  comone  weal  the." 

"After  I  had  been  thus  boat-hooked  into  the  New  World, 
I  was  further  descended  from  Thomas  Dudley,  the  second 
governor  of  Massachusetts  Bay;  from  Rose  Dunster, 
sister  of  the  first  president  of  Harvard  College;  from  Rev. 
John  Woodbridge,  an  Oxford  graduate,  brother  of  the  first 
alumnus  named  on  our  Harvard  roll;  and  from  Lieut. 
Phineas  Upham,  who  was  fatally  wounded  at  the  storming 
of  Narragansett  Fort  in  King  Philip's  War.  Captain 
Samuel  Green,  another  grandsire,  and  his  son  Thomas,  were 
pioneers  of  Leicester;  Dr.  John  Green,  of  the  next  genera- 
tion, was  a  pioneer  of  Worcester.  He  married  a  daughter 
of  General  Timothy  Ruggles,  a  judge  and  the  president 
of  the  Stamp  Act  Congress,  and  the  most  widely  known  and 
most  hated  Loyalist  of  our  neighborhood,  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary days;  while  his  son-in-law  (Dr.  Green)  was  a 
rebel  beyond  hope  of  pardon. 

"Perhaps  the  most  noteworthy  fact  about  my  family 
is  this:  Three  Dr.  John  Greens,  grandfather,  father,  and 
son,  practised  medicine  continuously  in  Worcester  for 
ninety-eight  years;  if  we  count  in  also  Dr.  Thomas  Green, 
father  of  the  eldest  Dr.  John,  who  lived  in  our  adjoining 
town  of  Leicester,  this  one  continuous  line  of  surgeons  and 
physicians  ministered  to  this  neighborhood  for  one  hundred 
and  thirty-five  years  without  a  break.  Of  each  one  of  the 
four,  moreover,  it  seems  to  be  the  unquestioned  contempo- 
raneous opinion  that  he  was  at  the  head  of  his  profession. 
This  record  of  continuous  public  service  is  something  satis- 
factory to  contemplate.  If  my  brother.  Dr.  John  Green 
of  St.  Louis,  and  his  son  of  the  same  name  and  place  (both 
Harvard  men),  are  thought  of  in  connection  with  these 
who  preceded  them,  we  have  an  unbroken  record  of  pro- 
fessional service  of  a  high  grade  for  six  generations." 

Address:   702  State  Mutual  Building,  Worcester,  Mass. 


Residence:   61  Elm  Street, 

Green  married,  June  2,  1881,  Mary  A.  Messinger, 
daughter  of  David  Sewall  and  Harriet  (Sawyer)  Messinger, 
of  Worcester. 


Mart  Sprague,  June  10,  1882. 

Thomas  Samuel  (H.  C.  1909),  Feb.  9,  1886. 

Mary  S.  Green  attended  school  at  Bryn  Mawr  College. 

Thomas  S.  Green  was  on  the  board  of  editors  of  the  Lampoon  and  the  CriiJi- 
son.  He  has  been  attached,  ever  since  graduation,  to  the  cotton-selling 
office  of  E.  A.  Shaw  and  Co.,  of  Boston,  and  for  the  present  year  he  has  been 
working  in  their  branch  office  at  New  Bedford,  where  he  makes  his  home. 

*  CHARLES  EZRA  GREENE,  son  of  J.  D.  and  Sarah 
A.  (Durell)  Greene,  was  born  in  Cambridge,  Feb.  12,  1842. 
He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Cambridge  High  School  and  at 
Phillips  Exeter  Academy.  After  graduation  he  engaged 
in  the  manufacture  of  rifles  at  Millbury  and  Worcester. 
From  February  to  October,  1864,  he  was  a  clerk  in  the 
quartermaster's  department  at  Readville.  Jan.  5,  1865, 
he  was  commissioned  first  lieutenant  and  regimental  quar- 
termaster in  the  Seventh  Regiment  U.  S.  Colored  Troops. 
The  regiment  served  in  Virginia  and  Texas.  Greene  re- 
signed in  August,  1866,  returned  to  Boston,  and  in  October 
entered  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  taking 
the  course  in  civil  engineering.  Graduating  in  1868,  he 
was  for  two  years  assistant  engineer  of  the  Bangor  and 
Piscataquis  Railroad,  Maine.  He  then  formed  a  partner- 
ship under  the  name  of  Greene  and  Danforth,  with  an  oflSce 
in  Portland.  After  serving  for  about  a  year  as  city  engi- 
neer of  Bangor,  he  was  appointed,  in  October,  1872,  to  the 
chair  of  Civil  Engineering  in  the  University  of  Michigan, 
located  at  Ann  Arbor.  Here  he  lived  and  worked  until 
his  death,  serving  during  the  last  years  as  Dean  of  the  depart- 
ment of  Engineering.  He  wrote  several  works  on  engineer- 
ing subjects,  such  as  "Trusses  and  Arches"  (the  graphic 
method  of  treatment),  "Structural  Mechanics,"  etc.,  be- 
sides numerous  articles  for  the  scientific  magazines.  He 
was  also  employed  as  chief  engineer  and  expert  on  various 
works,  —  railroads,  bridges,  sewerage  systems,  water  works, 
etc.     In  1881  he  declined  the  professorship  of  Civil  Engineer- 

34       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

ing  in  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology.  In  1884 
he  received  from  his  university  the  degree  of  C.E.  He  was 
the  first  president  of  the  Michigan  Association  of  Engi- 
neers and  Surveyors,  organized  in  1880;  he  was  a  member 
of  the  American  Society  of  Civil  Engineers;  and  was  con- 
nected with  various  engineering,  banking,  and  commercial 

He  died  Oct.  16,  1903. 

Greene  married,  Sept.  12,  1872,  Florence  Emerson, 
daughter  of  Albert  Emerson,  of  Bangor,  Maine.  She  lives 
with  her  son  and  daughter  at  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan. 


Albert  Emerson  (B.Sc,  Mich.,  1896),  Aug.  26,  1874. 
Florence  Wentworth  (A.  B.,  Mich.,  1903),  May  19,  1878. 
Albert  E.  Greene  is  Professor  of  Civil  Engineering  in  the  University  of 

CHARLES  EDWARD  GRINNELL,  son  of  Charles 
Andrews  and  Anna  Almy  (Cobb)  Grinnell,  was  born  in 
Baltimore,  May  7,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
University  of  Maryland,  School  of  Letters  and  Sciences,  and 
at  the  boarding  school  of  Mr.  John  Prentiss.  He  was  the 
class  orator:  and  in  1887,  on  the  resignation  of  Brigham, 
he  became  class  secretary.  The  first  two  years  after 
graduation  he  spent  at  the  divinity  school  of  Yale  College. 
The  following  year  he  entered  the  Senior  class  in  the  Harvard 
Divinity  School,  graduating  in  July,  1865.  Immediately 
afterwards  he  went  abroad  with  his  wife,  spending  a  year 
as  student  of  theology  at  Gottingen,  and  returning  to 
Boston  in  October,  1866.  On  February  19,  1867,  he  was 
ordained  as  pastor  of  the  First  Unitarian  Church  in  Lowell. 
He  remained  here  till  November,  1869,  when  he  was  in- 
stalled as  pastor  of  the  Harvard  Church,  Charlestown. 
This  pastorate  he  resigned  December  31, 1873;  but  he  con- 
tinued to  preach  in  various  places  until  August,  1874,  when 
he  retired  from  the  ministry  altogether. 

In  October,  1874,  Grinnell  entered  the  Harvard  Law 
School,  taking  his  LL.B.  degree  in  June,  1876.  From 
August  to  November  he  was  in  the  ofiice  of  Chandler,  Ware 
and  Hudson;  he  was  then  admitted  to  the  Suffolk  bar,  and 
opened  an  office  at  5  Court  St.,  afterwards  moving  to  30 

HAVEN  35 

Court  St.,  where  he  has  remained  ever  since.  In  July, 
1878,  he  was  commissioned  a  master  in  chancery  for  Suffolk 
County;    reappointed  in  1893. 

Grinnell  has  published  several  books:  a  translation  of 
Uhlhorn's  Modern  Representations  of  the  Life  of  Jesus,  in 
June,  1868 ;  in  1883,  a  book  on  the  Poor  Debtor  Law  of  Massa- 
chusetts; in  1886,  a  book  on  the  Law  of  Deceit;  in  1889,  a 
book  on  the  Massachusetts  Practice  Act;  and  he  has  written 
many  articles  for  legal  publications.  He  was  for  a  time, 
till  December,  1882,  editor  of  the  American  Law  Review. 
In  January,  1871,  he  preached  the  election  sermon  in  the 
Old  South  Church;  in  1893,  he  delivered  the  Memorial 
Day  oration  at  Milton;  in  May,  1897,  he  gave  an  address 
before  the  General  Convention  of  Alpha  Delta  Phi,  at 
Providence.  His  residence  for  many  years  was  in  Millmont 
Street,  Roxbury. 

Address:    30  Court  street,  Boston. 

Grinnell  married,  July  11,  1865,  Elizabeth  Tucker 
Washburn,  a  sister  of  our  classmate.  Mrs.  Grinnell  died 
January  26,  1909. 


Charles  Ewald  Washburn,  June  30,  1866. 

Frank  Washburn  (H.  C,  1895;  LL.B.,  1898),  Dec.  14,  1873. 

Charles  E.  W.  Grinnell  is  in  business,  at  93  Lincoln  Street.,  Boston. 

Frank  W.  Grinnell  is  a  lawyer,  at  60  State  Street,  Boston.    He  married,  June 

16,  1908,  Isabel  Morison.    They  have  a  daughter,  Leslie  Grinnell,  bom 

May  7,  1911. 

*  SAMUEL  CUSHMAN  HAVEN,  son  of  James  Hen- 
derson and  Elizabeth  (Cushman)  Haven,  was  bom  in  Nau- 
voo,  111.,  February  19,  1843.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Phillips 
Exeter  Academy,  and  entered  Sophomore.  He  was  the 
youngest  of  the  class.  September  20,  1862,  he  was  com- 
missioned second  lieutenant  in  the  One  Hundred  and  Sixty- 
second  New  York  Regiment;  in  February,  1863,  first 
lieutenant.  About  this  time  he  was  invited  by  both 
Professor  Cooke  and  Professor  Peirce  to  return  to  Cam- 
bridge and  teach  in  the  College;  but  he  preferred  to  remain 
in  the  service.  While  with  his  regiment  before  Port 
Hudson,  he  became  very  ill,  was  removed  to  the  hospital  at 
Baton  Rouge,  and  died  there,  of  diphtheria,  June  25, 1863. 

36       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

and  Frances  A.  (Williamson)  Hazeltine,  was  bom  in  Boston, 
April  24,  1841.  After  graduating,  he  studied  for  a  while 
at  Oxford;  then  returned  to  New  York  and  practised  law 
in  partnership  with  Washburn. 

In  1878,  Hazeltine,  "a  perfect  stranger,  submitted  to 
Mr.  Dana,  of  the  New  York  Sun,  certain  specimens  of  book 
criticisms  and  the  like,  and  was  at  once  offered  the  literary 
editorship."  His  work  included  the  leading  book  reviews 
and  many  editorial  articles,  particularly  on  foreign  affairs. 
For  thirty  years  he  remained  in  the  service  of  the  Sun,  "an 
indefatigable  writer,  bringing  to  his  task  a  store  of  learning 
and  of  knowledge  of  mankind  almost  incredible  in  its  dimen- 
sions. He  possessed  a  gift  of  industry  akin  to  genius; 
and  a  retrospect  of  his  work  reveals  a  mass  that  would  fill 
a  library.  He  was  a  man  of  admirable  personal  qualities, 
self-contained  and  retiring  in  his  habits,  but  sharing  freely 
in  the  agreeable  associations  of  life,  and  endearing  himself 
to  many."  Gold  win  Smith  wrote  of  him:  "The  impartial- 
ity of  his  judgment  was  complete.  Not  to  the  Sun  alone, 
but  to  our  whole  world  of  letters,  the  loss  is  irreparable." 

Hazeltine  also  did  a  large  amount  of  writing  for  the 
North  American  Review  and  other  periodicals.  He  published 
a  few  books:  "Universities  at  Home  and  Abroad,"  "  Chats 
about  Books,"  "The  American  Woman  in  Europe,"  besides 
many  smaller  books  and  pamphlets. 

He  died  at  Atlantic  City,  Sept.  14,  1909. 

Hazeltine  married  Sophie  B.  Dallas;  they  had  a  daugh- 
ter, Sophie  D.  Hazeltine. 

WILLIAM  HEDGE,  son  of  Thomas  and  Lydia  (Good- 
win) Hedge,  was  bom  in  Plymouth,  Mass.,  Feb.  26,  1840. 
He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston  Latin  School.  He  was 
one  of  the  class  crew.  He  was  on  the  class  committee,  as 
Treasurer,  until  1907,  when  he  resigned,  his  place  being 
filled  by  the  election  of  Read.  After  graduation  he  enlisted 
in  Company  C,  Forty-fourth  Massachusetts  Regiment, 
which  served  under  General  Foster  in  North  Carolina.  In 
January,  1863,  he  was  commissioned  first  lieutenant.  The 
regiment  was  mustered  out  in  June,  1863;   and  in  the  fall 


of  that  year,  Hedge  began  the  study  of  law  in  the  office  of 
Whiting  and  Russell,  35  Court  Street,  Boston.  He  at  the 
same  time  took  the  course  of  study  at  the  Harvard  Law 
School,  receiving  his  degree  of  LL.B.  in  1866.  He  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  in  the  fall  of  that  year.  He  has  con- 
tinued the  practice  of  law  until  the  present  time,  at  first 
at  35  Court  Street,  lately  at  950  Tremont  Building. 
"Outside  of  my  profession,  my  principal  interests  have  been 
centered  in  the  Plymouth  Public  Library  (of  which  I  have 
been  director  and  either  secretary  or  president  for  the  past 
thirty  years)  and  in  the  work  of  the  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Fisheries, 
obtaining  my  principal  recreation  each  year  by  making 
frequent  trips  on  board  the  U.  S.  Fisheries  steamer  Phala- 
nope  during  the  winter  months."  His  residence  is  in 
Plymouth.  For  over  twenty  years  he  has  been  interested 
in  the  Old  Colony  Natural  History  Society  of  Plymouth; 
and  he  has  been  secretary  of  the  Boston  Provident  Associa- 
tion for  nearly  fifty  years. 

Hedge  married,  October  11,  1871,  Catherine  Elliott 
Russell,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Russell,  of  Plymouth. 


Lucia  Russelx.,  Dec.  14,  1872. 
William  Russell,  January  13,  1876. 
Henhy  Rogers,  January  13,  1876. 

The  sons  were  educated  at  the  Mass.  Listitute  of  Technology;  they  are  both 
in  the  insurance  business  in  Boston. 

Henrt  R.  Hedge  married,  Oct.  11,  1904,  Edith  Heath  Doliber,  daughter  of 
Thomas  and  Ada  R.  (Heath)  Doliber,  of  Brookline.  They  have  three 
children:  Elliott  Russell  Hedge,  Catherine  Russell  Hedge,  and  Pris- 
ciLLA  Heath  Hedge.  They  live  in  Brookline.  He  is  president  of  the 
Old  Colony  Insurance  Co. 

*  CHARLES  EDWARD  HICKLING,  son  of  Charles 
and  Eliza  B.  (Edes)  Hickling,  was  bom  in  Roxbury,  April 
24,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  with  Mr.  T.  G.  Bradford, 
of  Boston.  In  September,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  the  Forty-fifth 
Massachusetts  Regiment,  became  sergeant  in  October,  and 
served  with  the  regiment  in  North  Carolina.  After  taking  an 
active  part  in  Foster's  expedition  to  Goldsborough,  he  was 
seized  with  malarial  fever;  after  several  weeks  in  hospital, 
with  no  apparent  chance  of  recovery,  his  father  brought 
him  to  Boston.     He  was  honorably  discharged  February  3, 

38       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

1863.  At  home  he  slowly  recovered,  but  with  a  paralysis 
of  his  lower  extremities.  In  October  he  made  a  voyage 
to  Fayal,  where,  and  at  St.  Michael's,  he  was  somewhat 
benefited.  But  he  never  fully  recovered,  and  died  in 
Roxbury,  December  17,  1867. 

*JOHN  HODGES,  son  of  John  and  Mary  Osgood 
(Deland)  Hodges,  was  born  in  Salem,  Mass.,  December  8, 
1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Salem  High  School. 
April  17,  1861,  when  the  Eighth  Massachusetts  was  called 
out,  Hodges  joined  his  company,  the  Salem  Light  Infantry 
("Zouaves"),  and  served  with  the  regiment  till  its  return 
in  August.  August  22  he  was  commissioned  first  lieutenant 
in  the  Nineteenth  Massachusetts;  but  in  June,  1862,  he 
was  obliged  to  resign  on  account  of  sickness  contracted  in 
the  Peninsular  campaign.  By  November,  however,  he  was 
well  enough  to  enter  the  service  again,  this  time  as  major 
of  the  Fiftieth  Massachusetts,  a  nine  months'  regiment; 
his  commission  was  signed  November  7,  1862.  The  regi- 
ment was  sent  to  New  Orleans,  and  served  in  the  Port 
Hudson  campaign.  On  his  return  with  the  regiment  in 
the  fall  of  1863,  he  sought  further  service;  and  on  February 
2,  1864,  he  was  commissioned  lieutenant-colonel  of  the 
Fifty-ninth  Massachusetts  (Bartlett's)  Regiment.     July  30, 

1864,  at  the  explosion  of  the  mine  before  Petersburg,  he 
was  severely  wounded;  and,  while  waiting  in  the  crater, 
was  struck  by  a  fragment  of  shell,  and  instantly  killed. 

FREDERICK  LUCIAN  HOSMER,  son  of  Charles 
and  Susan  (Carter)  Hosmer,  was  bom  in  Framingham, 
Mass.,  October  16,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  high 
school  of  his  native  town.  The  winter  before  entering 
college  he  taught  school  in  Lancaster,  Mass.,  and  again 
during  the  Sophomore  winter;  in  the  winter  of  Junior  year 
he  taught  in  Sudbury,  and  for  six  weeks  in  the  winter  of 
the  Senior  year  had  temporary  charge  of  the  Houghton 
School,  Bolton.  On  leaving  college  he  was  for  two  years 
master  of  the  latter  school.  From  July,  1864,  to  July, 
1866,  he  was  master  of  the  Adams  (Grammar)  School, 
Dorchester  —  at  present  the  Harris  School,  Boston.     This 


position  he  resigned  and  entered  the  Harvard  Divinity 
School  in  September,  1866.  On  completing  his  course  here 
he  accepted  a  call  to  the  First  Congregational  Church  and 
Society  (Unitarian)  in  Northborough,  Mass.,  as  associate 
minister  with  the  venerable  Dr.  Joseph  Allen,  and  was 
ordained  by  his  people  without  ecclesiastical  council, 
October  28,  1869. 

In  July,  1872,  Hosmer  responded  to  an  urgent  call  from 
the  Second  Congregational  Church  (Unitarian)  of  Quincy, 
111.  —  which  had  then  been  for  two  years  without  a  settled 
minister  —  and  entered  upon  his  pastorate  the  following 
October.  In  April,  1877,  he  resigned  this  charge  for  the 
purpose  of  study  and  travel  abroad.  After  eighteen  months 
in  Europe  he  returned  to  Boston,  and  the  following  month 
became  minister  of  the  Church  of  the  Unity,  Cleveland,  O. 
Hosmer 's  Cleveland  pastorate  covered  fourteen  years. 
From  September  1,  1892,  to  October  1,  1893  (World's  Fair 
year),  he  was  secretary  of  the  Western  Unitarian  Conference, 
whose  headquarters  were  in  Chicago.  The  following  winter 
and  spring  he  spent  in  Colorado  and  California;  and  in 
June,  1894,  he  accepted  a  call  to  the  Church  of  the  Unity, 
St.  Louis,  succeeding  in  the  pastorate  his  friend,  John  C. 
Learned,  who  had  died  six  months  before.  After  five  years 
of  service  he  resigned  his  pastorate  with  the  intention  of 
taking  a  year  free  from  "regular  harness,"  and  spent  the 
autumn  of  1899  in  his  native  New  England;  but  in  early 
January,  1900,  he  accepted  a  call  to  take  temporary  charge 
of  the  First  Unitarian  Church,  Berkeley,  Cal.,  then  sud- 
denly left  without  a  minister.  This  move  led  to  his  becom- 
ing settled  as  minister,  and  he  remained  in  the  pastorate  until 
July  1,  1904,  and  has  since  continued  to  reside  in  Berkeley. 

In  the  Spring  of  1908,  by  invitation  of  the  faculty, 
Hosmer  gave  before  the  Harvard  Divinity  School  a  course 
of  ten  lectures  on  Church  Hymnody;  such  a  course  hav- 
ing been  provided  for  by  the  generous  gift  of  Mr.  Horace 
S.  Sears  to  the  School.  In  the  following  June  Hosmer  was 
elected  an  honorary  member  of  the  Harvard  Chapter  of 
the  Phi  Beta  Kappa  Society. 

Along  with  occasional  sermons  and  addresses,  Hosmer 
has  published:  "The  Way  of  Life:  a  service  book  for  Sun- 

40       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

day  schools,  1877;  "The  Thought  of  God:  in  Hymns  and 
Poems,"  in  connection  with  his  friend,  William  C.  Gannett 
(H.  U.  1860),  1885;  a  "Second  Series"  imder  same  title, 
1894;  "Unity  Hymns  and  Chorals,"  in  joint  editorship 
with  Mr.  Gannett  and  J.  Vila  Blake,  our  classmate,  Chicago, 
1880;  and,  with  Mr.  Gannett  as  joint  editor,  a  much  revised 
and  enlarged  edition  of  the  same  in  1911. 

Hosmer's  address  is  2427  Channing  Way,  Berkeley, 

*JOHN  ELBRIDGE  HUDSON,  son  of  John  and 
Elizabeth  C.  (Hilliard)  Hudson,  was  bom  in  Lynn,  August 
S,  1839.  He  attended  the  Lynn  High  School,  but  finished 
by  himself  his  preparation  for  college.  He  graduated  at 
the  head  of  the  class.  From  1862  to  1865  he  was  tutor  in 
Greek,  Latin,  and  Ancient  History  at  Cambridge,  taking 
at  the  same  time  the  regular  course  at  the  Law  School. 
He  was  admitted  to  the  Suffolk  bar  in  October,  1866. 
From  1866  to  1870  he  was  with  Chandler,  Shattuck,  and 
Thayer,  at  4  Court  Street,  Boston;  in  February,  1870,  on 
the  retirement  of  Mr.  Shattuck,  the  firm  became  Chandler, 
Thayer,  and  Hudson.  In  1874  the  name  was  changed  to 
Chandler,  Ware,  and  Hudson;  and  in  1878,  on  the  dissolu- 
tion of  the  firm,  Hudson  went  into  practice  by  himself. 
He  edited  the  U.  S.  Digest  for  1879. 

In  May,  1880,  Hudson  became  general  counsel  of  the 
American  Bell  Telephone  Company;  in  August,  1885,  he 
was  appointed  general  manager;  in  December,  1886,  vice- 
president;  and  in  April,  1889,  he  became  president,  a  posi- 
tion which  he  held  until  his  death  in  1900.  In  September, 
1887,  he  became  also  president  of  the  American  Telephone 
and  Telegraph  Company,  the  "Long  Distance"  company, 
which,  in  1899,  absorbed  the  American  Bell  Company. 

Hudson  was  a  Fellow  of  the  American  Academy,  and  a 
member  of  the  British  Association,  the  American  Antiqua- 
rian Society,  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society, 
the  Colonial  Society  of  Massachusetts,  the  Bostonian 
Society,  the  Virginia  Historical  Society,  the  American  Insti- 
tute of  Electrical  Engineers,  and  the  Bar  Association  of 
the  City  of  Boston;   he  was  also  one  of  the  corporation  of 


the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology.  He  belonged 
to  the  St.  Botolph,  the  Union,  the  Algonquin,  and  other 
Boston  clubs. 

He  died  at  Beverly,  October  1,  1900. 

Hudson  married,  August  23,  1871,  Eunice  W.  Healey, 
of  Hampton  Falls,  N.  H. 

Edgar  and  Frances  (Shippen)  Huidekoper,  was  born  in 
Meadville,  Penn.,  September  12, 1840.  He  fitted  for  college 
with  private  tutors,  and  entered  college  with  his  brother 
in  March,  1859.  After  graduating,  he  was  in  business  at 
Meadville  for  a  time.  June  29,  1863,  he  was  commissioned 
captain  in  the  Fifty-eighth  Pennsylvania  (three-months') 
Regiment.  Until  1875  he  was  engaged  in  manufacturing,  and 
in  settling  the  affairs  of  the  old  Holland  Land  Company. 
In  1875  he  became  engaged  in  railroad  enterprises:  was 
president  of  the  Chicago  and  Eastern  Illinois  Company, 
with  residence  at  Chicago;  afterwards,  in  1883,  he  moved 
to  Washington,  D.  C,  and  until  1886  was  an  officer  in  the 
Richmond  and  Danville  and  other  railroads.  He  was  then 
for  some  years  president  of  the  Virginia,  Tennessee,  and 
Carolina  Steel  and  Iron  Company.  From  1889,  for  several 
years,  he  acted  as  receiver  for  several  railroads  in  the  South. 
In  1896  he  became  president  of  the  Chicago,  Peoria,  and 
St.  Louis  Railroad  Company.  In  1901  he  became  president 
of  the  United  Land  Company  of  Florida. 

In  1901  and  1902  he  was  governor  of  the  Society  of 
Colonial  Wars  of  the  District  of  Columbia;  and  from  1903 
to  his  death  he  was  vice-president  and  president  of  the  Sons 
of  Revolution  of  the  District  of  Columbia. 

He  died  at  Washington,  April  29,  1908. 

Huidekoper  married,  January  22,  1867,  Virginia  Chris- 
tie, daughter  of  Fitz- James  Christie,  of  Erie,  Penn. 


*  Gracie,  July  5,  1872;  died  July  6,  1872. 
Frederic  Louis  (H.  C,  1896),  March  8,  1874. 
Reginald  Shippen  (H.  C,  1898),  May  24,  1876. 

Frederic  L.  Huidekoper  and  Reginald  S.  Huidekoper  are  practising  law  in 
Washington,  D.  C. 

42       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  XT  Y-T  W  O  — H.  U. 

and  Frances  (Shippen)  Huidekoper,  was  born  in  Meadville, 
July  17,  1839.  He  entered  college  with  his  brother  in 
March,  1859.  In  September,  1862,  he  was  lieutenant- 
colonel  of  the  One  Hundred  and  Fiftieth  Pennsylvania 
Volunteers.  He  lost  his  right  arm  at  the  battle  of  Gettys- 
burg, where  he  was  in  command  of  his  regiment.  (He  is 
now  the  only  graduate  of  Harvard  College  who  lost  a  limb 
in  the  service.)  February  22,  1864,  he  was  commissioned 
colonel;  and  on  March  5,  1864,  was  discharged  on  account 
of  disability  from  wounds.  September  17,  1870,  he  was 
appointed  major-general,  Twentieth  Division  National 
Guard  of  Pennsylvania.  He  is  now  the  senior  major- 
general,  retired,  having  served  as  such  for  eleven  years. 
In  1874  he  published  a  "Manual  of  Service'*  for  the 
use  of  the  Guard. 

In  1880  Huidekoper  was  appointed  postmaster  at 
Philadelphia,  and  served  for  over  five  years  (under  four 
presidents  and  seven  postmaster-generals)  until  November, 
1885.  Among  the  measures  suggested  by  him,  and  adopted 
by  the  Government,  were  the  raising  of  the  unit  of  weight 
for  letters  from  half-an-ounce  to  one  ounce,  and  the  sending 
of  notices  to  addressees  that  letters  were  held  for  insuflScient 
postage.  During  his  administration,  the  Philadelphia  post- 
office  had  a  high  reputation.  On  October  11,  1888,  Senator 
Chace  of  Rhode  Island  said  in  the  Senate:  "The  Philadel- 
phia post  office,  which  had  been  managed  for  eight  years 
by  General  Huidekoper,  was  admitted  on  all  hands,  I  believe, 
to  have  been  the  best  managed  post-office  in  the  world,  not 
even  excepting  the  celebrated  London  office.  General 
Huidekoper  had  conducted  his  business  purely  upon  civil 
service  reform  principles .  There  was  no  charge — there  could 
be  no  charge — made  of  his  management  of  the  office.  He 
was  removed  ....  and  the  chairman  of  the  Democratic 
City  Committee  of  Philadelphia  put  in  his  place." 

From  January,  1886,  to  January,  1888,  Huidekoper  was 
vice-president  and  general  manager  of  the  Metropolitan 
Telephone  and  Telegraph  Company,  now  the  New  York 
Telephone  Company;  and  since  January,  1888,  he  has  been 
a  special  agent  of  the  American  Bell  Telephone  Company, 


with  residence  at  Philadelphia.  He  has  been  president  of 
the  Harvard  Club  of  Philadelphia,  and  is  now  president  of 
the  Netherlands  Society  of  Philadelphia.  From  1898  to 
1910  he  was  one  of  the  Overseers  of  Harvard  College,  and 
was  conspicuous,  among  those  living  outside  of  Massa- 
chusetts, for  the  regularity  of  his  attendance  at  meetings. 
He  v/as  one  of  the  Commissioners  appointed  to  build  a 
monument  at  Gettysburg  in  honor  of  the  Pennsylvania 
soldiers  who  fought  there.  He  is  the  holder  of  one  of  the 
four  congressional  medals  of  honor  given  to  veterans  of 
the  War  of  the  Rebellion,  based  upon  record  in  the  War 
Department  —  the  only  graduate  of  Harvard  so  honored. 
This  was  granted  to  Huidekoper  for  gallantry  at  Gettysburg. 

Address:   P.  O.  Box  533,  Philadelphia. 

Residence:    1710  Chestnut  Street. 

Huidekoper  married,  October  26,  1864,  Emma  G. 
Evans,  of  Philadelphia. 


Emma  Gertrude,  Oct.  12,  1865. 

Thomas  Wallis,  Feb.  2,  1870. 

Emma  G.  Hxjidekoper  married  Professor  E.  Munroe  Smith,  of  G)lumbia  Uni- 
versity. They  have  a  daughter,  Gertrude  Munroe  Smith,  bom  June  6, 
1891.  Thomas  Walus  Huidekoper  married  Lilian  O'Brien.  His  address 
is  Melville,  Montana. 

HENRY  UPHAM  JEFFRIES,  son  of  Dr.  John  and 
Ann  Geyer  (Amory)  Jeffries,  was  bom  in  Boston,  Dec.  7, 
1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston  Latin  School. 
After  graduation  he  was  for  a  time  in  business  in  Boston. 
He  then  went  into  the  house  of  Russell  and  Sturgis,  at  Ma- 
nila. He  was  in  Boston  in  1874,  and  was  at  the  dedication  of 
Memorial  Hall;  but  he  returned  to  Manila  in  the  autumn. 
Later  he  went  to  Hong  Kong,  China,  and  was  for  a  time 
with  the  firm  of  Douglas,  Lapraik  and  Co.;  still  later  he  was 
agent  of  Mitsu  Bishi  Goshi  Kwaisha,  a  colliery.  Some  years 
ago  he  retired  from  business;  he  is  still  living  at  Hong  Kong, 
*'a  fine-looking  man  with  a  long  white  beard,  who  spends 
much  of  his  time  at  the  Hong  Kong  Club."  He  spends  his 
summers  in  Japan,  returning  to  Hong  Kong  for  the  winter. 

Address:  Hong  Kong,  P.  O.  Box  111;  Yokohama,  care 
of  Hong  Kong  and  Shanghai  Banking  Corporation. 

44       CLASS    OF    '  SIXTY-TWO  — H.  U. 

DERMOT  WARBURTON  KEEGAN,  son  of  Patrick 
and  Hannah  (Parsons)  Keegan,  was  bom  in  Boston,  Aug. 
28,  1841.  Hannah  Keegan  was  daughter  of  Israel  Parsons 
of  the  Revolutionary  Army.  In  October,  1862,  Keegan 
went  to  BerHn,  to  study  civil  law.  He  was  matriculated  at 
the  university  there,  and  studied  about  five  months,  when 
his  health  compelled  him  to  desist  from  mental  labor,  and 
to  travel  through  Europe.  After  an  absence  of  fifteen 
months,  he  returned  to  Boston  and  renewed  his  law  studies; 
but,  after  two  years  spent  in  recruiting  his  health,  he  re- 
linquished all  hopes  of  pursuing  his  chosen  profession,  and 
became  a  partner  in  the  house  of  Perkins,  Livingstone,  and 
Post,  dealers  in  railroad  iron  and  general  machinists' 
supplies,  Memphis,  Tenn.  Keegan  was  in  a  branch  house 
at  Cincinnati.  He  was  for  a  time  engaged  in  the  manu- 
facture of  paper  out  of  wood,  under  the  invention  of  his 
brother,  Dr.  V.  E.  Keegan.  In  1882  he  was  in  the  employ 
of  E.  R.  Mudge,  Sawyer,  and  Co.,  New  York,  having  charge 
of  the  Victory  Mills.  Later  he  was  alone  in  business  as 
commission  merchant  and  manufacturer  of  cotton  goods. 
Several  years  ago  he  retired  from  business. 

Address:    University  Club,  New  York. 

*  CHARLES  PARKE  KEMP,  son  of  Hiram  K.  and 
Mary  (Peaslee)  Kemp,  was  bom  in  Boston,  July  17,  1840. 
He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston  Latin  School,  where  he 
received  a  prize  for  a  composition  in  Latin  verse.  In  Sep- 
tember, 1862,  he  entered  the  Harvard  Medical  School. 
After  a  year's  service  at  the  Boston  City  Hospital,  he  began 
the  practice  of  his  profession  at  Springfield,  Mass.;  but  in 
1879  he  was  obliged  by  ill  health  to  give  up  practice.  After 
a  year  spent  at  the  South,  much  of  the  time  on  horseback 
in  the  mountains,  he  settled  at  Rugby,  Tenn.,  where  a 
"colony"  had  recently  been  established  by  the  brothers, 
Thomas  and  W.  Hastings  Hughes.  He  remained  at  Rugby 
till  his  death,  frequently  coming  North  for  part  of  the 
summer.     He  died  at  Rugby,  Feb.  12,  1892. 

*  WILLIAM  HENRY  KER  was  bom  in  Natchez,  Miss., 
Jan.  16,  1841.  He  was  in  the  university  crew  in  1860. 
He  left  college  in  the  Spring  of  1861  and  served  in  the  Con- 


federate  Army;  but  he  received  his  degree  in  1897.  In 
1882  and  1887  he  was  living  at  Port  Gibson,  Miss. 

In  January,  1877,  Ker  was  induced  by  his  neighbors  to 
organize  a  country  public  school.  "This  was  the  beginning 
of  my  real  life-work,  teaching.'*  From  January,  1879,  to 
December,  1889,  he  was  Superintendent  of  Public  Education 
for  Claiborne  County,  Miss.;  this  oflfice  he  resigned  to  be- 
come principal  of  the  "Natchez  Institute,"  the  city  public 
school.  He  was  much  interested  in  normal  schools,  espe- 
cially summer  schools,  in  the  promotion  of  which  he 
busied  himself  for  many  years,  both  as  director  and  as 

Feb.  10,  1897,  Ker  was  taken  seriously  ill.  He  never 
recovered  his  health,  but  died  at  Natchez,  Nov.  24,  1902. 

Ker  married,  Feb.  1,  1871,  Josephine  Chamberlain  of 


*  Charles  Chamberlain,  Sept.  7, 1872;  died  July,  1873. 
John,  Nov.  8,  1878. 

ChUd:  John  Ker,  Jr.,  May  5,  1912,  at  Portland,  Oregon. 

*  Pamelia  Archer,  Feb.  14,  1882;  died  May  26,  1912. 

*  William  Henrt,  Aug.  3,  1887;  died  June,  1888. 

*  JEROME  HENRY  KIDDER,  son  of  Camillus  and 
(Herrick)  Kidder,  was  born  in  Baltimore,  Oct.  26,  1842. 

After  graduating,  he  went  to  Port  Royal,  S.  C,  as  superin- 
tendent of  plantations.  From  June  16,  1863,  to  Jan.  31, 
1864,  he  was  a  private  in  the  Tenth  Maryland  Regiment. 
In  1864  he  began  the  study  of  medicine,  receiving  his  doctor's 
degree  from  the  University  of  Maryland  in  March,  1866. 
He  was  commissioned  as  assistant  surgeon  in  the  navy  in 
June,  1866;  in  March,  1871,  passed  assistant  surgeon; 
and  surgeon  in  June,  1876.  He  made  two  summer  cruises, 
in  1875  and  1879,  doing  work  for  the  Fish  Commission; 
was  with  the  "Transit  of  Venus"  expedition  to  Kerguelen 
Island,  and  made  a  report  on  the  natural  history  of  the 
island;  and  was  on  duty  at  the  Naval  Laboratory  in  New 
York,  and  at  the  Bureau  of  Medicine  and  Surgery  in  Wash- 
ington. He  resigned  his  position  in  the  navy  in  1884,  and 
was  appointed  chemist  to  the  Fish  Commission,  with  a 
laboratory  at  the  Smithsonian  Institution.      In   1876  he 

46       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  XT  Y-T  WO  —  H.  U. 

was  elected  an  honorary  member  of  the  Phi  Beta  Kappa; 
in  1878  of  the  Bunker  Hill  Association. 

He  died  April  8,  1889. 

Kidder  married  at  Constantinople,  Sept.  18,  1878, 
Anne  Mary  Maynard,  daughter  of  Horace  Maynard,  of 


Anne  Maynard,  Aug.  13,  1880. 

Henry  Maynard  (H.  C,  1904;  LL.B.,  1909),  Oct.  31,  1882. 

Dorothy  Laura,  June  20,  1884. 

Anne  M.  Kidder  married  Professor  E.  B.  Wilson  of  Columbia  University. 

They  have  a  daughter,  Nancy,  bom  in  1907. 
Henry  M.  Kidder  lives  with  his   mother  at  38  West  9th  Street,  New  York. 

He  is  in  the  legal  department  of  the  United  States  Steel  Corporation. 
Dorothy  L.  Kidder  married  Lawrasor  Riggs,  Jr. ,  a  lawyer;  they  live  in  New 


*  EDWIN  AUGUSTUS  LECOMPTE  was  born  in  Bos- 
ton, Sept.  14,  1835.  Before  entering  college  he  was  for 
six  years  with  Little,  Brown,  and  Co.,  booksellers.  He  fitted 
himself  for  college,  with  the  exception  of  the  last  year,  spent 
at  the  Pierce  Academy,  Middleborough.  He  was  the  class 
chaplain.  In  August,  1862,  he  became  pastor  of  the  Fourth 
Street  Baptist  Church,  South  Boston.  His  pastorate  was 
very  successful;  but  in  January,  1869,  he  was  called  to  the 
First  Baptist  Church  at  Syracuse,  N.  Y.  In  September, 
1874,  he  moved  to  Lowell,  where  he  was  pastor  of  the  Wor- 
then  Street  Baptist  Church  until  June,  1879,  when  he  was 
compelled  by  severe  illness  to  resign.  In  January,  1880, 
he  ceased  to  go  out  of  doors;  the  disease,  consumption, 
gradually  gained  the  mastery;  and  he  died  quietly  in  his 
library,  March  2,  1880. 

Lecompte  married,  July  24,  1862,  Frances  Eliza  Draper, 
of  Windsor,  Conn. 


Frank  Edwin,  Nov.  10,  1865. 
Adelaide  Frances,  Aug.  17,  1868. 
*  Walter  Augustus  (H.  C,  1893),  July  24,  1870;  died  Jan.  13,  1907. 

EDWARD  DELANO  LINDSEY,  son  of  Henry  and 
Susan  Maxfield  (Kempton)  Lindsey,  was  born  in  New  Bed- 
ford, March  30,  1841.     He  fitted  for  college  at  the  schools 


of  New  Bedford.  He  was  the  class  odist.  After  graduating 
he  entered  the  School  of  Fine  Arts  at  Paris,  where  he 
remained  until  July,  1865,  when  he  returned  to  Boston, 
and  entered  the  office  of  N.  J.  Bradlee,  architect.  In  1867 
he  went  to  New  York,  and  engaged  in  the  practice  of  his 
profession.  In  1868  he  built  the  French  Theatre,  also  the 
Drexel  Building,  almost  the  first  of  the  "fire-proofs."  His 
work  on  the  completion,  renovation,  and  redecoration  of 
the  Equitable  Life  Insurance  building  attracted  the  atten- 
tion of  some  of  the  officers  of  the  insurance  company,  who 
were  also  trustees  of  Princeton  University;  and  in  the  Autumn 
of  1876  he  was  appointed  to  the  newly-created  chair  of 
Architecture  and  Applied  Art.  **  My  classes  belong  especially 
to  the  students  in  the  John  C.  Green  School  of  Science,  — 
our  technical  branch  of  the  college;  and  I  lecture  on  art 
from  the  aesthetic  point  of  view  to  the  seniors  in  the  academic 
branch  as  well  as  those  in  the  school.  I  have  made  some 
progress,  I  think,  in  the  technical  branch;  and  my  depart- 
ment is  favorably  looked  upon.  From  my  professional 
training,  it  was  deemed  wise  that  I  should  have  charge  of 
the  material  interests  of  the  college;  and  I  divide  with  the 
treasurer  the  entire  care  and  responsibility,  —  a  heavy 
burden,  as  we  have  sixty-five  acres  and  forty  buildings, 
mostly  large.  I  have  been  the  architect,  also,  of  some  six 
or  eight  structures  for  the  college  of  much  importance, 
one  that  I  hope  will  prove  a  model  dormitory." 

In  1880  Lindsey's  health  broke  down,  from  overwork 
and  exposure  to  the  typhoid  epidemic  at  Princeton;  and  he 
resigned  his  professorship,  returning,  when  health  per- 
mitted, to  the  practice  of  his  profession  in  New  York.  His 
principal  work  has  been  upon  dwellings,  both  in  the  city  and 
in  the  country;  he  has  also  been  the  architect  of  several  large 
mercantile  buildings,  such  as  the  Consolidated  Exchange, 
the  building  for  the  American  Lithograph  Co.  —  one  of 
the  strongest  commercial  buildings  in  the  world  —  and  sev- 
eral theatres,  a  department  in  which  he  is  a  recognized 
expert.  He  is  also  the  inventor  of  an  accepted  method  of 
fire-proof  construction  of  floors,  etc. 

"My  Princeton  work  led  me  into  archaeology  and  art- 
history,  and  I  have  given  many  lectures  on  these  subjects. 

48       CLASS    OF    '  S IXT  Y-T  W  O  — H.  U. 

notably  in  the  New  York  Public  School  lecture  course.  I 
occupy  myself  in  my  leisiu-e  time,  as  I  have  for  more  than 
thirty  years,  in  perfecting  my  multitudinous  notes  and 
collections  of  illustrations,  running  into  thousands;  and  it 
is  my  intention  as  soon  as  possible  to  connect  myself  with 
some  institution  —  as  professor,  if  I  can  —  so  that  I  can 
have  legitimate  opportunity  to  complete  something  worth 
leaving  behind  me. 

"Prof.  William  R.  Ware,  George  B.  Post,  and  myself 
are  the  oldest  living  American  architects  of  regular  training.'* 

Address:  49|  8th  Avenue,  N.  Y. 

Residence:  175  Amity  Street,  Flushing,  N.  Y. 

Lindsey  married,  in  June,  1869,  Cornelia  Rowland  Swift, 
of  New  Bedford. 


Ellen  Rollins,  Jan.   13,   1873.    Since  1900  she  has  been   Mrs.   E.   L. 

*  JAMES  MILTON  LORING,  son  of  Charles  E.  and 
Mary  Young  Loring,  was  born  near  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  May  16, 
1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  High  School  of  St.  Louis. 
After  graduating,  he  read  law  in  the  oflBce  of  Glover  and 
Shepley,  St.  Louis,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar.  For 
several  years  he  busied  himself  with  educational  matters, 
delivered  lectures,  wrote  for  the  papers,  erected  buildings. 
Li  1885  he  was  elected  to  the  General  Assembly. 

He  died  at  St.  Louis,  Jan.  24,  1907. 

Loring  married,  Oct.  26,  1864,  Albertine  Glyckherr,  of 
St.  Louis. 


Castmib  Gltckhebr,  June  10, 1866. 

*  Heyden  Young,  May  9,  1868;  died  Nov.  2, 1904. 

•  Theodore,  Feb.  14,  1870. 
Etheltn  Winn,  April  7, 1872. 

*HENRY  HORTON  McBURNEY,  son  of  Charles 
and  Rosine  (Horton)  McBumey,  was  bom  in  Roxbury, 
Mass.,  Feb.  8,  1843.  He  fitted  for  college  at  A.  H.  Buck's 
school.  He  was  stroke  in  the  class  crew,  and  chief  marshal. 
In  September,  1862,  he  went  to  Paris,  and  studied  chemistry 
for  one  year  with  Wurtz,  in  the  Ecole  de  Medicine;  thence 

McCABE— McCarthy  49 

to  Heidelberg,  where  he  studied  with  Bunsen  another  year, 
returning  to  Boston  in  1864.  He  was  in  business  with  his 
father  till  November,  1866,  when  he  became  a  partner  in 
the  firm  of  Campbell,  Whittier,  and  Co.  In  1873  his  lungs 
became  delicate;  he  passed  that  winter  at  Nice,  France, 
and  in  December,  1874,  after  an  unsatisfactory  trip  to  the 
island  of  Santa  Cruz,  he  sailed  again  for  England.  He  died, 
suddenly  and  unexpectedly,  at  Bournemouth,  Feb.  20,  1875. 
McBurney  married,  Jan.  16,  1867,  Susan  Sturgis, 
daughter  of  James  Sturgis,  of  Roxbury. 


Mary,  Oct.  26,  1867. 
*  Thomas  Curtis,  Oct.  7,  1870;  died  Sept.  29,  1874. 
Margaret,  Sept.  6,  1873. 

Mart  McBctrney  was  married,  Nov.  6,  1889,  to  Frederic  Parker. 
Children:  Frederic,  Sept.  20.  1890. 
Elizabeth,  Nov.  17,  1891. 
Henry  McBurney,  April  11,  1893. 
*  Thomas,  April  20, 1898;  died  Aug.  30,  1898. 
Mary,  Oct.  4, 1899. 
Margaret  McBurney  was  married,  June   1,   1892,   to    Henry  Remsen 

Child:  Beatrix,  July  9,  1893. 

*  EDWARD  WILLIAM  McCABE,  son  of  Edmund 
Hudson  and  Elizabeth  Tilghman  (Farish)  McCabe,  w^as  born 
in  St.  Louis,  March  7,  1840.  He  was  one  of  the  editors 
of  the  Harvard  Magazine.  In  November,  1862,  he  began 
his  law  studies  in  the  office  of  Judge  Krum,  St.  Louis;  after 
a  year  he  went  into  the  office  of  his  cousin,  Mr.  Farish. 
In  the  summer  of  1865  he  took  out  a  license  to  practise, 
and  opened  an  office  in  conjunction  with  his  brother,  Frank 
X.  McCabe.     He  died  April  3,  1877. 

"^  EDWIN  DORR  MCCARTHY,  son  of  Henry  Reed 
and  Judith  Ann  (Dorr)  McCarthy,  was  born  in  Florida, 
N.  Y.,  Nov.  24,  1839.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Literary 
Institute,  Franklin,  N.  Y.  After  graduating,  he  served 
for  one  year  as  principal  of  the  High  School  at  Chatham, 
Mass.  He  took  his  degree  of  LL.B.  at  the  Harvard  Law 
School  in  1865.  In  May,  1865,  he  was  admitted  to  the  bar 
in  New  York,  and  continued  to  practise  law  in  that  city 

50       CLASS    OF    'SIXT  Y-TWO  — H.U. 

until  his  death,  devoting  himself  at  first  to  criminal  cases, 
afterwards,  and  for  the  greater  part  of  his  life,  to  admiralty 
practice.  For  several  years  he  was  in  partnership  with 
Mr.  Delagnel  Berier,  at  50  Wall  Street.  He  spent  many 
summers  in  foreign  travel,  visiting  Iceland,  Italy,  Greece, 
Egypt,  Russia,  and  Palestine.  He  died  at  his  home  in 
Plainfield,  N.  J.,  Jan.  29,  1895. 

McCarthy  married,  in  June,  1891,  Edith  Wright,  of 

*  HERBERT  COWPLAND  MASON,  son  of  Jonathan 
and  Isabella  Cowpland  (Weyman)  Mason,  was  born  in 
Boston,  June  1,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  with  Professors 
Lane  and  Lovering.  Nov.  25,  1861,  he  was  commissioned 
second  lieutenant  in  the  Twentieth  Massachusetts  Regiment, 
and  left  college  to  join  his  regiment  at  Poolesville,  on  the 
Potomac.  In  July,  1862,  he  returned  home  for  a  few  weeks, 
very  ill  with  malarial  fever;  but  rejoined  his  regiment  (as 
first  lieutenant)  in  Sedgwick's  Division,  Second  Corps,  in 
time  for  the  battle  of  Chantilly  and  the  covering  of  Pope's 
retreat.  Jan.  6,  1863,  he  was  promoted  to  a  captaincy. 
He  was  severely  wounded  at  Gettysburg,  July  3;  and  in  the 
Spring  of  1864,  finding  that  the  injury  would  disqualify  him 
for  further  service,  he  resigned,  and  was  honorably  dis- 
charged, with  the  brevet  rank  of  major,  March  23,  1864. 

March  1,  1867,  Mason  entered  the  counting-room  of 
Lawrence  and  Co.,  17  Milk  Street,  Boston.  He  was  in 
New  York  for  five  years;  but  returned  to  Boston  in  the 
Fall  of  1873,  and  became  treasurer  of  the  Ipswich  Mills. 

He  died  suddenly,  at  Stockbridge,  Sept.  24,  1884. 

Mason  married,  Oct.  6,  1868,  Mary  Gertrude  Dana,  of 


Mabel  Gertrude,  July  19,  1869. 
Philip  Dana  (H.  C,  1897),  Oct.  80,  1878. 
Julia  Appleton,  Feb.  11,  1878. 

*  HENRY  MATHES  was  born  in  Portsmouth,  N.  H., 
Sept.  4,  1839.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Phillips  Exeter  Acad- 
emy. He  rowed  in  the  class  crew.  After  graduating,  he 
studied  medicine  with  Dr.  Coleman,  of  Portsmouth. 

He  died  at  Concord,  N.  H.,  March  13,  1904. 


of  Charles  and  Mary  Crowninshield  Mifflin,  was  born  in 
Boston,  Dec.  7,  1839.  He  studied  for  some  time  in  Paris, 
returned  in  1855,  and  fitted  for  college  with  Professor  Lane. 
In  November,  1862,  he  joined  the  Forty-ninth  Massachu- 
setts (Bartlett's  regiment)  as  adjutant.  The  regiment 
joined  Augur's  division  of  Banks'  corps  at  Baton  Rouge, 
La.,  and  took  part  in  the  campaign  against  Port  Hudson. 
At  the  battle  of  Plains'  Store,  Mifflin  displayed  great  brav- 
ery; at  the  assault  on  Port  Hudson,  May  27,  1863,  he 
was  with  Bartlett  when  the  latter  was  wounded.  Later 
Mifflin  was  detailed  as  aide-de-camp  on  the  staff  of 
Gen.  William  D wight.  He  fell  sick  during  the  summer, 
returned  home,  and  was  mustered  out  with  his  regiment 
Sept.  1,  1863. 

On  returning  to  civil  life,  Mifflin  formed  a  partnership 
with  Ballou,  under  the  name  of  Ballou  and  Mifflin,  bankers 
and  brokers.  The  partnership  was  dissolved  in  1872,  and 
Mifflin  continued  in  the  same  business,  under  the  firm  name 
of  B.  C.  Mifflin  and  Co.  He  was  much  occupied  with  lit- 
erary pursuits,  and  was  a  frequent  contributor  to  the  press 
on  dramatic  matters;  he  also  wrote  a  memoir  of  his  father, 
remarkable  for  the  skill  and  care  with  which  it  was  pre- 
pared. For  a  year  or  two  before  his  death  his  health  was 
poor;  trips  to  Europe  afforded  only  partial  relief;  early  in 
1880  he  became  a  great  sufferer;  and  on  June  16  of  that 
year  he  died,  at  the  Hotel  Brunswick,  in  Boston. 

Mifflin  married,  in  November,  1869,  Sarah  E.  Learned, 
daughter  of  Edward  Learned,  of  Pittsfield,  Mass. 

ARTHUR  HOWARD  NICHOLS,  son  of  John  Perkins 
and  Mary  Ann  (Clarke)  Nichols,  descendant  in  the  sixth 
generation  of  Richard  Nichols,  of  Ipswich,  was  bom  in 
Boston,  Sept.  9,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Endicott 
and  Public  Latin  schools.  Upon  graduation  he  began  the 
study  of  medicine.  In  September,  1863,  he  accompanied 
classmate  Munroe  to  Paris  to  study  anatomy  at  the  Ecole 
de  Medicine.  Returning  to  Boston  in  the  autumn  of  1864 
he  entered  the  Harvard  Medical  School,  serving  as  house 
surgeon  at  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospital  from  April, 

52       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

1865,  till  May,  1866,  when  he  received  his  medical  diploma. 
In  August,  1866,  he  returned  to  Europe,  continuing  his 
studies  at  Vienna  and  Berlin.  In  September,  1868,  he 
began  practice  in  Boston,  and  at  Rye  Beach,  N.  H.,  during 
the  summer  months.  At  his  marriage  he  settled  at  130, 
Warren  street,  Roxbury,  occupying  the  historical  mansion 
known  as  the  Warren  House.  In  1885  he  removed  to  55 
Mount  Vernon  Street,  Boston,  In  his  professional  work  he 
has  had  considerable  experience  in  medico-legal  cases  in- 
volving personal  injuries.  He  has  always  been  interested  in 
scientific  change-ringing  upon  tower  bells,  and  has  published 
several  papers  relating  to  campanology.  He  is  a  member 
of  three  London  ringing  guilds.  In  1893  he  bought  a 
farm  at  Cornish,  N.  H.,  upon  the  Connecticut  river,  for 
retirement  during  periods  of  vacation.  He  has  made 
numerous  trips  to  Europe,  and  has  visited  also  Cuba  and 
Porto  Rico. 

Nichols  married,  Nov.  11,  1869,  Ehzabeth  Fisher,  eldest 
daughter  of  Thomas  J.  Homer,  Roxbury. 

Residence:   55  Mt.  Vernon  St.,  Boston. 


Rose  Standish,  Jan.  11,  1872. 
Marian  Clarke,  Dec.  21,  1873. 
*  Sidney  Homer,  Nov.  14,  1875;  died  July  6,  1881. 
Margaret  Homer,  Oct.  30,  1879. 

Margaret  H.  Nichols  married,  April  27,  1905,  Arthur  A.  ShurtleflP  (S.  B., 
1896),  of  Boston,  landscape  architect. 

Children:  Sidney  Nichols,  March  24,  1906. 
Sarah  Parsons,  Oct.  1, 1907. 
William  Asakel,  March  27,  1909. 
John  Perkins,  Feb.  18, 1911. 

*  CHARLES  HUME  NOYES,  son  of  Charles  and 
Helen  (Hume)  Noyes,  was  bom  in  Eastport,  Maine,  April 
4,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Eastport  High  School. 
After  graduating  he  went  to  Chicago  and  engaged  in  the 
grain  business,  in  railroad  business,  and  in  the  care  of  real 
estate;  at  one  time  he  was  in  the  employ  of  the  Internal 
Revenue  Department.  He  lived  at  one  time  in  Toledo. 
Finally  he  went  to  Colorado  in  search  of  health;  but  died 
there,  at  Pueblo,  March  25,  1894.     He  was  never  married. 


*  FRANCIS  CUSHING  NYE,  son  of  Tristram  and 
Sarah  W.  (Jenney)  Nye,  was  born  in  New  Bedford,  Aug.  2, 
1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Phillips  Exeter  Academy,  and 
entered  our  class  in  the  Sophomore  year.  In  September, 
1862,  he  was  secretary  of  the  South  Congregational  Church, 
Boston;  in  July,  1864,  he  was  studying  law  in  New  York. 
He  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1865,  and  practised  there 
for  some  years,  being  connected  with  the  Delamater  Iron 

He  died  in  New  York,  April  22,  1910. 

Nye  married,  April  13,  1868,  Mary  Hay,  of  Philadelphia. 


Kate  Hat,  Feb.  26,  1869. 
Florence,  Dec.  25,  1871. 
Mary,  Oct.  2,  1873. 

*  ARTHUR  CORTLANDT  PARKER,  son  of  William 
and  Lucy  Cushing  (Whit well)  Parker,  was  born  in  Boston, 
October  21,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  English  High 
and  Latin  schools.  In  the  Spring  of  1859  he  left  college  to 
go  into  business  in  Chicago;  but  returned  in  1861,  passed 
his  examinations,  and  rejoined  the  class  at  the  beginning 
of  the  Senior  year.  July  21,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  the  Thirty- 
third  Massachusetts  Regiment,  and  was  appointed  orderly 
sergeant.  March  3,  1863,  he  was  commissioned  second 
lieutenant,  and  attached  to  the  staff  of  General  Meade. 
He  was  killed  by  guerillas  near  Bristow  Station,  Va.,  on  the 
night  of  Aug.  24,  1863. 

*  GILBERT  RUSSELL  PAY  SON,  son  of  Samuel 
Russell  and  Hannah  Gilbert  (Cushing)  Payson,  was  born 
in  Boston,  May  11,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  E.  S. 
Dixwell's  school.  Aug.  2,  1862,  he  entered  the  employ  of 
J.  C.  Howe  and  Co.,  domestic  commission  merchants,  51 
Franklin  Street,  Boston,  devoting  his  attention  especially  to 
printed  goods;  on  Jan.  1,  1867,  he  was  received  into  the 
firm.  He  continued  in  that  business  connection  until  July 
1,  1874,  when  the  firm  of  White,  Payson,  and  Co.  was 
formed,  with  oflSces  at  43  Avon  Street.  He  remained  a 
member  of  this  firm  until  his  death.    He  was  also  a  director 

54       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

of  the  Hamilton  National  Bank,  one  of  the  corporation 
of  the  Suffolk  Savings  Bank,  and  was  on  the  standing 
committee  of  the  Old  South  Society. 

He  died  at  his  home  in  Watertown,  June  8,  1891. 

Payson  married,  June  12,  1867,  Althea,  daughter  of 
Charles  R.  Train,  of  Framingham. 


GiuBEBT  Russell  (H.  C.  1890),  Oct.  10,  1868. 
*  Edith,  Oct.  19,  1870;  died  March  25,  1872. 
Eleanor,  April  6,  1873. 
Samuel  Gushing,  April  20,  1875. 
Chables  Clifford  (H.  C.  1898),  Feb.  1,  1877. 

Gilbert  R.  Patson,  Jr.,  married,  April  21, 1897.  EUen  Holt  Eldredge,  daughter 
of  Henry  Grosvenor  Eldredge  of  Brookline.  They  have  two  children, 
Gilbert  Russell  Patson  (b.  June  14,  1900),  and  Henry  Grosvenor 
Eldredge  Payson  (b.  Mar.  19,  1907).  He  is  wharfinger  of  Long  Wharf, 

Eleanor  Payson  married  Philip  S.  Parker  (H.  C,  1890),  of  Brookline.  They 
have  four  children:  Philip  S.  Parker,  Grace  Hamilton  Parker,  Eleanor 
Gilbert  PARsaai,  Francis  Lawrence  Parker. 

Samuel  C.  Payson  married  Elsie  Lincoln,  daughter  of  William  H.  Lincoln, 
of  Brookline.  They  have  two  children:  William  H.  Payson  and  Edith 

Charles  C.  Payson  married,  June  25, 1905,  Ethel  Winslow  Williams,  daughter 
of  Charles  A.  Williams,  of  Brookline.  They  have  two  children :  Althea  Pay- 
son  and  Hilda  Payson.  He  is  in  the  cotton-buying  business  with  Ligersoll 
Amory  in  Boston. 

*  ROBERT  SINGLETON  PEABODY,  son  of  Jeremiah 
D.  and  Ellen  M.  (Hanna)  Peabody,  was  born  near  Zanes- 
ville,  O.,  June  12, 1837.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Phillips 
Andover  Academy,  delivering  the  valedictory,  and  entered 
Harvard  in  1857  with  the  class  of  1861 ;  but,  owing  to  sick- 
ness, joined  the  class  of  1862  the  next  year.  After  gradu- 
ating, he  entered  the  law  school,  taking  his  LL.B.  degree 
in  1864.  He  practised  at  first  in  Rutland,  Vt.;  but  in 
November,  1869,  he  moved  to  Germantown,  Pa.,  where  he 
continued  in  the  practice  of  law  until  his  death,  Oct.  1,  1904. 

Peabody  married,  Nov.  7,  1866,  Margaret  A.  Goddard, 
of  Zanesville,  O. 


Charles,  Nov.  9, 1867. 


*  CHARLES  BURN  HAM  PORTER,  son  of  Dr.  James 
B.  and  Harriet  (Griggs)  Porter,  was  born  in  Rutland,  Vt., 
Jan.  19,  1840.  He  came  of  a  long  line  of  distinguished 
doctors,  being  seventh  in  descent  from  Dr.  Daniel  Porter, 
who  settled  near  Farmington,  Conn.,  about  1650.  Fathers 
and  sons,  there  have  been  eighteen  doctors  in  the  family. 
Our  Porter  fitted  for  college  at  the  schools  of  Rutland.  He 
was  the  class  chorister.  On  graduating,  he  entered  the 
Harvard  Medical  School,  graduating  in  1865;  during  the 
last  year  he  was  house  surgeon  at  the  Massachusetts  Gen- 
eral Hospital,  and  for  three  months  in  1865  he  was  at  the 
Armory  Square  Hospital  in  Washington,  having  the  rank 
of  Acting  Assistant  Surgeon,  U.  S.  A.  From  1866  to  1879  he 
was  at  the  Harvard  Medical  School  as  Assistant  Demonstrator 
and  Demonstrator  in  Anatomy  and  Instructor  in  Sur- 
gery; from  1882  to  1887  he  was  Assistant  Professor  of 
Surgery,  and  from  1887  to  1903,  Professor  of  Clinical 
Surgery.  He  was  surgeon  to  out-patients  at  the  Massa- 
chusetts General  Hospital  from  1866  to  1875,  when  he  was 
made  visiting  surgeon;  he  resigned  this  post  in  1903.  He 
also  held  for  some  time  a  government  appointment  as 
examining  surgeon  for  pensions.  In  1868,  and  again  in 
1870,  he  visited  Europe,  doing  post-graduate  work  in  Berlin, 
Vienna,  and  London. 

In  addition  to  his  work  as  teacher  and  as  surgeon.  Porter 
busied  himself  with  general  practice,  being  much  valued  as 
a  physician  by  many  Boston  families. 

He  died  at  his  home,  5  Arlington  St.,  Boston,  May  21, 1909. 

Porter  married,  June  15,  1865,  Hattie  A.  Allen,  of 


Charles  Allen  (H.  C.  1888;  M.D.,  1892).  Sept.  9,  1866. 

HORTENSE   ISABELLE,  Oct.  23,  1868. 

Edith  Euse,  Oct.  21,  1872. 
Rosamond,  Sept.  26,  1874. 

Charles  A.  Porter  married,  April  13,  1898,  Margaret  De  Courcy  Dewar,  of 

Children:   Charles  Bubnham  Porter. 

Isabelle  De  Courct  Porter. 
Margaret  Dewar  Porter. 
Edith  E.  Porter  was  married,  Nov.  14,  1900,  to  Dr.  Percy  Musgrave. 
Children:  Eleanor  Musgrave. 
Percy  Musgrave. 

56       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

thaniel Appleton  and  Abigail  Welsh  (Payson)  Prentiss, 
was  bom  in  Andover,  Mass.,  Aug.  20,  1840.  He  fitted  for 
college  at  Phillips  Exeter  Academy.  After  graduating,  he 
spent  two  years  tutoring  and  doing  work  for  the  U.  S. 
Sanitary  Commission,  then  one  year  at  the  Columbia  Law 
School:  he  was  admitted  to  the  New  York  bar.  May  20, 
1864,  to  the  bar  of  the  U.  S.  Supreme  Court,  March  28, 1871. 
He  has  belonged  to  the  firms  of  Newell,  Denman,  and 
Prentiss,  and  Chambers,  Boughton,  and  Prentiss;  since  1884 
he  has  practised  law  without  partners.  Since  1898  he  has 
been  one  of  the  Referees  in  Bankruptcy  in  the  Southern 
District  of  New  York.  He  has  conducted  some  important 
international  cases  before  the  Department  of  State  and 
Arbitration  Commissions  at  Washington.  He  was  for  some 
years  a  member  of  the  executive  committee  of  the  Repub- 
lican County  Committee. 

Prentiss  was  for  some  time  interested  in  the  work  of 
the  Charity  Organization  Society.  He  was  also  one  of  the 
Trustees  of  the  Industrial  Education  Association,  and  of 
its  successor,  the  Teacher's  College  of  the  City  of  New  York; 
and  in  March,  1895,  he  was  appointed  a  member  of  the 
Board  of  Education  of  the  City  of  New  York,  continuing 
on  the  board  until  his  appointment  as  Referee  in  Bank- 
ruptcy. He  is  one  of  the  incorporators  of  the  Harvard  Club 
of  New  York  City;  also  a  member  of  the  Century  Associa- 
tion, the  Union  League  Club,  the  Phi  Beta  Kappa  Alumni 
Association,  the  Society  of  the  War  of  1812,  the  Veteran 
Corps  of  Artillery,  the  Sons  of  the  Revolution,  the  Society 
of  Colonial  Wars,  and  the  Naval  Order  of  the  United  States. 

Residence:  39  East  75th  Street,  New  York,  and  East 
Hampton,  Long  Island. 

Address:   2  Rector  Street. 

Prentiss  married,  June  26,  1878,  Margaret  de  Koven 
Beach,  of  New  York.  Mrs.  Prentiss  died  Feb.  7,  1889. 
Jan.  6,  1896,  he  married  Mrs.  Alice  (Bennett)  de  Koven, 
of  Burton,  Somersetshire,  England.  His  wife's  son,  Louis 
Besant  de  Koven  (H.  C,  1904),  lives  with  them;  there  are 
no  other  children. 


*  GEORGE  EATON  PRIEST,  son  of  Sylvester  and  Cyn- 
thia (Eaton)  Priest,  was  born  in  Watertown,  Jan.  30,  1842. 
He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Watertown  High  School.  In  the 
Fall  of  1862  he  enlisted  as  private  in  the  Fifty-third  Massa- 
chusetts Regiment,  was  commissioned  as  first  lieutenant  in 
November,  1862,  and  served  during  the  Port  Hudson  cam- 
paign. He  was  mustered  out  with  the  regiment  in  Septem- 
ber, 1863.  In  November,  1863,  he  became  quartermaster 
of  the  Fifty-seventh  Massachusetts  (Bartlett's  regiment), 
and  served  during  the  campaign  before  Richmond  and  until 
August,  1865,  when  the  regiment  was  mustered  out  of 

From  May,  1866,  to  May,  1869,  Priest  was  in  the  lumber 
business  in  Boston;  he  then  found  employment  with  Miles, 
Pratt,  and  Co.,  manufacturers  of  stoves,  and  remained  with 
them  and  their  successors.  Walker,  Pratt,  and  Co.,  and  the 
Walker  and  Pratt  Manufacturing  Co.,  till  his  death  in  1897; 
for  the  last  fifteen  years  he  was  treasurer  of  the  company. 
He  was  also  treasurer  of  the  Watertown  Savings  Bank,  and 
chairman  of  the  trustees  of  the  Watertown  Public  Library. 

He  died  June  29,  1898. 

Priest  married,  Sept.  30,  1866,  Mary  Wallace  Whittier, 
of  Sidney,  Me.     Mrs.  Priest  died  March  29,  1909. 


George  Wesley  (H.  C,  1891),  Aug.  10, 1868. 

*  Jessie  Whittier,  Aug.  3,  1870;  died  Nov.  17,  1874. 

*  Benjamin  Sidney  (H.  C,  1895),  Aug.  iS,  1872;  died  Oct.  15,  1909. 
Mabel  Eaton,  (Radcliffe,  1899),  Nov.  13,  1875. 

*  Winifred  Morse,  Dec.  26,  1883;  died  Sept.  28,  1884. 

George  W.  Priest  married,  Oct.  16,  1900,  Ellen  Mabel  Langford,  daughter 
of  John  T.  Langford,  of  Newton.  They  live  in  Camden,  N.  J.  Mr.  Priest 
is  a  manufacturer. 

Children:  Katharine  Langford  Priest,  Dec.  24,  1902. 
John  Sylvester  Priest,  Oct.  10,  1904. 
*  Ellen  Langford  Priest,  Dec.  21,  1905;  died  Aug.  18, 1906. 
Benjamin  S.  Priest  married,  April  10,  1900,  Mary  Isabel  Temple,  daughter 
of  Thomas  Temple,  of  Dorchester.     Mrs.  Priest  is  living  in  Neponset. 
Children:  Emily  Temple,  Dec.  28,  1900. 

George  Temple,  Nov.  25,  1902. 
Mabel  Eaton  Priest  married,  June  1,  1904,  Dr.  Vivian  Daniel  (M.D.,  1897). 
Dr.  Daniel  died  Sept.  24, 1907.     Mrs.  Daniel,  a  graduate  of  Radcliffe  College, 
class  of  1899,  is  at  the  head  of  a  House  at  Wellesley  College. 

68       CLASS    OF    '  S IXT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

*  EDWARD  DORR  PRITCHARD,  son  of  William  and 
Elizabeth  D.  (Knapp)  Pritchard,  was  born  in  Newburyport, 
Mass.,  March  3,  1838.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  New- 
buryport schools.  In  1863  and  1864  he  was  principal  of 
the  high  school  at  Fitchburg.  In  1865  he  was  in  business 
in  Newburyport.  He  afterwards  went  to  New  York,  and 
died  there,  April  22,  1904. 

*  HENRY  PARKER  QUINCY,  son  of  Edmund  Quincy 
(H.  C,  1827)  and  Lucilla  Pinckney  (Parker)  Quincy,  was 
born  in  Boston,  Oct.  28,  1838.  The  family  moved  to  Ded- 
ham  in  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  E.  S.  Dixwell's  school. 
He  was  one  of  the  marshals  on  Class  Day.  After  graduating 
he  studied  medicine  with  Professor  Jeffries  Wyman,  and 
in  the  Medical  School,  receiving  his  degree  in  1867;  during 
the  last  year  he  was  house  surgeon  at  the  Massachusetts 
General  Hospital.  He  spent  the  years  1867-1871  in  Europe, 
three  years  in  the  study  of  medicine  at  Vienna.  He  was 
at  the  Harvard  Medical  School  from  1877  to  1883  as  Assist- 
ant in  Histology,  from  1883  to  1898  as  Instructor. 

He  died  in  Boston,  March  11,  1899. 
Quincy  married,  June  20,  1877,  Mary  Adams,  daughter 
of  Charles  Francis  Adams,  of  Quincy. 


DoBOTHT,  Dec.  4,  1885. 
EuNOB,  March  11,  1888. 

JOHN  READ,  son  of  William  and  Sarah  G.  (Atkins) 
Read,  was  born  in  Cambridge,  May  19,  1840.  He  fitted 
for  college  at  the  Cambridge  High  School.  He  was  one  of 
the  1862  crew  which  defeated  the  Yale  Sophomores  at 
Worcester,  and  which  three  times  more  that  year  was  vic- 
torious in  prominent  races. 

After  graduation  he  entered  the  United  States  Navy 
as  paymaster,  on  Nov.  7,  1862,  and  was  attached  to  the 
United  States  ironclad  ram  Keokuk,  being  on  that  vessel 
at  the  time  she  was  shattered  and  sunk  by  the  fire  of  Fort 
Sumter  and  other  Charleston  forts,  in  the  attack  by  Admiral 
Dupont's  fleet,  April  7,  1863.  The  Keokuk,  when  leading 
the  fleet,  received  ninety  shots  in  thirty  minutes,  the  white 

READ  59 

heat  of  the  battle,  most  of  which  went  entirely  through  her 
deck  and  sides.  He  then  joined  the  West  Gulf  squadron 
on  the  gunboat  Granite  City,  which  was  employed  in  1863- 
1864  in  blockading  the  coasts  of  Louisiana  and  Texas,  and 
participating  in  the  different  engagements  in  that  depart- 
ment.    He  was  in  ten  different  engagements. 

On  May  6,  1864,  in  an  engagement  at  Calcasieu  Pass, 
Louisiana,  Read  was  captured  and  confined  in  Texas,  a 
prisoner  of  war,  for  seven  and  a  half  months,  most  of  the 
time  without  shelter,  in  the  open  prison  camps  Gillespie  and 
Chapel  Hill,  and  in  the  open  stockade  of  Camp  Groce. 
Dec.  19,  1864,  he  was  released,  broken  in  health,  being  one 
of  only  thirty-two  survivors  out  of  the  one  hundred  and 
eleven  originally  captured;  seventy-nine  having  died  from 
neglect,  exposure,  and  insuflScient  food,  being  a  loss  of  over 
seventy  per  cent.  He  was  then  ordered  to  the  United  States 
sloop  of  war  Kearsarge,  but  was  obliged  by  ill  health  to  re- 
sign from  the  service,  March  18,  1865.  He  returned  to 
Boston,  and  became  a  member  of  the  firm  of  William  Read 
and  Sons.  In  1872  he  sailed  for  South  America,  going  up 
the  Amazon  and  visiting  the  different  ports  of  Brazil. 

After  the  war  Read  was  active  in  the  public  service. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  Cambridge  Common  Council  in 
1880  and  1881,  of  the  Board  of  Aldermen  in  1882  and  1883, 
of  the  Massachusetts  House  of  Representatives  in  1888  and 
the  Senate  in  1892  and  1893.  In  the  Senate  he  was  chair- 
man of  the  committees  on  military  affairs,  state  water 
supply,  and  federal  relations,  and  also  a  member  of  the 
committees  on  banks  and  banking,  education,  and  prisons. 

In  1907  Read  was  elected  treasurer  of  our  class.  He 
was  chief  marshal  of  the  Cambridge  fiftieth  anniversary  cele- 
bration in  1896.  He  was  also  chief  marshal  of  the  naval 
procession  of  the  Grand  Army  National  Encampment  held 
in  Boston  in  1904.  He  is  a  member  of  Post  56  G.A.R.; 
member  and  has  been  vice-commander  of  the  Military  Order 
of  the  Loyal  Legion;  and  member  of  Kearsarge  Naval  Vet- 
erans. He  has  been  for  twelve  years  past,  and  is  now,  a 
State  Commissioner  of  the  Massachusetts  Nautical  Train- 
ing School  and  Schoolships  Enterprise  and  Ranger;  is  trustee 
of  the  National  Sailors'  Home;  commander  of  the  Massa- 

60       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

chusetts  Commandery  of  the  Naval  Order  of  United  States; 
president  of  the  Cambridge  Civil  Service  Association,  and 
is  a  member  of  the  National  Council  of  the  Civil  Service 
Reform  League  of  the  United  States.  He  delivered  the 
Memorial  address  at  Harvard  in  1900.  He  was  chosen  one 
of  the  electors  of  the  Electoral  College  of  Massachusetts 
in  the  first  election  of  President  Taft  in  1909,  and  has  this 
year  been  elected  a  delegate  to  the  National  Presidential 
Convention  in  Chicago  in  favor  of  President  Taft. 

Address:  107  Washington  Street,  Boston. 

Residence:  55  Appleton  Street,  Cambridge. 

Read  married,  October  17,  1865,  Elise  H.  Welch  of  West 


John  Bertram,  Dec.  10,  1870, 

William.  Nov.  17,  1872. 

Harold  Wilson,  May  9,  1881. 

John  Bertram  Read  married,  in  1897,  Grace  Mary  Goodwin,  of  Cambridge. 

Children:  John  Bertram  Read. 

Eleanor  Goodwin  Read. 

Richard  Welch  Read. 
William  Read  2nd,  married,  in  1906,  Adelaide  Sumner  Wood,  of  St.  Louis. 
Children:  Elise  Welch  Read. 

William  Read. 
Harold  Wilson  Read  married,  in  1906,  May  Clement  Parker,  of  Hartford. 
Children:  Robert  Parker  Read. 

May  Welch  Read. 

Caroline  Goodwin  Read. 

ARTHUR  REED,  son  of  Caleb  and  Mary  E.  (Minot) 
Reed,  was  bom  in  Boston,  Aug.  13,  1841.  He  fitted  for 
college  at  the  Boston  Latin  School.  In  September,  1862, 
he  enlisted  in  the  Forty-fifth  Massachusetts  Regiment,  was 
appointed  quarter-master-sergeant  in  October,  served  with 
the  regiment  in  North  Carolina,  and  was  mustered  out  in 
July,  1863.  In  1868,  he  went  into  the  insurance  business 
in  Boston,  and  has  remained  in  this  business  ever  since. 
Through  his  membership  in  the  Harvard  Glee  Club  in  col- 
lege days,  he  became  much  interested  in  vocal  music,  espe- 
cially for  male  voices;  and  he  was  one  of  the  founders,  in 
1871,  of  the  Apollo  Club  of  Boston,  a  male-voice  club  of 
fifty  members,  of  which  he  was  the  first  secretary  and 
virtually  business  manager,  and  so  remained  for  twenty- 
five  years.    The  club  has  been  most  successful,  having  had 

REED  61 

imitators  all  over  the  country,  some  of  which  have  adopted 
its  name.  Reed  was  also  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Cecilia 
of  Boston,  a  mixed-voice  club  of  about  one  hundred  members 
in  its  early  days,  of  which  he  was  one  of  the  managers  for 
twenty  years. 

Address:   27  Kilby  Street,  Boston. 

Residence:    Clinton  Road,  Brookline. 

Reed  married,  Oct.  28,  1866,  Elizabeth  H.  Webster,  of 
Boston.  Mrs.  Reed  died  in  Paris,  May  13,  1870.  Dec.  3, 
1892,  he  married  Mary  Hunt  McCollom,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


Arthur  Minot,  March  7,  1894.  "  He  is  to  celebrate  his  father's  semi- 
centennial of  graduation  by  entering  Harvard  in  the  fall  of  1912." 

*  JOSEPH  SAMPSON  REED,  son  of  Sampson  Reed 
(H.  C,  1818)  and  Catherine  (Clark)  Reed,  was  born  in 
Boston,  Dec.  13,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston 
Latin  School.  In  1862  he  went  to  Port  Royal  as  superin- 
tendent of  plantations  on  Ladies'  Island.  In  1863  he  was 
employed  as  a  clerk  in  Chicago;  but  soon  returned  to  Port 
Royal,  bought  a  plantation  on  Ladies'  Island,  near  Beaufort, 
and  lived  there  and  at  Beaufort  till  his  death,  which  took 
place  Jan.  12,  1897.  In  1895  he  wrote:  "I  believe  I  can 
claim  no  other  present  honors  except  being  Democratic 
county  chairman,  which  simply  seems  to  involve  labor  and 
condemnation.  It  has  been,  however,  I  think,  a  rather  unusual 
thing,  perhaps,  in  this  State,  for  a  so-called  Northern  man 
to  receive  these  honors.  I  was  for  some  years  lieutenant 
in  the  Beaufort  Artillery  and  Naval  Reserve,  but  have  with- 
drawn from  the  military."  At  the  time  of  his  death  he 
was  treasurer  of  Beaufort  County. 

Reed  married,  Dec.  29,  1870,  Florence  A.  D.  Scammon, 
daughter  of  J.  T.  Scammon,  of  Chicago. 


Effie,  Sept.  13,  1871. 
Winifred,  Sept.  17,  1872. 
Mart  Florence,  Feb.  13,  1876. 
Clark  Scammon,  Feb.  14,  1878. 

CtABK  S.  Reed  is  living  in  Chicago. 

62       CLASS    OF    '  S  IXT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

*  FREDERIC  WILLIAM  ROGERS,  son  of  Octavius 

T.  and  (Trask)  Rogers,  was  born  in  Milton,  Mass., 

May  15,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Milton  Academy. 
In  1863  he  went  into  business  in  Boston,  and  was  for  a  time 
with  the  firm  of  Rogers,  Shute,  and  Co.,  75  Summer  Street. 
In  January,  1880,  he  went  to  New  York,  and  went  into 
business  with  Butler  Brothers.  About  1893  he  went  to  Cali- 
fornia, living  at  San  Diego  till  a  short  time  before  his  death. 

Rogers  married,  Sept.  7,  1886,  Mrs.  M.  K.  Leach,  of 

He  died  at  National  City,  Cal.,  Feb.  15,  1906. 

HENRY  MUNROE  ROGERS,  son  of  John  Hicks  and 
Lucy  Catherine  (Smith)  Rogers,  was  born  in  Boston,  Feb. 
27,  1839.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston  Latin  School. 
On  the  death  of  Chapman  in  1865,  Rogers  was  chosen  a 
member  of  the  class  committee,  and  later  its  Chairman. 
Nov.  5,  1862,  he  was  appointed  acting  assistant  paymaster 
in  the  navy;  he  served  first  on  the  Daylight,  on  blockade 
duty  off  Wilmington,  N.  C;  afterwards  on  the  Ascuiney  and 
the  Wilderness  participating  in  1864-1865  in  the  movements 
resulting  in  the  taking  of  Fort  Fisher  and  Wilmington  N.  C. 
He  left  the  service  Nov.  20,  1865.  Sept.  30,  1865,  while  on 
a  three  months'  leave  of  absence,  he  entered  the  law  school 
at  Cambridge,  where  he  remained  until  April  23,  1867, 
taking  his  LL.B.  degree  that  year.  On  the  first  of  April, 
1867,  he  entered  the  law  oflfice  of  Messrs.  Brooks  and  Ball, 
40  State  Street,  Boston,  remained  there  till  the  summer  of 
1869,  and  in  September  took  an  office  at  42  Court  Street, 
where  he  remained  until  1901.  He  was  admitted  to  the 
Suffolk  bar  in  April,  1868. 

In  June,  1901,  Rogers  formed  a  partnership  with  Frank 
A.  North,  under  the  name  of  Rogers  and  North,  and  took 
rooms  at  89  State  Street.  April  1,  1903,  the  firm  became 
Rogers,  North,  and  Johnson,  Melvin  M.  Johnson  joining 
the  firm.  In  December,  1907,  Rogers  withdrew  from  the 
firm,  retaining,  however,  his  old  office;  the  firm,  still  at 
89  State  Street,  is  now  Johnson  and  North. 

Rogers  has  travelled  much,  both  on  this  continent  and 
abroad.     He  has     crossed  the  Atlantic  thirty-eight  times. 


In  1903  he  visited  Honolulu,  where  he  met  Brigham;  Japan 
and  China,  where  at  Hong  Kong  he  saw  Jeffries;  thence 
home  by  way  of  the  Straits  Settlements,  Ceylon,  India, 
Egypt,  Turkey,  Greece,  Italy,  and  the  Azores,  spending 
considerable  time  in  each  country. 

Of  his  professional  activities  Rogers  writes: 

"During  my  professional  career,  and  especially  while 
in  the  activities  of  admiralty  practice,  I  have  been  engaged 
in  many  cases  of  far-reaching  importance,  especially  those 
relating  to  carriage  by  sea,  bills-of-lading,  marine  insurance, 
and  kindred  subjects. 

*'I  have  been  before  almost  every  kind  of  a  tribunal,  from 
the  Municipal  Court  of  our  city  to  the  Supreme  Court  of 
the  United  States.  In  1878  I  was  engaged  in  a  suit  for 
libel, —  perhaps  the  last  case  where  such  a  combination  of 
circumstances  could  occur,  —  as  counsel  for  the  plaintiff,  a 
former  runaway  slave,  against  a  wealthy  and  prominent 
citizen  of  Boston,  defendant,  wherein  those  who  had 
formerly  been  slaves  in  the  South  were  witnesses  on 
one  side  or  the  other.  I  was  also  the  initiator  of  the 
criminal  prosecution  for  barratry  against  the  captain  and 
for  the  indictments  against  merchants  of  Boston  engaged 
in  a  conspiracy  to  defraud  marine  insurance  companies, 
in  the  famous  case  of  the  Mary  Celeste,  a  cause  which 
lasted  for  several  weeks  and  which  was  conducted  with  rare 
ability  by  Warren  K.  Blodgett,  Jr.,  then  assistant  U.  S. 
District  Attorney  (H.  U.,  1878).  In  that  case  I  was  con- 
spicuous by  my  absence  whenever  the  court  was  in  session. 

"My  writings  have  been  of  a  sporadic  and  ephemeral 
character,  in  the  press  and  elsewhere. 

"My  life  has  been  and  is  full  of  varied  interests  and  of 
associations  of  a  somewhat  unusual  character;  from  its 
variety  I  believe  I  have  derived  a  better  understanding  of 
mankind  than  I  should  have  had  if  I  had  confined  myself 
exclusively  to  the  routine  of  professional  work.  Whether  this 
be  so  or  not,  my  course  was  chosen  deliberately :  my  interest 
in  my  profession  has  never  abated,  and  my  delight  in  travel 
grows  with  my  advancing  years.  Within  a  twelve  month 
of  this  writing,  I  have  visited  Yellowstone  Park  in  the 
north  and  Cuba  and  Panama  in  the  south." 

64       CLASS    OF    '  SI  XT  Y-T  W  0  — H.  U. 

In  May,  1911,  Rogers  was  elected  Senior  Vice  Com- 
mander of  the  Massachusetts  Commandery  of  the  Loyal 
Legion  of  the  United  States  and  in  October,  1911,  a  member 
of  the  Council  of  the  National  Commandery  of  the  Loyal 
Legion  of  the  United  States. 

Address:  89  State  Street,  Boston. 

Rogers  married,  April  24, 1878,  Clara  Kathleen  Bamett, 
daughter  of  John  and  Eliza  E.  (Lindley)  Barnett  of  Chelten- 
ham, England;  and  he  and  his  wife  are  still  living  at 
309  Beacon  Street,  Boston. 

*  HENRY  ROPES,  son  of  William  and  Mary  Ann 
(Codman)  Ropes,  was  bom  near  London,  May  16,  1839. 
He  fitted  for  college  with  Sidney  Willard,  in  Boston.  He 
suffered  during  his  college  course  from  weak  eyes,  which 
interfered  very  much  with  his  studies.  He  was  in  the 
University  crew  in  1860.  Nov.  25,  1861,  he  was  commis- 
sioned second  lieutenant  in  the  Twentieth  Massachusetts 
Regiment,  and  first  lieutenant  Oct.  2,  1862.  He  was  with 
the  regiment  through  the  campaigns  of  that  year,  from  York- 
town  to  Fredericksburg,  and  escaped  with  only  slight 
wounds.  But  at  Gettysburg,  July  3,  1863,  during  a  pause 
in  the  infantry  conflict,  he  was  killed  by  the  premature 
explosion  of  a  shell  from  one  of  our  batteries. 

CHARLES  SPRAGUE  SARGENT,  son  of  Ignatius 
and  Henrietta  (Grey)  Sargent,  was  born  in  Boston,  April 
24,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  chiefly  at  Epes  S.  Dixwell's 
school  in  Boston.  In  November,  1862,  he  was  first  lieu- 
tenant on  the  staff  of  General  Banks;  in  July,  1864,  a  cap- 

Since  1872,  Sargent  has  been  Director  of  the  Arnold 
Arboretum,  and,  since,  1879  Professor  of  Arboriculture,  in 
Harvard  University.  From  1872  to  1873  he  was  Professor 
of  Horticulture,  and  from  1873  to  1879,  he  was  Director 
of  the  Botanic  Garden.  In  the  interests  of  the  Arboretum 
he  has  travelled  in  all  parts  of  the  United  States  and  has 
made  numerous  visits  to  Europe.  He  passed  the  Summer 
and  Autumn  of  1902  in  Japan;  in  1903  he  travelled  in  the 
Caucasus  and  through  Siberia  to  China  and  Java,  returning 


home  by  Japan.  In  1905-1906  he  visited  Peru  and  Chile, 
returning  home  by  the  Straits  of  Magellan,  the  Falkland 
Islands,  and  Europe. 

From  1879-1884  Sargent,  as  an  agent  of  the  Tenth 
Census  of  the  United  States,  had  charge  of  the  investigation 
of  the  forests  and  forest  wealth  of  the  United  States;  and 
in  1883  he  was  a  member  of  the  Northern  Pacific  Transcon- 
tinental Survey.  In  1885  he  was  the  chairman  of  a  com- 
mission appointed  by  the  governor  of  the  State  of  New 
York  to  recommend  a  plan  for  the  preservation  of  the 
Adirondack  forests;  and  in  1896-1897  he  was  the  chairman 
of  a  commission  appointed  by  the  National  Academy  of 
Sciences  to  prepare  a  report  upon  the  inauguration  of  a 
rational  forest  policy  for  the  forested  lands  of  the  United 
States.  From  1881  to  1895  he  was  engaged  in  the  formation 
and  arrangement  of  the  Jesup  collection  of  North  American 
woods  in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  in 
New  York. 

For  forty-one  years  Sargent  has  been  a  trustee  of  the 
Massachusetts  Society  for  Promoting  Agriculture,  and  is 
now  president  of  the  society.  He  is  a  trustee  of  the  Mu- 
seum of  Fine  Arts,  of  the  Massachusetts  Horticultural 
Society,  and  of  the  Massachusetts  Society  for  the  Preserva- 
tion of  Beautiful  and  Historic  Places.  Since  1880  he  has 
been  a  park  commissioner  of  the  town  of  Brookline.  He 
has  been  a  director  of  the  Boston  &  Albany  Railroad  for 
thirty-two  years,  and  is  now  president  of  the  corporation, 
and  he  is  a  vice-president  of  the  Massachusetts  Hospital 
Life  Insurance  Company. 

Sargent  is  a  member  of  the  National  Academy  of  Sci- 
ences, the  American  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  the 
American  Philosophical  Society,  the  St.  Louis  Academy  of 
Sciences,  and  a  corresponding  member  of  the  Philadelphia 
Academy  of  Sciences.  He  is  a  foreign  member  of  the 
Linnaean  Society  of  London,  the  Royal  Society  of  Ireland, 
the  Societe  Nationale  d'Agriculture  de  France,  the  Royal 
Horticultural  Society  of  England,  the  Societe  Nationale 
d'Acclimatation  de  France,  the  Deutsche  Dendrologischen 
Gesellschaft,  the  Scottish  Arboricultural  Society,  the  English 
Arboricultural  Society,  and  the  Oesterreichische  Dendro- 

66       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

logischen  Gesellschaft.  He  is  a  corresponding  member 
of  the  Botanical  Society  of  Edinburgh  and  of  the  Societe 
Centrale  Forestiere  de  Belgique,  an  associate  member  of 
the  Societe  Royale  de  Botanique  de  Belgique,  and  a  member 
of  the  Societe  Botanique  de  France,  and  of  the  Societe 
Nationale  d*Horticulture  de  France. 

He  is  the  author  of  a  **  Catalogue  of  Forest  Trees  of  North 
America,"  1880,  a  "  Report  on  the  Forests  of  North  America,'* 
being  volume  IX  of  the  "  Final  Reports  of  the  Tenth  Census 
of  the  United  States,  1884,"  "The  Woods  of  the  United 
States,  1885,"  "The  Silva  of  North  America,  1891-1902," 
"The  Forest  Flora  of  Japan,  1894,"   "Trees  and  Shrubs, 

1905 ,"  "Manual  of  the  Trees  of  North  America,  1905," 

"A  Guide  to  the  Arnold  Arboretum,  1911,"  and  of  many 
papers  in  scientific  journals,  chiefly  on  the  woody  plants 
of  North  America.  He  was  editor  of  "Garden  and  Forest" 
from  1887  to  1897,  and  he  has  edited  The  Scientific  Papers 
of  Asa  Gray,  the  Journal  of  Andre  Michaux,  and  the 
"Plantae  Wilsonianae." 

He  has  received  the  degree  of  LL.D.  from  Harvard,  the 
gold  medal  of  the  Societe  Nationale  d'Agriculture  de  France 
for  the  Silva  of  North  America,  and  the  Veitch  memorial 
medal  (England)  for  services  to  scientific  arboriculture.  He 
was  the  first  recipient  of  the  George  R.  White  medal  given 
through  the  Massachusetts  Horticultural  Society  for  service 
to  horticulture. 

Residence:   Warren  Street,  Brookline,  Mass. 

Sargent  married,  Nov.  26,  1873,  Mary  Robeson,  daugh- 
ter of  Andrew  Robeson,  of  Tiverton,  R.  I. 


Henbietta,  Aug.  28, 1874. 

Andrew  Robeson  (H.  C,  1900),  Dec.  2,  1876. 

Mart,  April  8,  1878. 

Charles  Spragtje  (H.  C,  1902),  March  7, 1880. 

AucE,  March  26,  1882. 

"For  four  years  each  of  my  boys  was  a  member  of  the 
'Varsity  squad,  one  playing  guard  and  the  other  centre." 

Henrietta  Sargent  was  married.  May  17, 1895,  to  Guy  Lowell  (H.  C,  1892). 

Mart  Sargent  was  married,  Jan.  25,  1908,  to  Nathaniel  Bowditch  Potter 
(H.  C,  1890;  M.D.,  1896).  They  have  two  daughters :i;NATAUE,  bom 
July  13,  1909,  and  Mart  Robeson,  bom  June  1,  1911. 


Andrew  Robeson  Sargent  married,  Nov.  3,  1909,  Maria  de  Acosta,  of  New 

Charles  S.  Sargent,  Jr.,  married.  May  9,  1912,  Dagmar  Wetmorci  of  New 

WINTHROP  SARGENT,  son  of  Henry  Winthrop  Sar- 
gent (H.  C.  1830)  and  Caroline  (Olmsted)  Sargent,  was 
born  in  New  York,  April  3,  1840.  He  was  fitted  for  col- 
lege by  private  tutors.  On  account  of  ill  health  he  was 
obliged  to  leave  college  during  the  Senior  year;  but,  **  owing 
to  the  kind  efforts  of  my  classmates,  to  whom  I  have  always 
been  grateful,  I  was  accorded  my  degree,"  in  1892.  He  was 
in  the  Law  School  two  years,  taking  his  LL.B.  degree  in  1864. 
After  the  death  of  his  parents,  he  interested  himself  in 
horticulture,  and  in  the  care  of  his  gardens  at  his  old  home, 
"Wodenethe,"  Fishkill-on-Hudson.  Here  he  has  lived  for 
the  past  thirty  years,  though  spending  many  winters  in 
Boston.  For  twenty-five  years  he  has  been  president  of 
the  Highland  Hospital  at  Fishkill,  an  active  institution 
which  he  helped  to  build  and  to  support.  He  has  also 
been  president  of  the  Public  Library,  a  director  of  the  bank, 
and,  for  thirty  years,  warden  of  the  Episcopal  church.  "  For 
twenty-one  years  my  wife  and  I  have  been  much  interested 
in  the  Sargent  Industrial  School,  founded  and  supported 
by  us.  Here  free  instruction  is  given  annually  to  six  hun- 
dred young  women  and  girls  of  the  neighborhood;  the 
object  of  the  School  is  to  prepare  the  pupils  for  the  effec- 
tive administration  of  a  private  home,  or  to  enable  them  to 
earn  an  independent  livelihood.'* 

For  several  years  Sargent  has  been  somewhat  of  an 
invalid.  He  gave  up  his  oflSce  at  30  Court  St.  some  years 
ago,  and  now  spends  most  of  the  year  at  his  old  home,  at 
Fishkill-on-Hu  dson . 

Sargent  married,  Dec.  2,  1873,  Aimee  Rotch,  daughter  of 
Benjamin  S.  Rotch  and  Annie  Bigelow  Rotch,  of  Boston. 

EDWARD  BABCOCK  SAWTELL,  son  of  Charles  and 
Ruth  J.  (Fairbanks)  Sawtell,  was  born  in  Fitchburg,  Mass., 
Sept.  26,  1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Leicester  Acad- 
emy. In  September,  1862,  he  went  to  Port  Royal,  S.  C, 
where  he  remained  several  years.     In  1868  he  was  a  law 

68       CLASS    OF    '  SIXTY-TWO  — H.  U. 

student  in  Fitchburg.  In  March,  1871,  he  was  admitted 
to  the  bar,  and  began  the  practice  of  law.  After  a  few  years 
he  moved  to  Manchester,  N.  H.,  and  found  employment  in 
a  mill.  Some  time  ago  ill  health  compelled  him  to  give  up 
work;  and  he  has  been  for  the  last  few  years  at  the  Beacon 
Hill  Hospital  in  Manchester. 

Sawtell  married,  Sept.  9,  1874,  Mary  J.  Whitney,  of 
New  London,  N.  H.     Mrs.  Sawtell  died  some  years  ago. 

ARTHUR  SIBLEY,  son  of  Stephen  and  Anna  (Emerson) 
Sibley,  was  born  in  Chelsea,  Mass.,  April  9,  1840.  He  fitted 
for  college  at  the  Chelsea  High  School.  He  was  bow-oar 
of  the  class  crew.  From  November,  1862,  to  October,  1865, 
he  served  as  acting  assistant  paymaster  in  the  Mississippi 
squadron;  he  was  present  at  the  running  of  the  Vicksburg 
blockade,  on  the  Red  River  expedition,  and  at  the  fight  at 
Arkansas  Post.  After  the  war  he  bought  a  steamboat, 
and  had  her  ply  between  New  Orleans  and  the  mouth  of 
the  river.  After  the  New  Orleans  riot  he  returned  to 
Chelsea,  and  went  into  business  with  his  father,  manu- 
facturing woolens.  He  continued  in  this  business,  with 
offices  in  Boston,  till  1908.  He  has  been  employed  by 
Boston  banks  as  expert  accountant. 

Residence:    18  Grand  View  Avenue,  Wollaston,  Mass. 

Sibley  married,  Nov.  1,  1870,  Sara  A.  Timmerman. 


Frank  Palmer,  Sept.  15,  1871. 
*  Marion  Ticknor,  March  21,  1873;  died  Aug.  30,  1879. 
Arthur  Emerson,  Feb.  15,  1875. 
Helen,  Feb.  2,  1881. 
Katherine,  Feb.  24,  1883. 
Margaret,  Dec.  14,  1884. 
Robert  Hinckly,  July  2,  1887. 

Frank  P.  Sibley  married,  April,  1894,  Louie  Linden;  they  have  one  child. 
Arthur  E.  Sibley  married,  June,  1906,  Laura  Howard;  they  have  three 

children,  Arthur  M.  Sibley,  T.  Curtis  Sibley,  and Sibley. 

Helen  Sibley  was  married,  June,  1907,  to  Frank  Herbert  Wright;  they  have 

two  children,  Francis  S.  Wright  and  Mary  Wright. 

*  FRANCIS  SKINNER,  son  of  Francis  and  Elizabeth 
(Cochran)  Skinner,  was  bom  in  Boston,  Sept.  3,  1840.  He 
fitted  for  college  at  E.  S.  Dixwell's  school.  After  gradua- 
tion he  was  for  a  time  superintendent  of  his  father's  fac- 

SOULE  69 

tories  at  Lewiston,  Maine;  he  then  went  into  business  with 
his  father.  In  1870  he  gave  up  active  business.  He  spent 
much  time  traveUing  in  Europe,  and  also  once  made  the 
circuit  of  the  globe. 

He  died  in  Boston,  Nov.  24,  1905. 

Skinner  married,  Oct.  15,  1868,  Eliza  Blanchard  Gard- 
ner, daughter  of  John  L.  Gardner,  of  Boston. 


Francis,  Nov.  12,  1869. 
Gardner,  Aug.  26,  1871. 

CHARLES  CARROLL  SOULE,  son  of  Richard  Soule 
(H.  C,  1832)  and  Harriett  (Winsor)  Soule,  was  born  in 
Boston,  June  25,  1842.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston 
Latin  School  and  the  Brookline  High  School.  While  a 
Freshman,  he  was  a  collaborator  on  Worcester's  Dictionary. 
In  1861  he  was  one  of  the  party  of  students  engaged  in  the 
"River  Observations"  at  Concord,  Mass;  (others  were 
Hudson,  Nichols,  Nye,  C.  H.  Porter,  Pritchard,  Stone, 
Trask,  Ware,  and  G.  P.  Stevens,  1863).  Near  the  end  of  his 
college  course  he  became  captain  in  the  Thirty-third  Massa- 
chusetts Regiment,  but  was  not  mustered  into  the  United 
States  service.  As  the  regiment  filled  up  very  slowly,  he 
left  it  in  July,  1862,  and  went  to  Port  Royal,  S.  C,  to  over- 
see plantations.  Hearing  of  the  formation  of  the  Forty- 
fourth  Massachusetts  Regiment,  he  returned  to  Boston  in 
October,  enlisted  as  a  private,  and  on  October  22  was  com- 
missioned second  lieutenant  in  Company  B.  When  the 
term  of  oflSce  expired,  he  joined  the  Fifty-fifth  Massachu- 
setts as  captain  of  Company  K,  and  remained  with  it  through 
the  war.  At  the  battle  of  Honey  Hill,  S.  C,  he  received  a 
slight  flesh  wound  in  the  arm.  From  May  until  August, 
1865,  he  was  provost  judge  and  superintendent  of  freedmen 
in  South  Carolina.  The  following  winter  he  spent  in 
Charleston,  in  the  real-estate  agency  business,  returning 
in  April,  1866.  In  May  he  became  a  clerk  with  Messrs. 
Little,  Brown,  and  Co.,  Boston.  In  October,  1869,  he  went 
West,  and  became  the  senior  partner  in  the  new  firm  of 
Soule,  Thomas,  and  Winsor,  law  and  general  booksellers  in 
St.  Louis,  Mo.     In  1877,  during   the  serious  riots  in  St. 

70      CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Louis,  lasting  a  week,  Soule  commanded,  as  major,  the 
"University  Club  Battalion,"  which  gave  valuable  assist- 
ance to  the  authorities. 

May  1,  1878,  Soule  accepted  an  offer  of  partnership  from 
Little,  Brown,  and  Co.,  sold  out  his  interest  in  St.  Louis, 
and  "emigrated  back  to  Boston."  In  1881  he  left  Little, 
Brown  and  Co.,  and  formed  the  partnership  of  Soule  and 
Bugbee,  for  publishing,  importing,  and  selUng  law  books,  at 
37  Court  St.,  Boston.  This  partnership  expired  in  1884, 
and  Soule  continued  the  same  business  alone,  moving  to 
the  Freeman  Place  Chapel,  15^  Beacon  St.  In  June,  1890, 
he  established  the  Boston  Book  Co.,  of  which,  from  the 
beginning,  he  has  been  the  president.  The  company  is  now 
located  on  Francis  St.,  near  the  Harvard  Medical  School. 
"The  company  has  two  specialties:  law  books,  and  full  sets 
of  periodicals  on  all  subjects  and  in  all  languages.  It  deals 
not  only  in  this  country,  but  also  in  Europe  and  all  the 
British  Colonies."  In  1883  Soule  published  "The  Lawyers* 
Reference  Manual,"  a  volume  of  legal  bibliography;  a 
second  edition  was  issued  in  1897. 

While  in  St.  Louis,  Soule  wrote  two  travesties,  "as  a  skit 
for  the  University  Club  (of  which  I  was  a  founder) :  'Romeo 
and  Juliet,'  and  'Hamlet  Revamped,  a  Travesty  without 
a  Pun.*  They  made  an  unexpected  hit  for  amateur  rep- 
resentation. I  was  not  proud  of  their  literary  quality; 
but  they  seemed  to  have  *go. '" 

In  1879  Soule  joined  the  American  Library  Association, 
and  has  since  served  actively  in  its  different  working  oflBces, 
"finally  taking  library  architecture  as  a  specialty.  On 
this  subject  I  have  spoken,  written,  and  advised  a  lot." 
Among  his  publications  are  "Points  of  Agreement  among 
Librarians  on  Library  Architecture,"  "Library  Rooms  and 
Buildings,"  and  the  article  "Library"  in  Russell  Sturgis's 
Dictionary  of  Architecture  and  Building.  He  is  now 
(December,  1911)  "engaged  in  preparing  a  volume  on 
*How  to  Plan  a  Library  Building,'  to  embody  my  experi- 
ence of  forty  years;  which  I  hope  to  live  to  finish  and  pub- 
lish."    The  book  will  be  published  in  June,  1912. 

For  some  years  Soule  has  been  employed,  by  library 
trustees  and  others,  as  an  expert  adviser  on  library  con- 

SOULE  71 

struction  and  equipment:  "In  this  way  I  have  been  able 
to  add  considerably  to  a  declining  income,  by  expert  service 
which  seemed  to  be  successful  and  appreciated;  a  perhaps 
unique  example  of  altruistic  work  helping  one  materially 
in  his  old  age."  A  few  years  ago  his  advice  as  to  the  proper 
appropriation  for  a  new  library  building  for  Brookline  saved 
that  town  about  $150,000;  and  more  recently,  as  one  of  the 
visitors  to  the  Harvard  Library,  "I  have  been  able  to  give 
some  work  to  Alma  Mater,  in  consulting  with  the  special 
board  of  architects  to  suggest  site  and  plans  for  a  new  building 
adequate  to  the  needs  and  dignity  of  the  University." 

Soule  reports  that  he  has  made  over  twenty  business 
trips  across  the  Atlantic:  "I  have  spent  in  all  over  a  year 
of  my  life  in  ocean  travel,  —  a  good  record  for  a  poor  sailor. 
In  1907 1  visited  fourteen  countries  of  Europe,  interviewing 
leading  lawyers  and  judges.  Four  months  of  this,  using 
ten  different  languages,  was  a  strenuous  polyglot  whirl." 

About  twenty  years  ago,  Soule  suffered  from  a  serious 
attack  of  grippe,  followed  by  a  severe  case  of  scarlet  fever. 
He  has  never  been  well  since.  In  August,  1910,  he  had  a 
stroke  of  paralysis,  from  which  he  has  partially  recovered; 
but  he  has  to  give  up  details  of  business,  "though  I  am 
allowed  literary  recreation." 

Since  he  returned  from  St.  Louis,  Soule  has  resided  in 
Brookline,  for  the  last  fifteen  years  and  until  this  spring  in 
his  own  house,  45  Warren  Street,  beautifully  situated  on  the 
eastern  shore  of  the  old  reservoir.  He  has  recently  moved 
to  Wellington  Terrace. 

Soule  married,  Oct.  9,  1878,  Louise  Charless  Farwell,  of 
St.  Louis. 


RxjTH  Matnard,  April  17,  1880. 
Dorothea  Winsor,  Oct.  SM,  1881. 
Charles  Carroll,  Sept.  25, 1883. 
♦  Barbara,  July  28, 1888;  died  July  30,  1890. 

Ruth  M.  Soule  was  married,  May  25, 1912,  to  Frederic  Bourne  Taylor,  (H.C, 

1899;  LL.B.,  1902),  of  Brookline. 
Dorothea  W.  Soule  was  married.  May  5,  1909,  to  William  Balch  Coffin 

(H.  C,  1899),  of  Brookline,  "nephew  of  our  classmate  Balch."    Their  son, 

William  Balch  Coffin,  Jr.,  was  bom  May  20,  1910. 
C.  C.  Soule,  Jr.,  graduated  at  Annapolis  in  1904;  he  is  now  a  lieutenant  in 

the  navy.     March  24, 1909,  he  married  Oleta  Pettigrove,  of  Seattle,  Wash. 

72       CLASS    OF    '  S  IXT  Y-T  WO— H.  U. 

JAMES  HENRY  STEARNS,  son  of  Orrin  O.  and 
Nancy  Crawford  (Valentine)  Stearns,  was  bom  in  Hancock, 
N.  H.,  Jan.  9,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  various  schools 
in  the  West.  He  entered  the  Sophomore  class  in  1859. 
In  July,  1864,  he  was  principal  of  a  school  for  young  ladies 
in  Wisconsin.  In  July,  1865,  he  was  in  the  Union  Telegraph 
office  in  Chicago.  Afterwards  he  went  to  Freeport,  111., 
and  became  a  member  of  the  law  firm  of  Neff  and  Steams; 
the  firm  is  now  Stearns  and  Zipf.  He  was  at  one  time 
county  judge.  He  writes,  in  May  of  this  year,  "I  am  grow- 
ing old  and  lazy.  I  am  no  longer  a  judge,  and  in  fact  have 
practically  retired  from  law  practice.  I  am  afraid  there  is 
not  much  show  for  my  going  East  again." 

Address:   116  Oak  Place,  Freeport,  111. 

Steams  married,  in  1869,  Ruth  M.  Chapin,  of  Dubuque, 

Nelson  and  Martha  Le  Baron  (Thomas)  Stoddard,  was  born 
in  Plymouth,  Mass.,  Jan.  4,  1842.  He  fitted  for  college 
at  Concord,  Mass.,  and  at  Phillips  Exeter  Academy,  Exeter, 
N.  H.,  entering  the  class  of  1862  at  the  beginning  of  the 
Sophomore  year.  Immediately  after  graduation  he  en- 
tered the  quartermaster's  department  at  Camps  Lynnfield 
and  Boxford,  and  was,  at  the  formation  of  the  Forty -first 
Regiment  of  Massachusetts  Volunteers,  commissioned  first 
lieutenant  and  regimental  quartermaster.  This  regiment 
was  attached  to  the  Banks  expedition,  sailing  for  New 
Orleans  on  the  North  Star  with  General  Banks  and  his 
staff.  In  Louisiana  it  was  mounted  and  its  name  changed 
to  Third  Massachusetts  Cavalry;  it  served  through  the 
Teche,  Port  Hudson,  and  Red  River  campaigns.  In  the 
Summer  of  1864,  Stoddard  was  promoted  to  be  captain 
and  was  detailed  as  A.  A.  Q.  M.  of  the  Second  Brigade, 
Second  Division,  Nineteenth  Army  Corps;  serving  in  that 
position  and  in  command  of  his  company  at  Petersburg, 
and  through  Sheridan's  campaign  in  the  Shenandoah  Valley. 
He  afterward  received  a  commission  as  captain  and  A.  Q. 
M.,  U.  S.  Volunteers.,  and  was  mustered  out  of  service  in 
August,  1865. 

STONE  — TARBELL  —  TICKNOR       73 

After  that  time  he  was  engaged  in  manufacturing  and 
as  treasurer  of  manufacturing  corporations  until  January, 
1881,  when  he  was  chosen  cashier  of  "The  Plymouth 
National  Bank,"  established  in  1803,  of  which  bank  his 
father  was  cashier  and  president  from  1845  to  1891.  He 
succeeded  his  father  as  president  in  1891,  and  still  continues 
to  hold  that  position.  Since  1890  he  has  been  treasurer 
of  the  Pilgrim  Society  of  Plymouth,  and  since  1897  treasurer 
of  "Trustees  of  the  Stickney  Fund." 

Address:    Plymouth,  Mass. 

*  GOODWIN  ATKINS  STONE,  son  of  Jacob  and  Eliza 
(Atkins)  Stone,  was  born  in  Newburyport,  July  12,  1841. 
He  fitted  for  college  at  Dummer  Academy,  Byfield.  On 
graduating  he  became  principal  of  the  high  school  at  Con- 
cord, Mass.  April  14,  1863,  he  was  commissioned  first 
lieutenant  in  the  Second  Massachusetts  Cavalry,  and 
captain  March  25,  1864.  July  6,  1864,  he  was  severely 
wounded  in  a  skirmish  at  Aldie's  Station,  Va.;  he  died  at 
Fall's  Church,  July  18. 

*  GEORGE  GROSVENOR  TARBELL,  son  of  C.  L.  Tar- 
bell,  was  bom  in  Lincoln,  Sept.  9, 1841.  He  fitted  for  college 
at  Phillips  Exeter  Academy.  On  graduating,  he  entered  the 
Harvard  Medical  School,  acting  for  a  time  as  house  surgeon 
of  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospital.  April  7,  1865,  he 
was  appointed  assistant  surgeon  Third  Massachusetts  Cav- 
alry;  Aug.  9,  surgeon;   mustered  out  Sept.  28,  1865. 

In  May,  1866,  Tarbell  began  the  practice  of  his  pro- 
fession, at  first  in  Hingham;  after  December,  1867,  in 
Boston.  He  served  for  eighteen  years  as  visiting  physician 
of  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospital;  also  for  a  time  as 
examining  surgeon  of  the  New  York  Life  Insurance  Com- 
pany. He  was  president  of  the  board  of  trustees  of  the 
Home  for  the  Feeble-Minded;  also  chairman  of  the  trustees 
of  the  Lincoln  Public  Library. 

He  died  Dec.  28,  1900. 

BENJAMIN  HOLT  TICKNOR,  son  of  Wilham  D. 
and  Emeline  S.  (Holt)  Ticknor,  was  born  in  Boston,  Aug.  3, 
1842.     In  1847  his  family  moved  to  Jamaica  Plain.     He 

74       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

fitted  for  college  at  the  Chauncy  Hall  School.  Feb.  8, 1862, 
he  sailed  for  Ship  Island,  as  assistant  quartermaster  on  the 
transport  IdahOy  returning  on  the  Constitution.  In  July, 
1862,  he  entered  the  employ  of  Ticknor  and  Fields,  pub- 
lishers; but  in  August  he  enlisted  in  the  Forty-fifth  Massa- 
chusetts Regiment,  being  commissioned  second  lieutenant 
Sept.  13.  When  the  regiment  went  to  Newbern  in  Novem- 
ber, he  was  detained  by  sickness,  but  joined  the  regiment 
in  December,  and  served  with  the  garrison  of  Fort  Macon 
till  May,  1863,  when  he  was  commissioned  second  lieutenant 
in  the  Second  Massachusetts  Heavy  Artillery,  and  was  sent 
home  to  recruit.  In  August  he  was  commissioned  captain, 
and  put  in  charge  of  the  recruiting  camp  at  Readville.  In 
October  he  returned  to  Newbern,  where  he  remained  till 
his  resignation,  April  17,  1864. 

Ticknor  rejoined  the  firm  of  Ticknor  and  Fields,  and  in 
1865  took  charge  of  the  New  York  branch,  returning  to 
Boston  in  1867.  May  1,  1870,  he  became  a  partner  in  the 
firm  of  Fields,  Osgood,  and  Co.  He  retired  in  February, 
1878,  and  was  for  a  time  with  S.  D.  Warren  and  Co.;  but 
joined  the  new  firm  of  J.  R.  Osgood  and  Co.  in  1880.  The 
firm  failed  in  May,  1885,  and  was  succeeded  by  that  of 
Ticknor  &  Co.,  and  this  by  Houghton,  Miflflin,  and  Co. 

Address:    13  Harris  Avenue,  Jamaica  Plain. 

Ticknor  married,  June  8,  1865,  Caroline  C.  Cushman, 
daughter  of  Freeman  L.  Cushman,  of  Boston. 


Caroline,  Sept.  1, 1866. 
Edith,  Sept.  10, 1868. 
William  Davis,  Jan.  11, 1881. 
Benjamin  Holt,  Sept.  13,  1882. 
Emeline  Cushman,  June  28, 1884. 

William  D.  Ticknor  married,  Oct.  S,  1906,  Ella  Frances  Wattles,  of  Canton. 
Children:    William  Davis  Ticknor,  Oct.  15, 1907. 
Benjamin  Holt  Ticknor,  Jan  8.  1909. 

Emeline   Cushman  Ticknor  married,  April    20,   1911,   James    Melville 

FREDERIC  WILLIAM  TILTON,  son  of  Benjamin 
and  Lucinda  (Newell)  Tilton,  was  born  May  14,  1839,  in 
Cambridge,  Mass.     He  graduated  in  the  Enghsh  depart- 


ment  of  the  Cambridge  High  School  in  1854,  and  entered 
the  counting-room  of  his  brothers,  who  were  engaged  in 
business  in  Boston.  He  remained  there  nearly  two  years. 
He  then  returned  to  the  High  School  and  prepared  for 
college  in  two  years.  Immediately  after  graduating  from 
college  he  went  abroad  with  our  lamented  Chapman  for  travel 
and  further  study.  After  a  trip  through  England,  Scotland, 
Ireland,  and  parts  of  the  continent,  he  went  to  Gottingen, 
entered  the  university,  and  studied  there  nearly  an  academic 
year.  Soon  after  his  return,  in  the  summer  of  1863,  he  was 
appointed  instructor  in  Latin  and  Mathematics  at  the 
Highland  Military  Academy,  in  Worcester,  Mass.  In  Jan- 
uary, 1867,  he  was  elected  superintendent  of  the  public 
schools  of  Newport,  R.  I.  He  held  this  oflBce  until  the 
Summer  of  1871,  when  he  was  elected  successor  to  Dr.  S.  H. 
Taylor,  as  principal  of  Phillips  Academy  at  Andover.  While 
in  Newport  he  represented  Newport  County  in  the  first 
Rhode  Island  State  Board  of  Education.  In  1873  he  was 
invited  to  assume  the  head-mastership  of  the  Rogers 
School  in  Newport,  R.  I.,  a  new  institution,  founded  from 
the  endowment  of  the  late  William  Sanford  Rogers,  of 
Boston.  Tilton  resigned  at  Andover  to  accept  this 
position,  and  entered  upon  his  new  duties  in  the  Autumn 
of  1873. 

Tilton  served  many  years  in  Newport  as  master  of  the 
Redwood  Library  and  also  as  director  of  the  People's  Li- 
brary. He  was  long  a  member  of  the  board  of  trustees  of 
the  Newport  Hospital,  and  served  for  several  years  as  its 
president.  In  1885  and  1886  he  travelled  extensively  with 
his  family  in  Europe,  having  secured  leave  of  absence  for 
this  period.  In  1890  he  retired  from  all  professional  work, 
and  lived  with  his  family  in  Europe  from  1890  to  1894. 
During  this  time  two  of  his  sons  took  German  university 
degrees,  one,  William,  as  Doctor  of  Philosophy,  and  the  other, 
Benjamin,  as  Doctor  of  Medicine.  Since  his  return  to  this 
country  in  1894  he  has  lived  in  Cambridge.  He  has  acted 
as  trustee  of  estates,  and  has  served  for  many  years  as 
director  of  the  Harvard  Trust  Company,  and  as  vice-presi- 
dent and  a  member  of  the  investment  committee  of  a 
savings  bank.     Among  the  clubs  with  which  he  has  been 

76       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

associated  are  the  Newport  Reading  Room  and  the  Cam- 
bridge Club. 

His  present  address  is :  Care  of  Harvard  Trust  Co.,  Cam- 
bridge, Mass.;  residence,  86  Sparks  Street. 

July  21,  1864,  Tilton  married  Ellen  Trowbridge,  of  Cam- 
bridge.    Mrs.  Tilton  died  January  5,  1910. 


William  Frederic,  Feb.  24,  1868. 

Benjamin  Trowbridge  (H.  C,  1890),  July  17,  1869. 

Ellen  Maud,  Feb.  29,  1872. 

Newell  Whiting  (H.  C,  1900),  Oct.  26,  1878. 

William  F.  Tilton  was  at  Harvard  three  years  with  the  class  of  1890;  he  is  a 
Ph.D.  of  Freiburg.  He  has  written  on  historical  subjects.  He  married 
Elizabeth  Hewes,  of  Cambridge;  they  live  in  Cambridge. 

Benjamin  T.  Tilton  holds  a  German  degree  of  M.D.  He  is  a  surgeon  in 
New  York  City.  He  married  Anna  Griggs,  of  Tacoma.  They  have  three 
daughters,  Heartie,  Susan,  and  Maud. 

Ellen  M.  Tilton  married  Frederic  William  Atherton  (H.  C,  1886),  of  Boston. 

Newell  W.  Tilton  is  of  the  firm  of  Harding,  Tilton,  and  Co.,  of  New  York, 
Philadelphia,  and  Boston.  He  lives  in  New  York.  He  married  Mildred 
Bigelow,  of  New  York.    They  have  two  daughters,  Ellen  and  Daphne. 

*JABEZ  NELSON  TRASK  was  bom  in  Freedom, 
Me.,  Oct.  19,  1831.  His  early  life  was  passed  in  the  back- 
woods of  Maine  in  pioneer  warfare.  He  fitted  for  college 
at  Phillips  Exeter  Academy,  and  entered  Harvard  the 
Sophomore  year.  After  graduation  he  spent  a  year  at 
Port  Royal,  S.  C,  another  year  as  resident  graduate  at 
Cambridge,  and  graduated  from  the  Divinity  School  in  1866. 
Having  served  a  year  as  Indian  agent  in  Colorado,  he  re- 
turned to  Cambridge  in  1872;  preached  at  West  Cumming- 
ton,  Mass.,  in  1873,  was  ordained  in  June,  and  settled  in 
New  Salem  in  November.  In  May,  1901,  he  moved  to 
Orange.  Here  he  spent  the  rest  of  his  life,  occupying  him- 
self with  various  literary,  scientific,  moral,  and  religious 
work;  he  did  a  good  deal  of  surveying  in  different  parts  of 
the  State.  He  died  at  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospital, 
March  8,  1909. 

Trask  married,  July  16,  1873,  Lydia  Maria  Stratton, 
of  New  Salem.    Mrs.  Trask  died  Aug.  6,  1900. 

*JOHN  HARVEY  TREAT,  son  of  James  Augustus 
Treat  (H.  C,  1832),  was  born  in  Pittsfield,  N.  H.,  July  23, 

TUCKE  77 

1839.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Phillips  Andover  Academy. 
After  graduation,  until  1892,  he  was  in  business  with  his 
father  in  Lawrence.  His  interests  were  very  various  in 
character.  He  was  an  enthusiastic  entomologist  and  back- 
woodsman; he  was  much  interested  in  history,  genealogy, 
numismatics  and  inscriptions;  was  a  collector  of  rare  books; 
and  wrote  several  theological  treatises  of  a  polemic  character. 
In  1875  he  was  in  Palestine  with  the  American  Exploration 
party;  the  ancient  coins  collected  on  this  trip  were  given 
in  1887  to  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society. 
In  1888  he  gave  to  Harvard  College  his  collection  of  works 
on  Ritualism  and  Doctrinal  Theology;  also  his  collection 
of  insects;  and,  in  1901,  he  gave  the  college  a  fund  to  pro- 
cure every  book  on  the  Roman  catacombs  and  the  Christian 
antiquities  of  Italy.  He  was  a  member  of  several  histori- 
cal and  antiquarian  societies. 

He  died  at  Pittsfield,  N.  H.,  Nov.  8,  1908. 

EDWARD  MORTON  TUCKE,  son  of  Edward  and 
Emily  (Coburn)  Tucke,  was  born  in  Lowell,  Mass.,  May  3, 

1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Lowell  High  School. 
In  January,  1863,  he  began  business  as  a  clerk  for  Messrs. 
Wilson,  Hamilton,  and  Co.,  Boston,  where  he  remained 
three  years,  and  then  became  a  partner  of  the  firm  of  Hall, 
Dame,  and  Bullock;  he  lived  in  Chicago  until  July,  1868, 
when  he  returned  to  Boston.  In  January,  1871,  the  name 
of  the  firm  was  changed  to  Dame,  Tucke,  and  Co.  In 
January,  1872,  he  sold  out  his  interest,  and,  after  a  few 
months  spent  in  New  York,  returned  to  Lowell. 

In  January,  1874,  Tucke  became  secretary  and  treasurer 
of  the  Traders'  and  Mechanics'  Insurance  Co.,  a  position 
he  still  occupies.  He  has  also  been  president  of  the  Whittier 
Cotton  Mills,  president  of  the  Middlesex  Trust  Co.  in 
Lowell,  president  of  the  Old  Lowell  National  Bank  (a  posi- 
tion held  for  many  years  by  his  father),  and  president  of 
the  Lowell  and  Suburban  Street  Railway,  now  absorbed 
by  the  Massachusetts  Electric  Co's.  He  is  one  of  the  Trus- 
tees of  the  City  Institution  for  Savings,  and  a  director  in 
the  Lowell  Gras  Light  Co. 

Tucke   has   served   as   councilman    and    alderman   at 

78       CLASS    OF    '  SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Lowell;  was  in  the  Massachusetts  Legislature  in  1886  and 
1887;   and  was  elected  to  the  State  Senate  in  1890. 

Residence:    19  Varnum  Street,  Lowell. 

Tucke  married,  Dec.  2,  1874,  Katharine  Parker,  of 


*  Emily,  Aug.  24,  1875;  died  May  5,  1877. 

*  RowENA,  Sept.  10,  1882;  died  Jan.  3,  1885. 

*  Edward  Pahkek,  March  14,  1884;  died  Oct.  4,  1884. 

*  Edward  Hildreth,  June  10,  1887;  died  March  11,  1911. 
Parker,  May  18,  1890. 

Katharine,  May  28,  1892. 

*JOHN  HENRY  TUCKER,  son  of  Ebenezer  and 
Eliza  Bradly  (Foster)  Tucker,  was  born  in  Cambridge, 
Feb.  19,  1835.  For  several  years  before  entering  college 
he  followed  the  occupation  of  a  carriage-painter;  but  in 
1856  he  began  to  fit  himself  for  college,  finishing  his  studies 
at  the  Cambridge  High  School. 

Tucker  had  intended  to  study  for  the  ministry;  but  he 
decided  that  his  country  needed  his  services.  In  Sep- 
tember, 1862,  he  enlisted  as  a  private  in  the  Thirty-eighth 
Massachusetts  Regiment,  went  with  the  regiment  to 
Louisiana,  and  was  killed  in  the  attack  on  Port  Hudson, 
May  27,  1863. 

JOHN  LANGDON  WARD,  son  of  William  R.  L.  and 
Sophia  A.  (Langdon)  Ward,  was  bom  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y., 
Oct.  25,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Salem,  Mass.,  and 
Portsmouth,  N.  H. 

On  April  15,  1861,  Ward  and  Hodges,  his  classmate, 
pursuant  to  orders  from  the  captain  of  the  Salem  Light 
Infantry  (afterwards  known  as  the  Salem  Zouaves),  to 
which  company  they  both  belonged,  left  college  and  reported 
at  Salem  for  active  duty.  The  company  was  attached,  as 
Company  J,  to  the  Eighth  Regiment  Massachusetts  Volun- 
teer Militia,  the  regiment  that  opened  the  way  to  Washing- 
ton via  Annapolis,  and  left  Boston  for  Washington  on 
April  18,  1861.  The  Zouaves,  together  with  a  detail  from 
other  companies  of  the  regiment,  were  placed  on  board  the 
old  frigate  Constitution  at  Annapohs,  and,  with  the  under- 

WARD  79 

graduates  of  the  Naval  Academy  and  a  few  petty  oflficers 
of  the  navy,  brought  the  frigate  from  Annapohs  to  New 
York;  then,  returning  to  Washington,  they  were  the  first 
to  enter  that  city  by  water  after  the  war  broke  out.  In 
September,  1861,  Ward  returned  to  college. 

After  graduation,  Ward  began  the  study  of  law  in  Salem, 
Mass.;  but  in  September,  1862,  he  raised  a  company  of 
which  he  was  commissioned  captain,  and  which  was  attached 
to  the  Fiftieth  Regiment  of  Massachusetts  Volunteers,  of 
which  Hodges  was  commissioned  major.  The  regiment 
was  attached  to  the  Banks  Expedition,  and  left  New  York 
for  New  Orleans  in  September,  1862,  serving  in  that  depart- 
ment through  the  Port  Hudson  campaign.  In  July,  1863, 
Ward  was  commissioned  major  of  the  Third  Infantry,  Corps 
d'Afrique,  and  detailed  as  Commissary  of  Musters  for  the 
corps  on  the  staff  of  General  George  L.  Andrews  at  Port 
Hudson.  He  resigned  on  July  21,  1864,  upon  the  consoli- 
dation of  his  regiment  with  another,  and  the  breaking  up 
of  the  corps.  He  resumed  the  study  of  law  under  the  late 
Professor  Dwight  of  the  Columbia  College  Law  School,  was 
admitted  to  the  bar  in  April,  1865,  and  has  since  been  a 
practising  attorney  in  New  York.  With  the  successive 
firms  of  North,  Ward,  &  Wagstaff,  and  Ward,  Hayden,  & 
Satterlee,  he  for  nearly  forty  years  was  a  tenant  in  the 
Equitable  Building  at  120  Broadway,  until  the  building 
was  burned  in  January,  1912.  He  is  now  with  his  firm 
practising  law  at  16  Exchange  Place. 

For  three  years,  from  January,  1868,  Ward  was  secre- 
tary of  the  Union  League  Club  of  New  York,  In  1895  he 
was  elected  Senior  Vice-Commander  of  the  Commandery 
of  the  State  of  New  York  of  the  Military  Order  of  the  Loyal 
Legion  of  the  United  States,  and  in  1910  was  elected  its 
commander,  and  re-elected  in  1911.  From  1902  to  1910 
he  was  commander  of  George  Washington  Post,  No.  103, 
department  of  New  York,  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic. 
In  1910  he  was  elected  president  of  the  Dwight  Alumni 
Association,  and  re-elected  in  1911  and  1912. 

In  1886  he  crossed  the  ocean  in  the  English-built  yacht 
Miranda,  owned  by  his  friend,  George  H.  B.  Hill,  from 
Cowes  to  New  York  as  navigator. 

80       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

In  1891  he  accepted  the  Republican  nomination  for 
judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  of  the  city  and 
county  of  New  York,  meeting  certain  defeat,  but  by  a 
smaller  majority  than  was  expected. 

Address:    16  Exchange  Place,  New  York. 

Residence:    125  West  74th  Street. 

Ward  married,  Oct.  25,  1871,  Ann  Parry  Ladd,  second 
daughter  of  Alexander  H.  and  Elizabeth  W.  (Jones)  Ladd, 
of  Portsmouth,   N.   H. 


*  A  BoT,  Sept.  18,  1872;  died  the  same  day. 
Alexander  Ladd,  Jan.  21,  1874. 

*  Miles,  Jan.  3,  1878;  died  Feb.  12,  1881. 

*  A  Boy,  Dec.  12,  1880;  died  Dec.  13,  1880. 
Ethel,  Dec.  12,  1880. 

Alexander  Ladd  Ward  married,  Dec.  14,  1904,  Caroline  Dudley  Eidlitz,  of 

New  York.  They  have  children:   Marion  Dudley,  Jan.   21,  1908,  JoiE* 

Langdon,  Sept.  25,  1911. 
Ethel  Ward  married,  Aug.  6,  1910,  Cari  A.  Mead,  a  practising  lawyer  in 

the  City  of  New  York.    They  have  one  child:  Elizabeth  Ladd,  Sept.  2, 


CHARLES  PICKARD  WARE,  son  of  Henry  Ware, 
Jr.,  (H.  C,  1812),  and  Mary  Lovell  (Pickard)  Ware,  was 
born  in  Cambridge,  Mass.,  June  11,  1840.  From  1844  to 
1870  he  lived  in  Milton;  since  1870  in  Brookline.  He 
fitted  for  college  at  T.  Prentiss  Allen's  school  at  Sterling, 
and  at  E.  S.  Dixwell's  school  in  Boston.  From  July,  1862, 
to  April,  1865,  he  was  at  Port  Royal,  S.  C,  as  superintend- 
ent of  plantations  on  St.  Helena  Island,  the  first  season  in 
the  employ  of  the  United  States;  several  of  his  letters 
appear  in  "Letters  from  Port  Royal,"  published  in  1906. 
In  May,  1865,  he  began  to  read  law  in  Boston,  in  the  office 
of  William  Brigham.  In  February,  1866,  he  entered  the 
law  school  at  Cambridge,  where  he  remained  one  year. 
From  1867  to  1872  he  taught  a  private  school  for  boys  in 
Boston.  In  1875-1876  he  helped  to  establish  the  Registra- 
tion Bureau  (now  the  Confidential  Exchange)  of  the  Asso- 
ciated Charities.  In  1877  he  compiled,  with  others,  "Slave 
Songs  of  the  United  States."  From  1877  to  1880  he  was 
Instructor  in  English  at  Harvard  College.  Since  November, 
1889,  he  has  been  with  the  American  Bell  Telephone  Com- 


pany  and  its  successor,  the  American  Telephone  and  Tele- 
graph Company,  at  125  Milk  Street,  Boston.  His  residence 
is  52  Allerton  Street,  Brookline. 

Ware  married,  Sept.  1,  1870,  Elizabeth  Lawrence  Apple- 
ton,  of  Roxbury,  daughter  of  Charles  Tilden  Appleton  and 
Catharine  (Lawrence)  Appleton. 


Henry  (H.  C,  1893;  LL.B.  1896),  Dec.  26,  1871. 
Mary  Appleton,  May  17,  1877. 

Henry  Ware  married,  June  9,  1898,  Louisa  Fuller  Wilson. 
Children:  Caroline Farrar Ware,  Aug.  14,  1899. 
Henry  Ware,  June  8,  1905. 
Mary  A.  Ware  married,  Jan.  26,  1910,  Malcolm  Cunningham  Ware  (H.  C, 
Child:  Charles  Pickard  Ware,  Dec.  6,  1910. 

WILLIAM  TUCKER  WASHBURN,  son  of  William 
R.  P.  (H.  C,  1816)  and  Susan  (Tucker)  Washburn,  was  bom 
in  Boston,  Aug.  15,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
Boston  Latin  School.  He  was  one  of  the  class  crew.  In 
1862  he  began  the  study  of  law  in  his  father's  office;  was 
in  the  Harvard  Law  School  a  year;  began  practising  in 
Boston,  but  in  1865  moved  to  New  York.  He  has  pub- 
lished several  novels  and  volumes  of  poems,  and  has  written 
for  the  newspapers. 

Address:  59  Wall  Street,  New  York. 

Residence:   52  East  79th  Street. 

Washburn  married  Nov.  23,  1871,  Mrs.  Katherine 
Sedgwick  Valerio,  of  New  York. 


Nathalie,  Feb.  4,  1873;  married  Bainbridge  Colby,  of  New  York. 

Washburn  married,  second,  Mary  Doughty. 

CfflLDREN:  Marion  Susan. 
Emma  Lucy. 
William  Mayhew. 
Frank  Alexander  Brissenoen. 
Watson  McLeary. 

JOHN  EATON  WHITING,  son  of  Eaton  and  Olive 
(Smith)  Whiting,  was  born  in  West  Dedham,  Mass.,  May 
4, 1840.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  high  school  in  Dedham. 
After  graduation  he  went  to  his  farm,  where  he  remained 
until  September,   1864,  when  he  became  connected  with 

82       CLASS    OF    '  SIXTY-TWO  — H.  U. 

the  Bunker  Hill  Fire  Insurance  Company  at  Charlestown. 
In  January,  1865,  he  was  made  secretary  of  the  company. 
During  the  Summer  and  Fall  of  1866  he  was  travelling, 
finally  settling  in  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  as  agent  for  the  Berk- 
shire Life  Insurance  Company,  in  the  meantime  publishing 
several  articles  on  the  mathematical  principles  of  life  in- 
surance. In  the  Spring  of  1868  he  returned  to  his  farm  in 
West  Dedham,  and  there  remained  imtil  June,  1869,  when 
he  became  clerk  in  the  National  Insurance  Company  in 
Boston,  where  he  remained  until  the  oflSce  was  closed  in 
1873,  on  account  of  losses  sustained  in  the  great  Boston  fire 
of  November,  1872.  The  same  Fall  he  was  chosen  president 
of  the  Dedham  High  School  Association;  and  in  November, 
1873,  delivered  the  annual  address.  In  January,  1874,  he 
was  chosen  one  of  the  surveyors  of  the  Boston  Fire  Under- 
writers' Union,  a  position  he  held  until  the  Fall  of  1875, 
when  the  Union  ceased  active  operations.  In  1877  he  pub- 
lished a  work  of  reference  for  the  use  of  insurance  companies 
entitled  "A  Schedule  of  the  Buildings  and  their  Occupancy 
on  the  Principal  Streets  and  Wharves  in  the  City  of  Boston." 
In  1879  he  became  connected  with  the  Shawmut  Insurance 
Company  of  Boston.  In  1882  he  was  in  Buffalo,  engaged 
in  the  general  lake  and  canal  transportation  business.  In 
July,  1884,  he  returned  to  Boston,  and  accepted  the  position 
of  Chief  Inspector  of  the  Boston  Board  of  Fire  Underwriters. 
In  January,  1888,  Whiting  left  Boston  to  assume  the 
position  of  manager  of  the  New  Orleans  Board  of  Fire 
Underwriters;  this  position  he  retained  until  the  Board 
went  to  pieces  in  the  Spring  of  1890.  At  that  time  he  was 
offered  the  position  of  Superintendent  of  the  Survey  Depart- 
ment of  the  Boston  Board;  but,  having  in  the  meantime 
been  offered  the  secretaryship  of  the  Philadelphia  Fire 
Underwriters  Association,  he  accepted  the  latter  position 
instead.  After  remaining  here  for  two  years,  he  returned 
in  the  Spring  of  1892  to  New  Orleans,  as  the  chief  inspector 
of  the  re-organized  New  Orleans  Board.  In  February, 
1893,  he  was  elected  secretary  of  the  Crescent  Insurance 
Company  of  that  city.  After  serving  three  years  in  this 
position  he  became  interested,  in  the  Spring  of  1896,  in  a 
mining  venture  in  Central  America,  to  which  he  devoted 


the  next  four  years;  but,  this  having  proved  a  failure,  he 
returned  to  the  United  States. 

Since  the  Summer  of  1901,  Whiting  has  been  connected 
with  the  rating  department  of  the  New  York  Fire  Insur- 
ance Exchange,  devoting  his  attention  more  especially  to  the 
rating  of  the  large,  special-hazard,  manufacturing  risks 
located  in  New  York  City  and  Brooklyn.  In  May,  1907, 
he  delivered  an  address  on  Rating  Associations  before  the 
insurance  class  of  New  York  University. 

Address:    123  Williams  Street,  New  York. 

Whiting  married,  Jan.  12,  1885,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Carleton 
(Paige)  Pease,  of  Buffalo,  daughter  of  James  Henry  Paige, 
of  Lewiston,  N.  Y.     Mrs.  Whiting  died  Dec.  20,  1907. 

WILLIAM  GRIGGS  WILSON,  son  of  Edward  Chase 
and  Emmeline  Fuller  (Griggs)  Wilson,  was  born  in  Spring- 
field, Mass.,  March  4,  1842.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
Brookline  High  School.  After  graduating,  he  entered  the 
Harvard  Law  School,  taking  his  degree  of  LL.B.  in  1864. 
In  February,  1865,  he  went  to  New  York;  was  a  student  for 
a  while  in  the  office  of  Marsh,  Coe,  and  Wallis;  and,  after 
his  admission  to  the  bar,  began  practising  law  in  part- 
nership with  Hamilton  Wallis.  In  1879  the  firm  became 
Marsh,  Wilson,  and  WaUis,  afterwards,  and  still,  Wilson 
and  Wallis.  Mr.  Wallis  retired  in  1905.  "My  practice 
has  been  of  the  old-fashioned  sort;  I  do  not  look  with  favor 
on  the  commercial  spirit  which  in  these  days  has  taken 
such  hold  upon  the  profession." 

Wilson  has  been  Judge  Advocate  in  the  First  Brigade, 
New  York  National  Guard;  and  in  January,  1875,  he  be- 
came major,  and  later  lieutenant-colonel,  of  the  Twelfth 
Infantry,  resigning  his  commission  in   1884. 

Address:   48  Wall  Street,  N.  Y. 

Residence:  28  West  47th  Street. 

Wilson  married,  April  29,  1869,  Henrietta  Crocheron, 
of  New  York.      Mrs.  Wilson  died  Feb.  22,  1876. 


Virginia  Crocheron,  Feb.,  1870. 
Margaret  Chase,  March,  1871. 
*  Edward  Chase,  Sept.,  1873;  died  May  2,  1896. 
Henrietta,  Oct.,  1874. 

84       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

ViBQiNiA  C.  Wilson  was  married,  in  1896,  to  Albert  William  Erdman,  aa 
engineer  connected  with  the  General  Electric  Company,  Schenectady. 
They  have  two  sons,  Albert  Willl^m  and  Edward  W.  Erdman. 

Margaret  C.  Wilson  was  married,  in  1904,  to  Arthur  Stanley  Rmiyon,  of 
New  York  City. 

Wilson  married,  June  1,  1882,  Louise  Sands,  daughter 
of  John  M.  Sands,  of  Brooklyn. 


Malcolm  Sands,  Nov.  17, 1884.    He  is  as  yet  mimarried,  and  lives  with 
his  parents. 

"Temporary  Members  of  the   Class 

*  FRANCIS  BARNES  entered  Sophomore,  and  left 
college  at  the  beginning  of  the  Junior  year. 

*  MARCUS  ELMER  BENNETT  was  born  in  Wayland, 
July  19,  1842.  He  fitted  for  college  with  Mr.  William  F. 
Allen.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Freshman  year. 
For  a  time  he  was  in  business  in  Foochow,  China.  On  his 
return  he  became  cashier  of  the  Fourth  National  Bank  of 
Boston.  He  died  in  Cambridge,  May  5,  1876,  leaving  two 
children,  a  boy  and  a  girl. 

Bennett  married,  in  1874,  at  St.  Luke's,  Caterham  Valley, 
Surrey,  England,  Madame  Madeleine  Gertrude  Schiller,  the 
distinguished  pianist. 

*  WILLIAM  ANDREWS  BROWNE  was  born  in  Bos- 
ton, July  22,  1840.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Fresh- 
man year  and  entered  the  Medical  School,  taking  his  degree 
in  1864.  He  entered  the  medical  department  of  the  army, 
and  was  assigned  to  hospital  duty  at  the  camp  at  Readville. 
From  1865  to  1868  he  practised  in  Boston.  In  the  Spring 
of  1868  he  went  to  Vienna,  where  he  remained  until  1873, 
practising  in  the  K.  K.  Allgem.  Elrankenhaus. 

He  died  in  1897. 

*  LEWIS  TILLMAN  CARTER  was  born  in  Troy,  N.  Y., 
March  25,  1841.     He  died  at  Fiskhill,  N.  Y.,  May  15,  1859. 

*  GON SALVO  CLAGETT  was  bom  in  Upper  Marlboro, 
Md.,  March  17,  1842.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the 
Freshman  year. 

*  AUGUSTUS  CROCKER  was  born  at  Taunton,  Mass., 
Oct.  6,  1840.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Sophomore 

He  died  in  New  York  City,  May  1,  1890. 

86       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 


Thaddeus  Marshall  and  Mary  (Brooks)  Cross,  was  bom 
in  Saugus,  May  17,  1839.  At  the  end  of  the  Freshman 
year  he  joined  the  class  of  1863;  and  he  graduated  with 
that  class.  He  studied  medicine  in  New  York,  receiving 
the  degree  of  M.D.  in  1868  from  the  Bellevue  Hospital 
Medical  College. 

Address:   352  West  28th  Street,  New  York. 

*  JEREMIAH  CURTIN,  son  of  David  and  Ellen 
(Furlong)  Curtin,  was  born  in  Greenfield,  Wis.,  Sept.  6, 
1838.  He  entered  college  the  second  term  Freshman.  He 
joined  the  class  of  1863,  graduating  with  that  class.  He  was 
at  one  time  secretary  of  the  American  Legation  at  St. 
Petersburg.  He  was  best  known  for  his  knowledge  of 
foreign  languages  and  his  translations  from  the  Polish. 

He  married,  July  17, 1872,  Alma  M.  Cardelle,  of  Warren, 
Vt.     He  died  Dec.  14,  1906. 

OSWALD  HERBERT  ERNST,  son  of  Andrew  H.  and 
Sarah  (Otis)  Ernst,  was  bom  in  Cincinnati,  June  27,  1842. 
He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Sophomore  year,  and  entered 
West  Point  Academy,  graduating,  as  first  lieutenant  of 
engineers,  in  1864.  He  was  with  the  Army  of  the  Tennessee 
for  a  time;  then,  for  about  four  years,  he  was  in  charge  of 
work  on  the  Pacific  Coast.  From  1871  to  1878  he  was 
instmctor  at  West  Point.  From  1878  to  1886  he  was 
engaged  on  the  Mississippi  improvement  works;  for  most 
of  the  time  he  had  charge  of  the  work  between  the  Illinois 
and  Ohio  rivers.  In  1886  he  was  transferred  to  Galveston, 
where  he  was  busy  for  three  years  improving  the  harbors 
of  Texas.  From  1889  to  1892  he  was  at  Washington,  in 
charge  of  public  buildings  and  grounds.  In  March,  1892, 
he  was  appointed  Superintendent  of  West  Point  Academy; 
he  resigned  in  1898.  In  1898  he  saw  service  in  the  war  with 

Ernst  was  commissioned  captain  in  1867,  major  in  1882, 
colonel  in  February,  1903,  and  brigadier-general  on  his 
retirement  from  the  army,  June  27,  1906.  Besides  the 
prosecution  of  public  works,  he  has  directed  surveys  of 


various  rivers  and  harbors,  has  served  on  sundry  boards  of 
engineers,  on  the  Missouri  river  and  Isthmian  Canal 
Commissions,  and  has  made  special  reports  for  various 
railways;  he  has  also  served  as  chairman  of  the  American 
section  of  the  International  Waterways  Commission.  He  is 
the  author  of  a  "Manual  of  Practical  Military  Engineering.'* 

Address:    1321  Connecticut  Avenue,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Ernst  married,  Nov.  3,  1866,  Elizabeth  Amory  Lee, 
daughter  of  Gen.  William  Raymond  Lee,  of  Roxbury,  Mass. 


Helen  Amort,  Sept.  1,  1867. 
EuzABBTH  Leb,  Feb  17,  1871. 

*  NATHANIEL  FAXON  was  bom  in  Boston,  Jan.  2, 
1840.    He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Freshman  year. 

He  died  Oct.  27,  1903. 

*  FRANCIS  LOWELL  GARDNER  was  bom  in  Boston, 
June  4, 1841.  He  died  of  diphtheria  at  Cotuit,  Mass.,  Feb. 
10,  1861. 

*  HENRY  BARRETT  GOING,  son  of  John  Kendal 
and  Harriet  (Barrett)  Going,  was  bom  in  Shirley,  Mass. 
March  7,  1839.  He  fitted  for  college  at  Lane  and  Lovering's 
school  in  Cambridge.  He  entered  Sophomore;  soon  after- 
wards he  joined  the  class  of  1863,  but  did  not  graduate; 
his  health  was  poor;  he  left  college  in  his  Junior  year,  and 
spent  the  two  years  in  travel.  With  improved  health,  he 
went  into  the  wool  business  in  Boston,  —  Flagg,  Going,  and 
Co.  In  January,  1880,  he  received  an  appointment  in  the 
Custom  House  which  he  held  until  1886.  He  died  in  Gro- 
ton,  Mass.,  June  14,  1911. 

Going  married,  Oct.  28,  1867,  Nellie  Lee  Chambers, 
daughter  of  Daniel  Chambers,  of  Philadelphia.  They  had 
three  children. 

*  SAMUEL  SHELTON  GOULD  was  bom  in  Cambridge, 
Jan.  1,  1843.  At  the  end  of  the  Freshman  year  he  left 
college,  but  returned  in  1861,  and  joined  the  class  of  1863. 
In  September,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  the  Thirteenth  Massa- 

88       CLASS    OF    '  S  I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

chusetts  Regiment,  joined  the  regiment  a  few  days  before 
the  battle  of  Antietam,  and  was  killed  in  that  battle,  Sept. 
17,  1862. 

EDGAR  ADELBERT  HUTCHINSy  son  of  Hiram  and 
Camilla  (Holt)  Hutehins,  was  born  in  Springfield,  N.  Y., 
June  27,  1843.  He  left  the  class  at  the  end  of  the  first  term 
of  the  Sophomore  year,  and  graduated  with  the  class  of 
1863.  He  practised  law  in  New  York,  afterwards  in 
Boston.  He  has  been  away  from  home  for  three  years,  on 
account  of  sickness. 

Hutehins  married,  Jan.  19,  1869,  Hattie  C.  Easter- 
brook.     They  had  six  children. 

*JOHN  CHECKLEY  KEIGHLER  was  born  in  Balti- 
more, Jan.  16,  1842.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the 
Sophomore  year.  He  went  into  business  in  Baltimore, 
at  first  in  a  commission  dry-goods  house,  afterwards,  from 
1866  to  the  end  of  his  life,  as  an  insurance  agent.  He  died 
in  Baltimore,  May  30,  1890. 

Keighler  married,  in  November,  1867. 


Selina,  Aug.  19,  1868. 

Mrs.  Keighler  died  in  April,  1869.  He  married  again 
in  June,  1885. 

*  ?  Mcpherson  Kennedy  was  bom  in  Chicago, 

Feb.  23,  1841.    He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  first  term 

Peter  and  Theodora  Maria  (Smith)  Labouisse,  was  born  in 
New  Orleans,  May  19,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
schools  of  New  Orleans,  and  entered  Sophomore.  He  left 
college  in  the  Spring  of  1861,  enlisted  as  a  private  in  Dreux's 
Battalion,  was  elected  captain,  saw  service  in  Virginia, 
returned  to  New  Orleans,  assisted  to  organize  the  Thir- 
teenth Louisiana  Regiment,  and  was  elected  one  of  its  cap- 
tains.    He  served  through  the  entire  war,  part  of  the  time 


as  staff-oflScer,  becoming  inspector-general  on  the  staffs 
of  General  Buford  and  General  Wheeler,  of  the  Cavalry 

At  the  close  of  the  war,  Labouisse  went  into  the  cotton 
brokerage  business,  at  first  as  head  of  the  firm  of  Labouisse, 
Sanchez,  and  Watts;  afterwards  he  formed  a  partnership 
with  Mr.  James  De  Buys,  the  firm  being  De  Buys  and  Labou- 
isse. He  took  a  leading  part  in  the  mercantile  affairs  of  New 
Orleans;  in  February,  1871,  he  helped  to  organize  the  Cotton 
Exchange,  of  which  he  was  always  an  active  member,  being 
twice  elected  president.  He  was  also  prominent  in  the  pro- 
motion of  political  and  social  reforms.  He  died  at  New 
Orleans,  of  heart  failure,  Dec.  7,  1896. 

Labouisse  married,  Dec.  6,  1866,  Catherine  Caroline 
Richardson,  daughter  of  H.  D.  Richardson,  and  sister  of 
Henry  H.  Richardson,  the  architect. 


Henry  Richardson. 

John  Peter. 
Charles  William. 
Kitty  Priestley. 
Samuel  Stanhope. 

Henry  R.  Labouisse  married  Frances  Huger. 

EDWARD  JOHN  MARKS  was  born  at  Barhamville, 
near  Columbus,  S.  C,  March  31,  1841.  Though  loyal  to 
the  Government  of  the  United  States,  he  was  obliged  to 
leave  college  at  the  beginning  of  the  War  of  the  Rebelhon. 
After  the  war  he  practised  law  in  Plattsburgh,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  was  living  in  September,  1911. 

WILLIAM  EDWARD  MARSH  was  born  in  Cincinnati, 
Nov.  11,  1836.  He  was  in  a  wholesale  grocery  store  from 
1852  to  1855;  he  then  fitted  for  college  at  the  Fort  Edward 
Institute,  N.  Y.,  and  at  Drummer  Academy,  Byfield,  Mass. 
He  left  college  in  1860.  He  was  engaged  in  the  wholesale 
grocery  business,  four  years  in  Cincinnati,  five  years  in  New- 
buryport;  then  for  eight  years  in  the  real  estate  business 
at  Plainfield,  N.  J.  In  1877  he  became  proprietor  of  the 
Gait  House,   Cincinnati.     In   1892  he  was  at  the  Hotel 

90       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Brewster  in  Chicago.     In  1908  he  was  a  market  gardener 
in  Newburyport. 

Marsh  married,  in  1859,  Nellie  Toppan,  of  Newburyport. 
He  had  a  son,  born  in  1861. 

*  WILLIAM  FRANCIS  MUNROE  was  born  in  Brad- 
ford, Mass.,  April  30,  1840.  He  entered  Sophomore.  He 
left  college  in  the  Autumn  of  1861,  and  joined  the  army  of 
the  Ohio,  as  surgical  dresser;  afterwards  he  was  with  the 
Army  of  the  Potomac.  He  spent  two  years  studying  medi- 
cine in  Paris,  and  took  his  degree  of  M.D.  at  Harvard  in 
1866.  In  June,  1874,  he  became  mentally  deranged,  and 
was  sent  to  the  hospital  at  Worcester.  He  was  afterwards 
removed- to  Dr.  Howes'  establishment  at  Pepperell.  He  was 
found  drowned  in  a  brook  at  this  place.  May  9,  1875;  it  is 
supposed  that  he  died  May  7. 

*  ISAAC  HOWARD  PAGE  was  bom  in  BiUerica,  Mass., 
Nov.  9,  1840.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  first  term 
Freshman.  He  graduated  with  the  class  of  1864.  He  died 
March  2,  1866. 

*  GEORGE  PERKINS,  son  of  J.  Perkins,  was  bom  in 
Ipswich,  Mass.,  Feb.  21,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the 
Woburn  High  School.  He  left  college  in  the  Sophomore 
year.  From  1861  to  1864  he  served  in  the  Sixth  New  York 
Battery.  After  the  war,  he  was  for  six  years  master  of  a 
grammar  school  in  Woburn;  afterwards  for  many  years  a 
teacher  in  the  Phillips'  School,  Boston.  He  died  at  Woburn, 
Oct.   15,  1890. 

His  first  wife  died  in  April,  1882.  He  married  again  in 
December,  1884. 

*  CHARLES  HAMILTON  PORTER  was  bom  in  Lynn, 
Nov.  3,  1842.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Sophomore 
year.    He  died  at  Melrose,  Sept.  18,  1862. 

*?  HENRY  MASON  TAYLOR  was  born  in  Andover, 
Mass.,  June  19,  1840.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the 
first  term  Freshman. 


*  WILLIAM  JAMES  TEMPLE,  son  of  Robert  and 
Katharine  (James)  Temple,  was  born  at  Albany,  March  29, 
1842.  After  a  year  at  Yale,  he  entered  our  Sophomore  class. 
He  was  suspended  in  the  Spring  of  1861,  and  did  not  return 
to  college;  but  obtained,  Aug,  5,  1861,  a  commission  as 
captain  in  the  Seventeenth  U.  S.  Infantry,  Sykes'  Division, 
Army  of  the  Potomac.  He  was  killed  at  Chancellorsville, 
May  1,  1863. 

*  EUGENE  HENRY  TITUS  was  born  in  Boston, 
Nov.  16,  1835.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  first  term 
Freshman.  He  entered  the  ministry.  He  died  at  George- 
town, Mass.,  July  21,  1876. 

*  BENJAMIN  RODMAN  WELD,  son  of  Francis 
Minot  and  Elizabeth  (Rodman)  Weld,  was  born  in  Jamaica 
Plain,  July  2,  1842.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Junior 

He  was  president  of  the  Lyman  Mills,  treasurer  of  the 
Oriental  Print  Works  and  Suncook  Mills,  and  director  in 
many  other  manufacturing  and  financial  corporations.  He 
was  especially  interested  in  Forest  Hills  Cemetery,  and 
spent  much  time  in  overseeing  the  management  of  its 
affairs  and  in  the  care  of  the  grounds. 

He  died  at  his  home  in  Jamaica  Plain,  Nov.  27,  1909. 

*  CHARLES  BARTLETT  WELLS,  son  of  Charles 
Bartlett  and  Maria  Louisa  (Binney)  Wells,  was  born  in 
Boston,  Sept.  5,  1841.  He  fitted  for  college  at  the  Boston 
Latin  School.  He  left  college  at  the  end  of  the  Freshman 
year,  and  went  to  farming  in  the  West.  In  1879  he  returned 
to  Boston,  and  entered  the  employ  of  the  National  Bell 
Telephone  Company.  At  first  he  had  charge  of  their  records ; 
afterwards  he  became  cashier  of  the  "Telephone  Despatch 
Company"  (the  Boston  company),  retaining  the  same 
position  under  its  successor,  the  New  England  Telephone 
and  Telegraph  Company,  until  May,  1893,  when  on  account 
of  ill  health  he  resigned. 

92       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

After  many  years  of  suffering,  borne  with  wonderful 
fortitude  and  cheerfulness,  he  died  March  3,  1902. 
Wells  married,  Aug.  9,  1868,  Louisa  Trumbull  Blake. 


Louisa,  Oct.  6,  1869,  She  was  married.  May  4,  1889,  to  Gerald  Hull  Gray 
(H.  C,  1889).  They  have  three  children;  Gebaldine  Hull,  Chables  B. 
Wells,  and  Edward  Richmond. 

*JOHN  WINTHROP,  son  of  Robert  Charles  (H.  C, 
1828)  and  Eliza  Cabot  (Blanchard)  Winthrop,  was  born  in 
Boston,  June  20,  1841.  He  joined  the  class  of  1863,  gradu- 
ating with  that  class.  After  graduation,  he  engaged  in  farm- 
ing at  Stockbridge;  and  he  served  one  or  two  terms  in  the 
Massachusetts  Legislature.  He  died  in  Stockbridge,  Sept. 
18,  1895. 

Winthrop  married,  March  30,  1864,  Isabella  Copeland 
Weyman,  daughter  of  John  Weyman. 


Trask,  Oct.  29,  1831. 
TucKEB,  Feb.  19,  1835. 
Lecompte,  Sept.  14,  1835. 
TiXus,  Nov.  16,  1835. 
FiTZ,  Jan.  26,  1836. 
Marah,  Nov.  11,  1836. 
Peabodt,  June  12,  1837. 
Davenport,  July  12,  1837. 
Pritchard,  March  3,  1838. 
Curtin,  Sept.  6,  1838. 
Bbackett,  Sept.  25,  1838. 
QuiNCY,  Oct.  28,  1838. 
Dennett,  Nov.  5,  1838. 
Barrett,  Dec.  5,  1838. 
H.  M.  Rogers.  Feb.  27,  1839. 
Going,  March  7,  1839. 
TiLTON,  May  14,  1839. 
Ropes,  May  16,  1839. 
Cross,  May  17,  1839. 
DiLUNGHAM,  June  1,  1839. 
H.  S.  Huidekoper,  July  17,  1839. 
Treat,  July  23,  1839. 
Hudson,  Aug.  3,  1839. 
Mathes,  Sept.  4,  1839. 
McCarthy,  Nov.  24,  1839. 
Mifflin,  Dec.  7,  1839. 
Davis,  Dec.  23,  1839. 
Faxon,  Jan.  2,  1840. 
C.  B.  Porter,  Jan.  19,  1840. 
Beard,  Feb.  23,  1840. 
Hedge,  Feb.  26,  1840. 
McCabe,  March  7,  1840. 
W.  Sargent,  April  3,  1840. 
Notes,  April  4,  1840. 
Sibley,  April  9,  1840. 
Uunroe,  April  30,  1840. 
TucKE,  May  3,  1840. 
Whiting,  May  4,  1840. 
Patson,  May  11,  1840. 
F.  W.  Rogers,  May  15,  1840. 
Loring,  May  16,  1840. 

[Note.  Nametqf  temporary  members 

Read,  May  19,  1840. 
Mason,  June  1,  1840 
Bartlett,  June  6,  1840. 
Ware,  June  11,  1840. 
Taylor,  June  19,  1840. 
Kemp,  July  17.  1840. 
Ballou,  July  21,  1840. 
Brovme.  July  22,  1840. 
Gilbert,  July  28,  1840. 
Nye,  Aug,  2,  1840. 
Prentiss,  Aug.  20,  1840. 
Skinner,  Sept.  3,  1840. 
Edmands,  Sept.  9,  1840. 
Nichols,  Sept.  9,  1840. 
F.  W.  Huidekoper,  Sept.  12,  1840. 
Sawtell,  Sept.  26,  1840. 
Crocker.  Oct.  6,  1840. 
BOYDEN,  Oct.  7,  1840. 
HosMER,  Oct.  16,  1840. 
Parker,  Oct.  21,  1840. 
Chapman,  Oct.  29,  1840. 
Page,  Nov.  9,  1840. 
Jeffries,  Dec.  7,  1840. 
Ellis,  Jan.  9,  1841. 
Stearns,  Jan.  9,  1841. 
Keb,  Jan.  16,  1841. 
Amory,  Feb.  6,  1841. 
Chadbourn,  Feb.  18, 1841. 
Perkins,  Feb.  21,  1841. 
Kennedy,  Feb.  23,  1841. 
Green,  March  2,  1841. 
Cole,  March  9,  1841. 
Fay,  March  17,  1841. 
Bowman,  March  20,  1841. 
L.  T.  Carter,  March  25,  1841. 
LiNDSEY,  March  30,  1841. 
Marks,  March  31,  1841. 
Chadbourne,  April  13,  1841. 
Hazeltine,  April  24,  1841. 
HiCKLiNG,  April  24,  1841. 
Sargent,  April  24,  1841. 
are  in  italics.    Barnes  does  not  appear.] 

94      CLASS    OF    '  SIXTY-TWO  — H.  U. 

Grinnell,  May  7,  1841. 
Balch.  May  9,  1841. 
Labouisse,  May  19,  1841. 
Brigham,  May  24,  1841. 
Gardner,  June  4,  1841. 
Grafton,  June  16,  1841. 
Winthrop,  June  «0,  1841. 
Stone,  July  12,  1841. 
A.  Reed,  Aug.  13,  1841. 
FiSKE,  Aug.  14,  1841. 
Washburn,  Aug.  15,  1841. 
Keegan,  Aug.  28,  1841. 
Wells,  Sept.  5,  1841. 
Ensign,  Sept.  9,  1841. 
Coleman,  Sept.  15,  1841. 
Tarbell,  Sept.  29,  1841. 
C.  Carter,  Oct.  16,  1841. 
Ward,  Oct.  25,  1841. 
Hodges,  Dec.  8,  1841. 
J.  S.  Reed,  Dec.  13,  1841. 
Stoddard,  Jan.  4,  1842. 
Keighler,  Jan.  16,  1842. 
Blake,  Jan.  21, 1842. 

Priest,  Jan.  30,  1842. 
Greene,  Feb.  12,  1842. 
Wilson,  March  4,  1842. 
Fletcher,  March  7,  1842. 
Clagett,  March  17,  1842. 
Temjde.  March  29,  1842. 
FoLSOH,  April  3,  1842. 
Burrage,  May  4,  1842. 
DwiGHT,  May  6,  1842. 
Soule,  June  25,  1842. 
Ernst,  June  26,  1842. 
Weld,  July  2,  1842. 
Goss,  July  3,  1842. 
Bennett,  July  19,  1842. 
Curtis,  July  19,  1842. 
TiCKNOR,  Aug.  3,  1842. 
Kidder,  Oct.  26,  1842. 
C.  H.  Porter,  Nov.  3,  1842. 
Gould,  Jan.  1,  1843. 
McBuHNEY,  Feb.  8,  1843. 
Haven,  Feb.  19,  1843. 
Hutchins,  June  27,  1843. 


Amort   Elizabeth  Wilcox  Ingersoll Philadelphia,  June  6,  1866, 

Baixou    Lucretia  B.  Howland    New  Bedford,  Dec.  1, 1863. 

_  I  Mary  Annette  Hawkes Chelsea,  June  9,  1869. 

UARBETT j  j,jj^  j^^j^  gjj^j^ DanielsonviUe,  Conn.,  Sept. 

15,  1885. 

Bartuett Agnes  Pomeroy    Pittsfield,  Oct.  14,  1865. 

Bkard    Mary  Foster  Lowell,  Dec.  18,  1869. 

Blaeb    Abbie  Frances  Hovey Haverhill,  June  22,  1869. 

BoYDEN   Cora  Crowninshield Longwood,  Feb.  25,    1879. 

Beackett    Mary  A,  Thomas July  20,  1864. 

Carter    Emnia  Henrietta  Pease Boston,  May  19,  1870. 

Chadbourn Adelaide  S.  Peters Boston,  May  31,  1863. 

Chadbourne Georgina  Kay July  23,  1868. 

Coleman JuHa  H.  Raynor Syracuse,  N.  Y.,   April   8, 


Curtis Anna  Levering Boston,  Oct.  19, 1875. 

Davenport  Ellen  Campbell    Hopkinsville,    Ky.,    Sept. 

29,  1868. 
Dillingham   Mary  Pim  West   Chester,    Pa.,    July 

20, 1871. 

DwiGHT  Marianne  H.  Welch Roxbury,  Oct.  18,  1865. 

Edmands   Mary  B.  Bartlett Lynn,  June  6,  1872. 

Ellis    Grace  A.  Little    Boston,  Mar.  25,  1869. 

Fat Elizabeth  Johnston   New  York,  June  17,  1869. 

FiSKB   Kate  Washburn Roxbury,  Dec.  14,  1870. 

Fletcher    Jennie  F.  Clapp  Pawtucket,  R.  I.,  Nov.  19, 


FoLSOM Martha  Tucker  Washburn  . . .  .Boston,  May  12,  1886. 

Gilbert Clara  Lmsa  Emilio    Salem,  Jime  22,  1882. 

Maria  L.  Draper   Salem,  Apr.  25,  1872. 

[  Helen  L.  Young Boston,  Jan.  10,  1878. 

Green   Mary  A.  Messinger Worcester,  June  2,  1881. 

Greene   Florence  Emerson   Bangor,  Me.,  Sept.  12, 1872 

Grinnell    Elizabeth  Tucker  Washburn    .  .Boston,  July  11,  1865. 

Hazeltine Sophie  B.  Dallas Philadelphia. 

Hedge   Catherine  Elliott  Russell   Plymouth,  Oct.  11,  1871. 

Hudson  Eunice  W.  Healey   Hampton  Falls,  N.  H.,  Aug. 

23,  1871. 

HuiDEKOPER,  F.  W.  .  .Virginia  Christie    Erie,  Pa.,  Jan.  22,  1867.     " 

HuiDEKOPER,  H.  S.    . .  Emma  G.  Evans Philadelphia,  Oct.  26. 1864. 

Ker    Josephine  Chamberlain Natchez,  Feb.  1,  1871. 

Kidder Anne  Mary  Maynard   Constantinople,    Sept.    18, 



96       CLASS    OF    '  S I  XT  Y-T  WO  — H.  U. 

Lecompte    Frances  Eliza  Draper Windsor,   Conn.,  July  24» 


LiNDSET Cornelia  H.  Swift   New  Bedford,  June,  1869. 

LoBiNG Albertine  Glyckherr      St.  Louis,  Oct.  26,  1864. 

McBuRNET    Susan  Sturgis   Roxbury,  Jan.  16,  1867. 

McCaktht    Edith  Wright   Philadelphia,  June,  1891. 

Mason Mary  Gertrude  Dana  Boston,  Oct.  6,  1868. 

Mifflin Sarah  E.  Learned Pittsfield,  Nov.,  1869. 

Nichols Elizabeth  Fisher  Homer Roxbury,  Nov.  11,  1869. 

Nye    Mary  Hay Philadelphia,  April  13, 1868. 

Patson Althea  Train    Framingham,  June  12, 1867. 

Peabody    Margaret  A.  Goddard Zanesville,     O.,     Nov.     7, 


PoBTEB Hattie  A.  Allen    Cambridge,  June  15,  1865. 

Prentiss  Margaret  de  Koven  Beach New  York,  June  26,  1878. 

Priest   Mary  Wallis  Whittier  Sidney,  Me.,  Sept.  30, 1866. 

QuiNCY Mary  Adams    Quincy,  June  20,  1877. 

Read    Elise  H.  Welch WestNewton,  Oct.  17, 1866. 

P  .  I  Elizabeth  H.  Webster  Boston,  Oct.  28,  1866. 

*'^^°'  ^ 1  Mary  H.  McCoUom    Brooklyn,  Dec.  3,  1892. 

Reed,  J.  S Florence  A.  D.  Scammon Chicago,  Dec.  29,  1870. 

Rogers,  F.  W M.  K.  Leach Boston,  Sept.  7,  1886. 

Rogers,  H.  M Clara  Kathleen  Bamett  Boston,  April  24,  1878. 

Sargent,  C.  S Mary  Robeson Tiverton,  R.  I.,  Nov.  26, 


Sargent,  W Aim6e  Rotch Boston,  Dec.  2,  1873. 

Sawtell     Mary  J.  Whitney New  London,  N.  H.,  Sept. 

9,  1874. 

Sibley    Sara  A.  Timmerman Chelsea,  Nov.  1,  1870. 

Skinner Eliza  Blanchard  Gardner Boston,  Oct.  15,  1868. 

SouLE Louise  Charless  Farwell    St.  Louis,  Oct.  9,  1878. 

Stearns Ruth  M.  Chapin   Dubuque,  Iowa,  1869. 

TicKNOB Caroline  C.  Cushman   Boston,  Jime  8,  1865. 

TiLTON  Ellen  Trowbridge Cambridge,  July  21,  1864. 

Trask Lydia  Maria  Stratton   New  Salem,  July  16,  1878. 

TtJCKE    Katharine  Parker Lowell,  Dec.  2,  1874. 

Ward Aim  Parry  Ladd     Portsmouth,   N.   H.,   Oct. 

25,  1871. 

Wabb Elizabeth  Lawrence  Appleton.  .Roxbiuy,  Sept.  1,  1870. 

„,    , .  {Katharine  Sedgwick  Valerio  . .  .New  York,  Nov.  23,  1871. 

W'^hbum    JMary  Doughty 

Whiting    Elizabeth  Carleton  (Paige)     .  .Buffalo,  Jan.  12,  1885. 


Wilson    Henrietta  Crocheron New  York,  April  29,  1869. 

Louise  Sands Brooklyn,  June  1,  1882. 


Amoet   Arthur  (H.  C,  1892) Dec.  11,  1867. 

IngersoU  (H.  C,  1892) Nov.  28.  1869. 

Susan  Aug.  2,  1871. 

Ethel March  21,  1873. 

Sullivan  Feb.  22,  1878. 

BalIiOXT    Maturin  Rowland March  12,  1865. 

Elise  Murray    Oct.  1,  1866. 

Franklin  Burgess Jan.  23,  1870. 

Mabel    Jan.  23,  1870. 

Babrett    Florence  Hawkes March  26,  1870. 

George  Ridley    Feb.  1,  1876. 

Helen  Jeannette Jan.  20,  1877. 

Herbert  Luther    Dec.  5,  1886. 

Bartlett Agnes Sept.  16,  1866. 

Caroline Feb.  17,  1869. 

Edwin  Bartlett Nov.  26.  1871. 

Robert  Pomeroy    March  20,  1874. 

William  Francis March  20,  1874. 

Edith Sept.  24,  1876. 

Beard Theodora   March  7,  1871.. 

Ithamar  Mansur  (H.  C,  1895) .  Nov.  28,  1872. 

EUza  Warren    Oct.  28,  1874. 

Mary     Nov.  14,  1876. 

Ahson    Aug.  29,  1879. 

Margaret Dec.  31,  1881. 

Blake    Clinton  Frederick    May  4,  1871. 

Ames  Carleton April  29,  1873. 

Rachel  Frazier   June  8,  1876, 

Ruth  Deering  June  8,  1876. 

Alice July  26,  1880. 

Botden   Charles  (H.  C,  1901) Feb.  19.  1880. 

Bkackett    Frank  Parkhurst    June  16,  1865. 

Mabel  Susan Jan.  20,  1868. 

Mary  Celeste   Aug.  8,  1874. 

John  Henry Aug.  17,  1876. 

Carter    Mabel  Moseley Oct.  14,  1871. 

Harriet  Wilson   April  3,  1873. 

Alice  Cleveland    March  22,  1875. 

Edward  Clark  (H.  C,  1900)  . .  .June  9,  1878. 
Chadboubn WilUam  H 

Emma  M 

Lucy  A 

98       CLASS    OF    '  SIXTY-TWO  — H.  U. 

Chadbousne    Hannah  Lincoln Oct.  5,  1869. 

Thomas  Lincoln March  21,  1871. 

EUza  Gray Oct.  4,  1874. 

Alice  Graham    March  16,  1879. 

Waldemar  Arens  (H.  C,  1903)  .Sept.  30,  1882. 

Alexander  Scammel March  21,  1884. 

Arthur  Wallingford Nov.  4,  1885. 

Coleman Henry  Woodward    April  29,  1865. 

Gilbert  Payson Aug.  16,  1866. 

Davenpobt  Benella June  28,  1870 

Campbellina Nov.  10,  1876. 

WiUiam  CampbeU   Oct.  25,  1878. 

DlLUNGHAM    Anna  Pirn   Nov.  11,  1873. 

Lydia  B April  22,  1875. 

Mary  Edge Oct.  21,  1878. 

Edith April  16,  1880. 

DwiGHT   Wilder  April  20,  1868. 

Edmands  Martie May  4,  1873. 

Alice  Bartlett July  4,  1875. 

Adelaide  Rebecca Sept.  23,  1879. 

Mary  Girdler   Sept.  1,  1885. 

Fay Elisabeth  Mary  Warren July  17,  1872. 

Johnston  Richard  John Jan.  27,  1874. 

Harold  John  Warren     Jan.  5,  1876. 

Thornton  Oliver  Maurice     Feb.  21,  1877. 

FiSKE  George  Converse  (H.  C,  1894)  Feb.  28,  1872. 

Henry  Metcalf  (H.  C,  1897)  .  .Oct.  15,  1874. 

Mary  Elliot Aug.  31,  1879. 

Fletcheb    Grace  Webster July  19, 1875. 

Lucy  Man    Dec.  7,  1877. 

Sarah  Preston     Oct.  27,  1879. 

Samuel  Adams July  30,  1881. 

Jennie  Clapp March  27,  1884. 

Goss  Francis  Draper    July  23,  1873. 

Miriam  Helen Dec.  12,  1879. 

Gbeen   Mary  Sprague June  10,  1882. 

Thomas  Samuel  (H.  C.,1909)  .  .Feb.  9,  1886. 
Grekne  Albert  Emerson   Aug.  26,  1874. 

Florence  Waitworth     May  19,  1878. 

Gbinnell    Charles  Ewald  Washburn June  30,  1866. 

Frank  Washburn Dec.  14,  1873. 

Hazeltinb Sophie  D 

Hedge   Lucia  Russell   Dec.  14,  1872. 

William  RusseU   Jan.  13,  1876. 

Henry  Rogers Jan.  13,  1876. 

F.  W.  HuiDBKOPER . .  .Gracie    July  5,  1872. 

Frederic  Louis  (H.  C,  1896)  . .  .March 8,  1874. 

Reginald  Shippen  (H.  C,  1898)  May  24,  1876. 
H.  S.  HuiDEKOPEK  . .  .Emma  Gertrude Oct.  12,  1865. 

Thomas  WaUis  Feb.  2,  1870. 

Keh    Charles  Chamberlain      Sept.  7,  1872. 

John Nov.  8.  1878. 

Pamelia  Archer    Feb.  14,  1882. 

William  Henry? Aug.  3, 1887. 


KiDDEK Anne  Maynard Aug.  13,  1880. 

Henry  Maynard  (H.  C,  1904)  .Oct.  31,  1882. 

Dorothy  Laura June  20,  1884. 

Lecomfte    Frank  Edwin    Nov.  10,  1865. 

Adelaide  Frances Aug.  17,  1868. 

Walter  Augustus  (H.  C,  1893)  July  24,  1870. 

LiNDSET Ellen  Rollins Jan.  13,  1873. 

LoEiNG Casimir  Glyckherr June  10,  1866. 

Hayden  Young May  9,  1868. 

Theodore Feb.  14,  1870. 

Ethelyn  Winn April  7,  1872. 

McBxjRNET   Mary  Oct.  26,  1867. 

Thomas  Curtis Oct.  7,  1870. 

Margaret Sept.  6,  1873. 

Mason  Mabel  Gertrude July  19,  1869. 

Philip  Dana  (H.  C,  1897)  . . .  .Oct.  30,  1873. 

Julia  Appleton  Feb.  11,  1878. 

Nichols Rose  Standish Jan.  11,  1872. 

Marian  Clarke  Dec.  21,  1873. 

Sidney  Homer    Nov.  14,  1875. 

Margaret  Homer  Oct.  30,  1879. 

Nte    Kate  Hay   Feb.  26,  1869. 

Florence Dec.  25,  1871. 

Mary   Oct.  2,  1873. 

Patson Gilbert  Russell  (H.  C,  1890)  .  .Oct.  10,  1868. 

Edith Oct.  19,  1870. 

Eleanor   April  5,  1873. 

Samuel  Gushing April  20,  1875. 

Charles  Clifford  (H.  C,  1898)  .Feb.  1,  1877. 

Peabodt    Charles    Nov.  9,  1867. 

PoRTBB Charles  Allen  (H.  C,  1888).  . .  .Sept.  9,  1866. 

Hortense  Isabella Oct.  23,  1868. 

Edith  Elise  Oct.  21,  1872. 

Rosamond    Sept.  26,  1874. 

Phiest   George  Wesley  (H.  C,  1891).  .  .Aug.  10,  1868. 

Jessie  Whittier Aug.  3,  1870. 

Benjamin  Sidney  (H.  C,  1895)  Aug.  23,  1872. 

Mabel  Eaton   Nov.  13,  1875. 

Winifred  Morse   Dec.  26,  1883. 

QuiNCT Dorothy Dec.  4,  1885. 

Elinor March  11, 1888. 

Read    John  Bertram  (H.  C,  1895) Dec.  10,  1870. 

William   Nov.  17,  1872. 

Harold  Wilson   May  9,  1881. 

A.  Reed    Arthur  Minot March  7,  1894. 

J.  S.  Reed     Effie Sept.  13, 1871. 

Winifred    Sept.  17,  1872. 

Mary  Florence     Feb.  13,  1876. 

Clark  Scammon Feb.  14,  1878. 

C.  S.  Sabgent Henrietta    Aug.  28,  1874. 

Andrew  Robeson  (H.  C,  1900)  Dec.  2,  1876. 

Mary  April  8,  1878. 

Charles  Sprague  (H.  C,  1902).  .March  7,  1880. 

Alice March  26,  1882. 

100       CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

SlBLET   Frank  Palmer    Sept.  15,  1871. 

Marion  Ticknor March  21,  187S. 

Arthur  Emerson  Feb.  15,  1875. 

Helen Feb.  2,  1881. 

Katherine   Feb.  24,  1883. 

Margaret Dec.  14,  1884. 

Robert  Hinckly   July  2,  1887. 

Skinneb Francis Nov.  12,  1869. 

Gardner Aug.  26,  1871. 

SoTJiiB Ruth  Maynard April  17,  1880. 

Dorothea  Winsor Oct.  24,  1881. 

Charles  Carroll Sept.  25,  1888. 

Barbara July  28,  1888. 

TiCKNOB Caroline Sept.  1,  1866. 

Edith Sept.  10,  1868. 

William  Davis    Jan.  11,  1881. 

Banjamin  Holt Sept.  13,  1882. 

Emeline  Cushman  June  28,  1884. 

TwtON William  Frederic   Feb.  24.  1868. 

Benjamin  Trowbridge     July  17,  1869. 

EUen  Maud Feb.  29,  1872. 

NeweU  Whitmg  (H.  C,  1900)  .Oct.  26,  1878. 
TucKE     Emily Aug.  24,  1875. 

Rowena Sept.  10,  1882. 

Edward  Parker May  14,  1884. 

Edward  Hildreth June  10,  1887. 

Parker  May  18,  1890. 

Katharine   May  28,  1892. 

Ward A  boy Sept.  18, 1872. 

Alexander  Ladd Jan.  21,  1874. 

Miles   Jan.  3,  1878. 

A  boy Dec.  12,  1880. 

Ethel   Dec.  12,  1880. 

Wabe Henry  (H.  C.  1893) Dec.  26,  1871. 

Mary  Appleton    May  17,  1877. 

WASHBxnBN    NathaUe    Feb.  4,  1873. 

Marion  Susan 

Emma  Lucy  

William  Mayhew 

Frank  Alexander  Brissengen   . . 

Watson  McLeary 

Wilson    Virginia  Crocheron    Feb.,  1870. 

Margaret  Chase March,  1871. 

Edward  Chaae   Sept.,  1873. 

Henrietta    Oct.,  1874. 

Malcolm  Sands Nov.  17,  1884. 



Amort,  Aug.  9, 1911. 
Balch,  Aug  27,  1863. 
Bahtlett,  Dec.  17,  1876. 
Bowman,  Oct.  17, 1864. 
BoTDEN,  May  24,  1881. 
Btjrrage,  Oct.  29,  1863. 

CHADBOtTRNE,  April  18,  1911. 

Chapman,  Feb.  3,  1865. 
Cole,  Feb.  12,  1904. 
Coleman,  Dec.  5,  1910. 
Curtis,  Dec.  11, 1881. 
Davenport,  Sept.  16,  1894. 
Davis,  Jan.  19, 1869. 
Dennett,  Nov.  26,  1874. 
Dillingham,  March  Id,  1910. 
DwiGHT,  March  10,  1884. 
Ellis,  May  3,  1870. 
Ensign,  March  24.  1872. 
Fat,  Jan.  28,  1899. 
Fiske,  Feb.  27,  1903. 
Fitz,  Oct.  20,  1883. 
Fletcher,  March  6,  1907. 
FoLSOM,  Aug.  20,  1907. 
Grafton,  March  16,  1865. 
Greene,  Oct.  16,  1903. 
Haven,  June  25,  1863. 
Hazbltine,  Sept.  14,  1909. 
HiCKLiNG,  Dec.  17,  1867. 
Hodges,  July  30,  1864. 
Hudson,  Oct.  1, 1900. 

Huidekoper,  F.  W.,  April  29, 1908. 
Kemp,  Feb.  12,  1892. 
Ker,  Nov.  24,  1902. 
Kidder,  April  8, 1889. 
Lecompte,  March  2,  1880. 
LoRiNG,  Jan.  24,  1907. 
McBurney,  Feb.  20,  1875. 
McCabe,  April  3,  1877. 
McCarthy,  Jan.  29, 1895. 
Mason,  Sept.  24,  1884. 
Mathes,  March  13,  1904. 
Mifflin,  June  16, 1880. 
Notes,  March  25,  1894. 
Nte,  April  22,  1910. 
Parker,  Aug.  24, 1863. 
Patbon,  June  8,  1891. 
Peabodt,  Oct.  1, 1904. 
Porter,  May  21,  1909. 
Priest,  June  29,  1898. 
Pritchard,  April  22,  1904. 
QuiNCY,  March  11,  1899. 
Reed,  J.  S.,  Jan.  12,  1897. 
Rogers,  F.  W.,  Feb.  15,  1906. 
Ropes,  July  3,  1863. 
Skinner,  Nov.  24,  1905. 
Stone,  July  18,  1864. 
Tarbell,  Dec.  28,  1900. 
Trask,  March  8,  1909. 
Treat,  Nov.  8,  1908. 
Tucker,  May  27,  1863. 

102      CLASS    OF    *SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 



Bennett,  May  5, 1876. 

Beowne,  1897. 

Carter,  L.  T.,  May  15, 1859. 


Crocker,  May  1,  1890. 
CuRTiN,  Dec.  14,  1906. 
Faxon,  Oct.  27, 1903. 
Gardner,  Feb.  10,  1861. 
Going,  June  14, 1911. 
GoTTLD,  Sept.  17,  1862. 
Keighler,  May  30,  1890. 

Kennedy  ? 

Labothsse,  Dec.  7,  1896. 
Munroe,  May  7,  1875. 
Page,  March  2,  1886. 
Perkins,  Oct.  15,  1890. 
Porter,  C.  H.,  Sept.  18, 1862. 
Tatlor  ? 

Temple,  May  1,  1863. 
Titus,  July  21,  1876. 
Weld,  Nov.  27,  1909. 
Wells,  March  3, 1902. 
Winthrop,  Sept.  18,  1895. 

The  Class  in  the  JVar 

Taken  from  ^^  Harvard  University  in  the  War  of  1861-1865 
by  Francis  H.  Brovm 

**  These  died  in  service.     Their  names  are  on  the  tablets  in  Memorial  Hall. 

*  William  Francis  Bartlett. 

Private  4th  Batt.  Mass.  V.  M.,  April  17,  1861. 
Captain  20th  Mass.  Vols.,  July  10,  1861. 
Colonel  49th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Nov.  19,  1862. 
Colonel  57th  Mass.  Vols.,  Aug.  17,  1863. 
Brig.  General  U.  S.  Vols.,  June  22,  1864. 
Bvt.  Maj.  General  U.  S.  Vols.,  March  13,  1865. 

Resigned,  July  16,  1866. 

Died  at  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  Dec.  17,  1876. 

**  Edward  Carson  Bowman. 

Act.  Asst.  Paymaster  U.  S.  N.,  June  30,  1862. 
Died  oflP  New  Orleans,  La.,  Oct.  17,1864. 

**  Joseph  Perrin  Bxhiragb. 

Private  33d  Mass.  Vols.,  Aug.  7,  1862. 
Second  Lieutenant  33d  Mass.  Vols.,  May   18,   1863. 
Killed  at  Lookout  Mountain,  Tenn.,  Oct.  29,  1863. 

*  Augustus  Crocker. 

First  Lieutenant  and  Adjutant  4th  Mass.  Vols.,  Dec.  13,  1862. 
Mustered  out  Aug.  28,  1868. 
Died  March  1,  1890. 

*  Charles  Trowbridge  Dwight. 

Second  Lieutenant  70th  N.  Y.  Vols.,  Oct.  1,  1861. 
First  Lieutenant  70th  N.  Y.  Vols.,  Dec.  1,  1862. 

Discharged  for  disability,  June  1,  1864. 

Died  at  Brookline,  Mass.,  March  10,  1884. 

Albert  William  Edmands. 

Private  44th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Sept.  12,  1862. 
Mustered  out  June  18, 1863. 

•Edward  Eli  Ensign. 

Private  49th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Sept.  19,  1862. 
Mustered  out  Sept.  1,  1863. 
Died  at  Samarang,  Java,  March  24,  1872. 

104     CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Oswald  Herbert  Ernst. 

First  Lieutenant  Engineers  U.  S.  A.,  June  13, 1864, 
Bvt.  Captain  U.  S.  Vols.,  March  13,  1865. 
Captain  Engmeers  U.  S.  A.,  March  7,  1867. 
Major  Engineers  U.  S.  A.,  May  5,  1882. 

*  George  Alfred  Fibke. 

Private  41st  Mass.  Vols.,  Sept.  29, 1862. 

Second  Lieutenant  41st  Mass.  Vols.,  Dec.  13,  1862. 

First  Lieutenant  3d  Mass.  Cav.,  Oct.  27,  1863. 

Major  and  Additional  Paymaster  U.  S.  A.,  July  22,  1864. 

Resigned  Sept.  23,  1864. 

Died  Feb.  27,  1903. 

*  George  Albert  Fletcher. 

Private  38th  Mass.  Vols.,  Aug.  21,  1862. 
Second  Lieutenant  56th  Mass.  Vols.,  July  30,  1863. 
First  Lieutenant  66th  Mass.  Vols.,  June  23,  1864. 

Discharged  for  disability  Jan.  31,  1865. 
Captain  56th  Mass.  Vols.,  April  3,  1865. 

Mustered  out  July  12,  1865. 

Died  March  6,  1907. 

•*  James  Ingersoll  Grafton. 

Second  Lieutenant  2d  Mass.  Vols.,  Nov.  1,  1861. 
First  Lieutenant  2d  Mass.  Vols.,  July  21,  1862. 
Captain  2d  Mass.  Vols.,  Nov.  9,  1862. 

Killed  near  Averysborough,  N.  C,  March  16,  1865. 

*  Charles  Ezra  Greene. 

First  Lieutenant  and  Quartermaster,  7th  U.  S.  C.  T.,  Jan.  5,  1865. 
Resigned  Aug.  13,  1866. 
Died  Oct.  16,  1903. 

**  Samuel  Cushman  Haven. 

Second  Lieutenant  162d  N.  Y.  Vols.,  Sept.  20, 1862. 
First  Lieutenant  162d  N.  Y.  Vols.,  Feb.  1863. 
Died  at  Baton  Rouge,  La.,  June  25, 1863. 

Wiluam  Hedge. 

Private  44th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Sept.  12,  1862. 
First  Lieutenant  44th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Jan.  15,  1863. 
Mustered  out  June  18,  1863. 

*  Charles  Edward  Hickling. 

Private  45th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Sept.  26,  1862. 
Discharged  for  disability,  Feb.  9,  1863. 
Died  at  Roxbury,  Mass.,  Dec.  17,  1867. 

**  John  Hodges. 

Private  Salem  Light  Lifantry,   8th  Mass.  V.  M.,  April  18,  1861. 
Mustered  out  Aug.  1,  1861. 

THE    CLASS    IN    THE    WAR  105 

Rrst  Lieutenant  19th  Mass.  Vols.,  Aug.  22,   1861. 

Resigned  June  19,  1862. 
Major  7th  Mass.  Vols.,  Aug.  18,  1862. 
Major  50th   Mass.   Vols.,   Nov.   7,  1862. 

Mustered  out  Aug.  24,  1863. 
Lieut.  Colonel  59th  Mass.  Vols.,  Feb.  2,  1864. 

Killed  in  the  crater  at  Petersburg,  Va.,  July  SO,  1864. 

*Fredeeic  Wolters  Huidekoper. 

First  Lieutenant  58th  Penn.  V.  M.,  June  29,  1863. 
Captain  58th  Penn.  V.  M.,  July  10,  1863. 

Mustered  out  Aug.  14,  1863. 

Died  April  29,  1908. 

Hi3(rBT  Shippen  Huidekopeb. 

Lieut.  Colonel  150th  Penn.  Vols.,  Sept.  4,  1862* 
Colonel  150th  Penn.  Vols.,  Feb.  22,  1864. 
Resigned  March  6,  1864. 

*  Jerome  Henry  Kidder. 

Private  10th  Md.  Vols.,  May,  1863. 

Mustered  out  Feb.,  1864. 
Asst.  Surgeon  U.  S.  N.,  June  18,  1866. 
Past  Asst.  Surgeon  U.  S.  N.,  March  20,  1871. 
Surgeon  U.  S.  N.,  June,  1876. 

Resigned  June  18,  1884. 

Died  April  8,  1889. 

•Herbert  Cowpland  Mason. 

Second  Lieutenant  20th  Mass.  Vols.,  Nov.  25,  1861. 
First  Lieutenant  20th  Mass.  Vols.,  July  8,  1862. 
Captain  20th  Mass.  Vols.,  Jan.  6,  1863. 

Discharged  for  disabiUty,  March  23,  1864. 
Bvt.  Major  U.  S.  Vols.,  March  13,  1865. 

Died  at  Stockbridge,  Mass.,  Sept.  24,  1884. 

*  Benjamin  Crowninshield  Mifflin. 

First  Lieutenant  and  Adjutant  49th  Mass.  V.  M,  Nov.  15,  1862. 
Mustered  out  Sept.  1,  1863. 
Died  at  Boston,  Mass.,  Jime  16,  1880. 

**  Arthur  Cortlandt  Parker. 

Private  33d  Mass.  Vols.,  Aug.  13,  1862. 

Second  Lieutenant  33d  Mass.  Vols.,  March  3,  1863. 

Killed  by  guerrillas  near  Bristow  Station,  Va.,  Aug.  24,  1863. 

*  Charles  Burnham  Porter. 

Act.  Asst.  Surgeon  U.  S.  A.,  April  20-July  20,  1865. 
Died  at  Boston,  May  21,  1909. 

*  George  Eaton  Priest. 

Private  53d  Mass.  V.  M.,  Nov.  6,  1862. 
First  Lieutenant  53d  Mass.  V.  M.,  Nov.  15,  1862. 
Mustered  out  Sept.  2,  1863. 

106     CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

First  Lieutenant  and  Q.   M.  57th  Mass.  Vols.,  Nov.  5,  1863. 
Mustered  out  July  30,  1865. 
Died  at  Watertown,  Mass.,  June  29,  1898. 

John  Read. 

Act.  Aast.  Paymaster  U.  S.  N.,  Nov.  6,  1862. 
Resigned  March  18,  1865. 

Abtuuk  Re£D. 

Private  45th  Mass.  V.'  M.,  Sept.  26,  1862. 
Mustered  out  July  7,  1863. 

Henbt  Munboe  Roqebs. 

Act.  Asst.  Paymaster  U.  S.  N.,  Nov.  5, 1862. 
Resigned  Nov.  20,  1865. 

**  Henbt  Ropes. 

Second  Lieutenant  20th  Mass.  Vols.,  Nov.  25,  1861. 
First  Lieutenant  20th  Mass.  Vols.,  Oct.  2,  1862. 
Killed  at  Gettysburg,  Penn.,  July  3,  1863. 

Chables  Sprague  Sarqent. 

Vol.  A.  D.  C.  staff  of  Maj.  Gen.  Banks,  Nov.  1, 1862. 
First  Lieutenant  2d  La.  Vols.,  June  25,  1863. 
Captain  and  A.  D.  C.  U.  S.  Vols.,  March  15,  1865. 
Bvt.  Major  U.  S.  Vols.,  March  26,  1865. 
Mustered  out  Sept.,  1865. 

Arthub  Sibley. 

Act.  Asst.  Paymaster  U.  S.  N.,  Dec.  4,  1862. 
Resigned  Sept.  21,  1865. 

Charles  Carboll  Soule. 

First  Lieutenant  and  Adj.  4th  Batt.  Mass.  V.  M.,  May  25,  1862. 

Mustered  out  June  2,  1862. 
Private  44th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Oct.  6,  1862. 
Second  Lieutenant  44th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Oct.  27,  1862, 

Mustered  out  June  18,  1863. 
Captain  55th  Mass.  Vols.,  June  19,  1863. 

Mustered  out  Aug.  29,  1865. 

Charles  Bbigham  Stoddabd. 

First  Lieutenant  and  Q.  M.  41st  Mass.  Vols.,  afterwards  3d  Mass.  Car., 

Sept.  1, 1862. 
Captain  3d  Mass.  Cav.,  Aug.   13,  1864. 
Captain  and  A.  Q.  M.  U.  S.  Vols.,  March  11, 1865. 
Mustered  out  Aug.  14, 1865. 

**  Goodwin  Atkins  Stone. 

Second  Lieutenant  2d  Mass.  Cav.,  Nov.  13,  1862. 
First  Lieutenant  2d  Mass.  Cav.,  April  14,  1863. 
Captam  2d  Mass.  Cav.,  March  25,  1864. 

Died  at  Falls  Church,  Va.,  July  18,  1864. 

THE    CLASS    IN    THE    WAR  107 

*  George  Gbosvenor  Tarbell. 

Asst.  Surgeon  3d  Mass.  Cav.,  April  7,  1865. 
Surgeon  3d  Mass.  Cav.,  Aug.  9,  1865. 
Mustered  out  Dec.  28, 1865. 

**  William  James  Temple. 

Captain  17th  Inf.  U.  S.  A.,  Aug.  5.  1861. 

Killed  at  Chancellorsville,  Va.,  May  1,  1863. 

Benjamin  Holt  Ticknob. 

Private  45th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Sept.  26,  1862. 
Second  Lieutenant  45th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Sept.  26,  1862. 
Second  Lieutenant  2d   Mass.  H.  A.,  June  4,  1863. 
Captam  2d  Mass.  H.  A.,  Aug.  25,  1863. 
Resigned  April  17,  1864. 

**JoHN  Henry  Tucker. 

Private  38th  Mass.  Vols..  July  31,  1862. 

Killed  at  Port  Hudson,  La.,  May  27,  1863. 

John  Langdon  Ward. 

Private  Salem  Light  Inf.,  8th  Mass.  V.  M.,  April  17,  1861. 

Mustered  out  Aug.  1,  1861. 
Captain  50th  Mass.  V.  M.,  Sept.  15,  1862. 
Major  3d  Corps  D'Afrique,  July  20,  1868. 

Resigned  July  22,  1864. 


MtJRHAY  R.  Ballou,  10  Charles  St.,  Boston. 

Rev.  Luther  G.  Barrett,  100  Vinton  Street,  Melrose,  Mass. 

Rev.  Ithamar  W.  Beard,  BlackwelVs  Island,  New  York  City; 

2U  East  105th  Street. 
Rev.  James  Vila  Blake,  122  North  Ashland  Boulevard,  Chicago. 
Prof.  Solomon  H.  Brackett,  Claremont,  California. 
Prof.  William  T.  Brigham,  Bemice  Pauahi  Bishop  Museum, 

Honolulu,  Hawaiian  Islands. 
Rev.   Clark   Carter,  206   Essex   Street,  Lavyrence,   Mass.; 

31  Bartlett  St.,  Andover. 
William  H.  Chadbourn,  307  Market  Street,  Wilmington,  N.  C. 
Albert  W.  Edmands,  American  Trust  Co.,  Charlestovm,  Mass.; 

166  Summer  Street,  Somerville. 
Shepard  D.  Gilbert,  16  Forrester  Street,  Salem,  Mass. 
Dr.  Francis  W.  Goss,  The  Warren,  Roxhury,  Mass. 
James  Green,  3^0  Main  Street,  Worcester,  Mass.;  61  Elm 

Charles  E.  Grinnell,  30  Court  Street,  Boston. 
William  Hedge,  960  Tremont  Building,  Boston;  Plymouth. 
Rev.  Frederic  L.  Hosmer,  2^27  Channing  Way,  Berkeley, 

Henry  S.  Huidekoper,  P.  0.  Box  533,  Philadelphia;  1710 

Chestnut  Street. 
Henry  U.  Jeffries,  P.  0.  Box  111,  Hong  Kong,  China. 
Dermot  W.  Keegan,  University  Club,  New  York. 
Prof.  Edward  D.  Lindsey,  49^  Sth  Avenue,  New  York;  175 

Amity  Street,  Flushing,  N.  Y. 
Dr.  Arthur  H.  Nichols,  55  Mt.  Vernon  Street,  Boston. 
Nathaniel  A.  Prentiss,  2  Rector  Street,  New  York;  39  East 

75th  Street. 
John   Read,   107   Washington   Street,   Boston;  55  Appleton 

Street,  Cambridge. 

110     CLASS    OF    'SIXTY-TWO  — H.U. 

Arthur    Reed,    ^7    Kilby    Streety    Boston;    Clinton    Roadf 

Henry  M.  Rogers,  89  State  St.,  Boston;  309  Beacon  Street. 
Prof.  Charles  S.  Sargent,  Warren  Street,  Brookline,  Mass. 
WiNTHROP  Sargent,  Fishkill-on-Hiidson,  New  York. 
Edward   B.    Sawtell,    Beacon   Hill   Hospital,   Manchester, 

N.  H. 
Arthur  Sibley,  18  Grand  View  Avenue,  Wollaston,  Mass. 
Charles  C.  Soule,  Wellington  Terrace,  Brookline,  Mass. 
James   H.    Stearns,    808   Old    Colony   Building,    Freeport, 

Charles  B.  Stoddard,  Plymouth  National  Bank,  Plymouth, 

Benjamin  H.  Ticknor,  16  Harris  Avenue,  Jamaica  Plain, 

Frederic  W.   Tilton,  Harvard   Trust  Co.,   Cambridge;  86 

Sparks  Street. 
Edward  M.  Tucke,  19  Varnum  Street,  Lowell. 
John  Langdon  Ward,  16  Exchange  Place,  New  York;  125 

West  7Uh  Street. 
Charles  P.  Ware,  125  Milk  Street,  Boston;  52  AUerton  Street, 

William  T.  Washburn,  59  Wall  Street,  New  York;  52  East 

79th  Street. 
John  E.  Whiting,  123  Williams  Street,  New  York. 
William  G.  Wii^on,  ^8  Wall  Street,  New  York;  28  West  mh 


Dr.  T.  M.  B.  Cross,  352  West  28th  Street,  New  York. 

Gen.  Oswald  H.  Ernst,  1321  Connecticut  Avenue,  Washington. 

Edgar  A.  Hutchins. 

Edward  J.  Marks,  Plattshurgh,  New  York. 

William  E.  Marsh. 

Portraits  of  the  Class 









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